
The price of a hero.

The story follows boys and girls whose mission is to end the war that has been going on for thousands of years between humans and animals. In order to end this war they have to train to climb levels, learning techniques. Their first goal is to become a Suname. They are warriors recognized as the strongest, but first they will realize the consequences of war which are to see their loved ones die in front of their eyes, betrayals, combat strategies, suffering and hope. This will make them know how important peace is and they will do whatever it takes to achieve it. (Work registered at the NATIONAL SERVICE OF CULTURAL HERITAGE DEPARTMENT OF INTELLECTUAL RIGHTS).

Fernano_Suname_100 · แอคชั่น
6 Chs

Sudden attack on city 15.

As 4 months passed Anthony and Adam decided to have a combat with Kevin and Brian. To help each other to become stronger and to experience combat. 

All four were with level 7.

All: let's start.

Kevin and Brian threw energy balls, while the others made energy barrier supporting the attack and Kevin went to Anthony and Brian with Adam where they exchanged blows being evenly matched, but Brian threw an energy ball to the ground, creating a curtain of dust entering the eyes of Anthony and Adam. Kevin and Brian used technical energy lenses that they developed to avoid getting dirt in their eyes.

Anthony: We must hide our energy.

Adam: Yes.

The two hid their energy while covering themselves with their arms, but the energy lenses also increased their vision by clearly seeing the two of them, which defeated them before the dust dispersed.

Adam: they should focus on creating their own techniques and use their environment to win.

At that moment Grade 1 arrived where they were fighting.

Grade 1: what are you fellows doing, shouldn't you fight each other?

All: it's a friendly fight.

Grade 1: when they do that they should report it, understood.

All: yes.

They trained one year and four months which they learned concentrated energy arm where the arm becomes the color of the energy which allows them to strike with full force. It covers from the elbow to the fingers and the energy tackling technique where you surround your energy all over your body as if it were a kite escapes and you must jump forward and hit the target with a fist. This technique increases the user's power by 15 more during the technique alone.

Grade 1: The energy tackle was created by a Suname warrior named Philip, who is the strongest speaking in levels.

In the city 15 people saw many birds in the sky and started to sound an alarm that meant that the animals were going to attack and people ran to safe places. The birds came down to leave about 140 cats which 50 are level 8 and the other 90 are level 7. They were black with white paws wearing red armor and brown pants, the birds gave them good luck as they left.

Cat leader: kill all the people in this city.

Cats: yes sir.

The cats started to kill people with the energy claws technique, which covers the whole hand having three big claws.

The policemen evacuated the people who were still in the streets and tried to stop the advance of the cats, even for a few seconds, but the firearms did not work.

They called the world army and the president, which the lightning team went directly by helicopter, which the president informed the heroic duo and called Grade 1 about the attack.

Grade 1 speaking on the loudspeakers.

Grade 1: you are to put on your combat gear and then form up in the main courtyard with utmost urgency.

Everyone on hearing rushed to their rooms to put on their costumes, then form up, as they were all ready.

Grade 1: they are attacking the city 15 a lot of animals, the lightning team and the heroic duo are on their way, but they will arrive very late, which we will be the first to arrive. This will be their first battle in this war from here on they are all warriors who will fight for humanity. The mission is that you must keep the cats focused only on you at one point and hold out until reinforcements arrive. I know you can do it. Rosa will be the Captain in this mission. She is qualified to be a leader since she knows all the formations necessary for a war (opening the portal). Win your first battle, give your best and protect each other! Go forward warriors!

All the warriors are nervous and scared, but they entered the portal to fight directly with the enemies attacking the city.

The warriors there were six people of level 10 among them are Adam, Kevin, Brian, Anthony, Valentina and Rosa. Twenty four level 9, fifty level 8.

Rosa: form a circle and get to see the enemies everywhere and throw energy balls at the cats to attract their attention.

The cats received the energy balls.

Cat leader: change of plans, kill the blue warriors. If we kill him we will take the city.

Cats: understood.

The cats used energy claw to counter the energy balls, but 7 cats were killed by the attack, when the cats got too close they used energy tackle hitting the cats.

Cat leader: special unit (there are eight cats) prepare the attack the others keep attacking those warriors.

The cats began to launch energy balls and the warriors created an energy barrier to withstand the attack followed by the enemy, but the attacks made the shields could not withstand more. The cats began to attack the warriors melee which used energy arm to hit them, some hit them in the stomach and others in the face.

Cat leader: now.

All the cats retreated and the special unit launched 2 big energy balls.

Rosa: team 1 and 2 counter the attack.

They did the same technique, but the explosion was very close hurting those who were close. The cats took advantage of the smoke to attack in that blind spot, but Kevin, Brian, Valentina, Adam and Anthony used energy glasses, surprising and hitting all the cats that entered the smoke curtain.

Kevin: Valentina, do you know how to make energy glasses too?

Valentina: I saw when Anthony and Adam trained the technique.

Rosa: Anthony (level 9), Adam (level 9), Valentina (level 9), Gaspar (level 9), Romina (level 9), Cristobal (level 9), Kai (level 9) and Blue Ray (level 9). Attack the ones who threw that two big ball of energy and the leader who is with them.

