
The Primordial Paragon Lord

The multiverse and the Chaos is boundless, made up of the myriad races, divided into Lower realm, Middle realm and the Upper realm. Lhney or the immortal is the central continent of the multiverse and the chaos. Here, bloodline talent and physique basically determines the talent of a cultivator. The desolate era ushered in a flourishing period for cultivation, until the war of the fiendcelestials in the ancient era. Many universes were destroyed, great dao was destroyed, the chaos trembled and abyss was sealed, leaving a prophecy about the coming battle in the future. Millions of epochs later, Cody was born with the bloodline of the primordial fiendcelestial and the primordial sword body. With his sword raised, he determined to walk the road against heaven until he becomes the greatest cultivator and conquer the abyss!

Daoist_2c · แฟนตาซี
50 Chs

Princess of the North: Yue Vaharyl

"Welcome her highness, princess Yue Vaharyl of the North!"

Everyone stood up to welcome princess Yue Vaharyl, she is only eighteen years old, she is just at the right age to get married, with a pale skin and blonde hair, she stood out among the various noble ladies in the immortal realm.

She was nervous, she had only met Mavlak few times when they were still younger. The betrothal came as a surprise to her. Being a dao companion with him was something she never dream of.

"She is fair to look on," Aolig thinks as she bow courteously. She is delighted that she will have a sister very soon.

"At least we will discuss interesting things other than war, archery and etiquettes." She smiled at the thought.

"Exchange your gifts!" said eunuch Kaxh. They exchanged their gifts, it is not their first time meeting.

However as they both locked eyes together, they knew that instant that they love each other.

Mavlak may have been against the betrothal in his mind but the moment he saw Yue he changed his mind.

"My fair lady, here" he said as he gifted her a golden jade.

"Thank you my lord" she said with a curtesy bow.

The emperor and the empress were very happy with their union, for the empress her two children already have a well established family ties in Lhney. Their future are protected she thought.

"It is time to give gifts to couples!" eunuch Kaxh announced. The peoples of the realm started presenting their gifts to the crown prince, crown princess and the consorts.

Further down the hall one would see the dissatisfied looks on the faces of some court officials.

The Mouah clan felt neglected or left out.

The royal censor elder Mouah smiled with a wicked grin, "there is another princess, the delicate one Laxhg, I think she will be perfect for our clan," he said to another elder of their clan who nodded in affirmation.

According to the customs, after betrothal, the bride to be is to visit her would be in-laws for a period of seven days to acquaint herself with the family.

Therefore as expected, princess Yue Vaharyl went home with general Mavlak back to the Eyme manor.

On the way, she have to stop to pick a flower for the family and her would be husband.

She stopped at the gray market and went straight to pick the flowers from madam Laxg store.

"What is the use of the flowers?" Mavlak asked, eager to start up a conversation as they walk down the street. In the capital flying by air is prohibited unless it is a sage.

"To ward of evil aura and pray for protection and happiness," she explained. Mavlak smiled in admiration.

Back at the Eyme manor, lots of changes are being made. The reasons are to make the manor more hospitable.

The maids were rearranged and some were assigned to the Rose mansion.

"Put the new bedding, set the tables…," it is Mevlak giving orders for the arrangement of the rose mansion for Yue to settle in during the seven days visit.

She smiled as she remembered her own moments over twenty years ago. The general was still young and handsome, she couldn't agree more to the marriage.

"I just hope they find a common ground to make this marriage alliance work" she said with resignation.

"Your highness princess Yue Vaharyl, fair and virtuous Lady welcome to Eyme manor."

She was greeted at the entrance by a general.

As the customs dictates she is to greet her would be father in-law and all the elders of Eyme clan and then finally pay a courtesy visit to the princess royal Mevlak Vaharyl Eyme.

She gracefully greeted all the elders and the older general Jlav Eyme, they all approved of her. Then she proceeded to the princess royal mansion.

"Your highness, princess Yue Vaharyl is gracefully seeking an audience," she said with a curtesy bow.

Mevlak steeped out of her chair and motioned her with a hands.

"Rise up my dear," she said.

"I officially welcome you as the lady-in-waiting of the Eyme clan," she said smiling.

"Thank you your highness," Yue said with a curtesy bow and then started making her way to the rose mansion.

"Do you have to do all that?" Aolig asked Yue. Aolig has been on their tail since they entered the manor, she couldn't wrap her head around the whole courtesy visits.

"Yes, the customs demanded so," Yue replied with a smile.

"I will call you older sister from now," Aolig said being carefree as her nature is.

"Then listen to older sister," Yue said with smiles.

She is so happy to finally leave the palace, moreover the Eyme clan is so welcoming, am sure Mavlak is too.

She giggled at the thought.

"What is it sister?" Aolig asked.

"Oh nothing. Here," Yue said giving Aolig a flower cake.

" I heard you like it so I bought it for you" she said.

"Thank you older sister," Aolig said and hugged Yue.

Mavlak was watching the whole incident standing outside the hall way.

"Yue is really beautiful, with a high nose bridge and pale skin" he thought.

He can't visit his lady-in-waiting without a gift.

"I just hope she loves it," Mavlak said to himself.

This is his first time being close to a woman. Unlike other sons of nobility who mess around with maids.

He is a very principled young man, always focused on war and cultivation. Handsome with red lips almost like a cherry.

He is probably the most handsome bachelor in the realm. If not for his muscular build many would mistake him for a woman.

He mostly focused on his cultivation, even though he has no special physique but he had already cultivated to mid minor sage realm. One realm above the crown who has a special physique.

He had picked a twig of the twin plant, a vine used in Lhney to make strong bows, he had hand carved them into a bow and also made some arrows with them.

He heard that Yue is good in archery.

"Here is my gift to you," he said to Yue finally after mustering the courage for over two minutes.

"Thank you my lord, I love it" she said with a smile.

For the first time she saw the boy in the strong young general, she knew that instant that Mavlak Eyme loves her.

"You made them yourself?" she asked to confirm her suspicion.

He nodded in affirmation.

She pulled him into a hug, "I love you Mavlak Eyme" she said teasingly.

"I love you too Yue Vaharyl," he said in response.

There was an awkward silence between them. Yue laughed mischievously as she went inside her room.

Mavlak stood there and scratched his head in confusion.