
The Primordial Paragon Lord

The multiverse and the Chaos is boundless, made up of the myriad races, divided into Lower realm, Middle realm and the Upper realm. Lhney or the immortal is the central continent of the multiverse and the chaos. Here, bloodline talent and physique basically determines the talent of a cultivator. The desolate era ushered in a flourishing period for cultivation, until the war of the fiendcelestials in the ancient era. Many universes were destroyed, great dao was destroyed, the chaos trembled and abyss was sealed, leaving a prophecy about the coming battle in the future. Millions of epochs later, Cody was born with the bloodline of the primordial fiendcelestial and the primordial sword body. With his sword raised, he determined to walk the road against heaven until he becomes the greatest cultivator and conquer the abyss!

Daoist_2c · แฟนตาซี
50 Chs

Competition in the palace

Xair Lobaen smiled joyfully, the imperial physician just confirmed she is pregnant with a child.

Today, the emperor, the empress dowager, empress, crown princess, Zamir Nayuel, princess Yue, princess Laxhg and Xair were having family breakfast.

The empress dowager suggested that the imperial physician should come and check on Xair and Naia.

The empress was the one behind it, her major concern being her favourite niece Naia Gwamho. It has been six days since Zamir's pregnancy was announced.

The others were afraid to check themselves. What if they are not pregnant? they thought.

So both Xair and Naia were not confident to check themselves.

But today, the most powerful woman in Lhney Vaya Gwamho Vaharyl called for a family breakfast. She has other intentions, there are many things to discuss in this family breakfast.

After they finished eating. They all thanked her for hosting them.

"Naia, how have you been?" she asked.

For the last six days, it is already known throughout the palace that Naia has been very sad. She would occasionally vent her frustrations on the maids and eunuchs serving her.

Xair was rather reserved, she didn't do anything to betray her emotions.

Empress dowager Vaya Gwamho Vaharyl wanted to address this issue as well. The empress was visibly not happy with the question the dowager empress asked. Her face darkened a bit.

The dowager ignored her and continued staring at Naia for an answer.

Naia stood up to answer. But, the dowager told her to seat back down and answer, after all it is a family gathering.

"I am doing well, your majesty. Thank you for your benevolence."

The empress dowager nodded and continued.

"The royals are expected to conform to the highest decorum. The servants have power too. They are to be treated with decency. They have hands and can kill too, wisdom is required."

Naia felt her cheeks burning up due to regret and shame. She looked at her grandaunt, the empress dowager who is also an elder of the nation, she knows she was helpless.

"As the future mother of the nation, you should be more discreet."

Naia thanked her again for her guidance. The look on her face shows that she was done with Naia Gwamho for now.

She looked at Xair Lobaen. "You have been doing well my daughter," she commended her. Xair thanked the empress dowager, her face brightened a bit.

"There are some issues that I want to address. Today I called the imperial physician to check the crown princess and consort Xair."

The emperor smiled. He had known his mother's intentions from the get-go. The crown prince decided to focus on Xair's face. She blushed until her ears turned red.

The empress dowager waved her hands and the imperial physician came in with his kit.

"I want you to check the crown princess and consort Xair," she commanded.

Her voice steady and determined. Who would dare disobey. Zamir became uncomfortable, if the others are pregnant then the issue about the heir will be revisited.

The crown princess nudged Xair to be the first. She stood up, her heart pounding faster than normal, she walked uneasily towards the imperial physician.

After checking her pulse, the imperial physician smiled.

"Congratulations your majesty! Consort Xair is also with a child."

The crown prince stood up excited, if not because of etiquettes he would have twirled Xair around due to joy. Zamir's heart skipped a beat.

Her face became a bit pale.

Finally it is Naia turn. The empress was uncomfortable too. The imperial physician checked her pulse and smiled.

"Congratulations your majesty! The crown princess is with child."

The crown prince smiled and hugged her. The empress laughed heartily, the emperor clasped his hands together in admiration.

Empress dowager laughed heartily. Princess Yue and princess Laxhg congratulated their sisters in-law.

Eunuch Kaxh was ordered to announce the good news. He rushed to the towering hall to announce it.

The younger eunuchs were slightly jealous of Kaxh. They wondered when it will be their own opportunity.

In a matter of few hours, the news have spread throughout the whole capital. Exkaby became noisier than usual. The royals are very popular with the subjects. They believed in the might and benevolence of the Vaharyl clan.

Farther east in the Lobaen clan's residence, people were celebrating and drinking to stupor.

Elder Lobaen the father of Xair was seated down on a chair. Receiving people's goodwill and congratulations.

The eastern part of Exkaby is where most low level officials and Lobaen clan resides. The most popular street there is called Lobaen street to honour the patriarchs of Lobaen clan who have resided there for many generations.

Elder Lobaen was lost in thought. His heart was particularly warm. He is not particularly a good person but he knows his limit. At least he is not a corrupt official.

Through him, the lives of the commoners in the eastern Exkaby has improved a lot. They all see him as their benefactor.

"Her highness will have a healthy prince," a

drunk man said to his colleagues.

Elder Lobaen immediately cautioned him. But he smiled in his heart. He started imagining himself being the grandfather of the next crown prince.

"She will definitely have a healthy boy. In fact the next crown prince," another man said as he staggered.

Elder Lobaen cautioned him again. On the surface he did that, but internally he hoped it will be like that.

Then the fate of the Lobaen clan will change drastically.

"Everyone, thank you for celebrating with us," he said with a smile.

A little wrinkle was formed on his forehead giving away his age. He is probably in his late forties.

The Gwamho clan did not make a fuss about Naia's pregnancy. They simply celebrated it among themselves.

They also welcomed and served some officials that came around to congratulate them and also curry favor as well.

The servants and eunuchs in the palace were not left behind. They would occasionally argue about who will give birth to the next crown princess. Though in a low tone, they dare not say it out aloud.

Zamir Nayuel was saddened. She sat down on her bed inside the Hezir palace. She was wondering what her others are thinking too.

She touched her stomach and said, "I hope you will be a prince."

Naia was lost in thought inside her Sapphire palace. This news is supposed to be a good news.

But it also stirred up other emotions and feelings in the palace. That feeling of competition and desire to stick to power. She stared at herself in the mirror.

Xair on the other hand stood outside the pavilion near her Zexin palace, many thoughts going through her head. She knows that the empress barely tolerates her, the empress dowager is very hideous so no one knows what she is thinking.

The emperor treats them equally. The only person on her side is the crown prince. Because of her status she dare not be careless in the palace.

She finally sighed and went back inside her palace. The weather changed, the screeching of bugs could be head. The birds occasionally sang.

The leaves are shading there leaves continuously, while some autumn plants produce their beautiful flowers making the quiet Zexin palace lively.

Later the emperor announced about a royal banquet through eunuch Kangho. He is the right hand man of the emperor, however he dare not assume, interrupt or advise the emperor.

When asked about his opinion, he would obediently kneel down immediately and humbly give his opinion. Maybe that is why the emperor trusts him so.

The banquet is to celebrate the blessings of the royal family and also to announce the wedding of the young general of the Eyme clan and the eldest princess Yue Vaharyl. It is bound to be lively.

The commoners will be given free gifts by the emperor to show his magnanimity. The banquet would commence by dusk of that day.

While Lhney is developing, other heaven chosen are springing up like bamboos in various universes.

Those that are good in divination dao have already deduced that this era is the era of the heaven chosen.