They went immediately. Towards where the special unit and the leader were.

Rosa: the others continue forming the circle and cover for them to arrive.

They started to shoot with energy balls.

Cat leader: focus on that group and we will fight with the ones coming here.

Cats: yes.

They started to counterattack with the same technique.

Special unit launched two energy balls and launched the big energy ball, colliding with each other and Gaspar used energy tackle to counter another technique.

Leaving Gaspar lying on the ground injured.

Gaspar: Don't stop.

The others continued to meet head on with the cats fighting melee and the warriors hit them and when the cats fell to the ground they used the energy tackle directly impacting the cats, leaving only the leader alive, but injured and Gaspar arriving.

Gaspar: I'll finish it.

Using the energy tackle which ended his life.

Valentina: come on, the battle is not over yet.

Running to where the others were and using energy tackle to the cats unexpectedly. Entering the circle.

Anthony: we already eliminated him.

Rosa: Good, join the others, Gaspar, you stay with me. To throw as many energy balls as you can.

Gaspar: Yes.

They climbed on top of a car and threw all the energy balls they could.

While the others fought body to body using their techniques, but the battle is taking too long and the warriors are running out of energy and getting tired.

Rosa: resist until reinforcements arrive.

While two cats using energy claw killed two of the warriors at the same time.

Cat: come on, we are more and they are running out of strength, they don't have the same resistance as us, we can do it.

Cats: Yes, let's go.

Four more warriors died, some warriors began to cry for their brothers while they continued fighting, others despaired because they were short of breath.

Gaspar: I'm out of energy, I'm going to fight.

Rosa: I'm going too.

Then the warriors began to die every five seconds.

Rosa: Resist!

At that moment two people appeared and hit all the cats that were present. Pushing theirs away. 

Valentina: Those vests belong to the Suname warriors.

Rosa: They finally arrived (crying).

One had a shield stuck on his forearm with level 22 and the other was a semi-human with a tail and dog ears level 23.

Joel and Francisca: we are the heroic duo.

Francisca: you guys rest, we'll take care of it.

Joel: there are ninety enemies left, surrender or you will die.

Cat: We are more, we are not going to lose.

Francisca: We have no other choice.

Joel: You are right.

Running towards them the cats began to throw energy balls and Joel made a gigantic energy barrier which covered all the warriors.  While Francisca positioned herself behind Joel as he covered himself with a shield which became large, covering him completely. When they approached the easily defeated them only with martial arts. Killing forty of them.

The cats started to retreat and a helicopter appeared in front of the cats and the ones inside jumped out they were the lightning group, Polus level 12 in muscular state, the twins fused level 10, Captain Sebastian level 16, the brothers with level 14 and Daniela with level 11.

Sebastian: don't let them escape and only one should be left alive.

The heroic duo and the lightning group defeated them easily, as they were tired from the battle they had with the warriors, leaving only one cat alive.

Joel approached the warriors who were sitting on the ground due to exhaustion and congratulated them for holding out until they had arrived.

Francisca: if you had not held the animals there would have been thousands more deaths.

Then they went to call that the battle was over.

On top of a building there was someone watching the whole battle saying perfect, everything is going according to plan. 

The lightning group took the captured cat to the world army base.

Anthony: that was the scientist we fought right?

Adam: yes. It seems that he is now on our side.

Cristian: we lost ten comrades.

Valentina: the most affected is Rosa.

Gaspar: exactly. Since she is the one left as captain she must feel responsible for the deaths of our brothers.

After a few minutes the nurses took the warriors to an airplane where they were taken to the main city where they were received by Grade 2.

Grade 2: don't worry, Maria will heal your wounds in a few seconds.

Maria: that's right, I have a gift that comes from my family for generations called miraculous energy. It only heals the body, even if they are mortal, as long as you are alive I can heal you.

She began to heal all the warriors just by touching their heads with her two hands and her energy is transferred to their brains guided by the nervous systems detecting all the damages that the brain detects in the body, while she says: Accelerate the recovery of wounds, heal yourself!

The warriors spent the night in some sleeping quarters in an apartment that Grade 2 got.

The next day Grade 1 met with Rosa.

Grade 1: they told me the situation of the battle, you were a great captain.

Rosa: ten of my brothers died.

Grade 1: if you hadn't been the captain they would have all died, you saved your brothers and the people of the city.

This is what a battle is like during the war (hugging her).

Then I congratulate the warriors for surviving and the ten deceased comrades were in funeral boxes.

Grade 1: the next day we leave, since I can only create one portal per day and if I create two I will be unconscious for four months.

The next day Grado 1 opened a portal to reach island 5 and buried the deceased in that island with a letter F stone, which means they are warriors who kept fighting until death.

Grade 1: they sacrificed their lives to save the people who lived in city 15, they were true heroes and with this you experienced the consequences of a war, that is why it is important to put an end to the war.

What is your mission, warriors?!

All: stop this war to form peace, so that there will be no more deaths!

Grade 1: do not forget your goal and the happiness that will be achieved if you accomplish your goal.