
The Prey of Souls (BL novel)

Sampson works as a servant to the Prince in the royal Kingdom of Toombak. There's growing unrest with the unstoppable army of souls devouring every kingdom in it's path with it slowly making it's way to Toombak. The only hope is that the lost son of Vahda, the tribe that created the army to defeat it's enemies, will one day return. At the Prince's annual birthday after the Souls storm the Castle it is revealed that Sampson is the lost son and therefore tasked with defeating the army. First he must learn how to be a fighter, having the arrogant Prince. What starts of as a tumultuous relationship quickly turns into friendship. But with Sampson starting to think of the Prince as more than a friend he may have more than the army of souls to worry about.

yumiyoung · แฟนตาซี
31 Chs

Chapter 24

As Sampson pushed open the door to the servants quarters he noticed Linshanth had slowed down, he shifted uncomfortably keeping a strong grip on his sword. "Do you think any servant would dare leech the Prince of Toombak. No one is that brave".

"It is not me I am concerned about", he protested, unsheathing his sword and keeping a steady hold of it as if someone was about to attack. "Put your sword away, you'll scare the girls", Sampson scolded. "How do you know you can trust them?". "I have known them my whole life. If there's anyone here I don't trust here it's you".

The Prince let out a feigned look of shock but Sampson had already turned around and didn't see it. "I mean it, put the sword away or you can forget about accompanying me". He heard the sound of Linshanth's sword being sheathed and only then did he knock on the door of Minnie and Perity's room. The one to answer was neither of them but another girl they shared the room with. She looked hesitant when she opened the door and was quickly replaced with a look of complete horror when she took notice of the two men standing in front of her.

She stood gaping at them both for several seconds before she bowed to the floor, she was so quick to move she smacked her head against the concrete floor, profusely muttering her apologies. "Please forgive me your highness". Sampson cast an indignant look at Linshanth. "This is exactly why I didn't want you to come with me". "The girl would still have to bow even if I wasn't here", Linshanth spoke.

Sampson scowled at him. He would never get used to people bowing before him, the thought of it made his skin itch and his body feel uncomfortable. He had bowed to many people before and hated every single time he did, he could never imagine being the one bowed to. "I am merely the son of a lost tribe that perished many years ago. There is no reason for anyone to ever bow to me".

"You can get up". Sampson crouched down and helped the girl to her feet. "I am looking for Minnie and Perity are they here?". The girl shook her head seeming unsure now. "They're not in any trouble. My name is Sampson, I am a good friend of both of them". "Oh I see", she smiled nervously. "They are both mucking out the stables". Sampson tried to bow his thanks but Linshanth gripped onto his shoulders tightly to stop him from doing so.

Sampson dug his fingers into Linshanth's flesh to remove his hands but he didn't budge. This continued for several minutes whilst the servant girl watched them with a peculiar expression. In the end Sampson could only mutter his thanks and walked away as the girl closed the door behind her.

As soon as he did he elbowed Linshanth. "Why did you stop me from bowing?". "There is no need for you to bow to her. It is a bad habit that I will help you get rid of". "I don't need your help to do anything", Sampson screeched and walked faster towards the stables. He didn't need the Prince hanging over him like a shadow.

As he saw their silhouettes by the stable he couldn't help but let his heart lurch. He was suddenly nervous, Perity would have told Minnie that Sampson intended to ask for her hand in marriage. He knew now that those words had been spoken their friendship would never the be the same. Seeing her with Perity she looked sullen. Her eyes were red from crying and she was quiet. He couldn't bare to see her like that for a single second.

He turned to Linshanth who was eyeing them both with an ignorant expression on his features. "Can you stay here? They won't talk openly with me if you're there". "Where do you suggest I go?", he snapped. "Just stay here, you can still see me, there's no need to hover around me", he muttered impatiently. Truthfully he couldn't care less what the Prince was going to do but he was stalling.

He had desperately wanted to see them but now as he did he couldn't help but feel guilty. Since becoming the lost son he had put them both through a tremendous amount of pain. He had made Minnie cry countless times and had almost got them both in trouble.

"What are you waiting for? Go see your friends quick, you need to go back and rest". "You go back and rest", Sampson snapped but his feet remained glued to the ground, contemplating what he should do. "Why are you so hesitant? They're your friends aren't they?". "I wonder if they're better off without me", Sampson murmured, looking down at the floor. He didn't want to think about it any longer because if he did he would convince himself to turn around. He told himself it was better this way.

He would have left without the girls ever seeing him if it wasn't for Linshanth's heavy palm on his shoulder stopping him from escaping. "You girls, come over here", Linshanth called to them. "What are you doing?", Sampson seethed, struggling against his grip. "Your trip here will be wasted if you don't see them".

"What it got to do with you?", Sampson snapped. His escape would be futile now as the girls had already started approaching. Sampson cursed Linshanth to hell before he stood straight and faced them. The closer they got, the more he could see their gaunt features. They looked like they had both lost in the past months and their skin was flushed and pale, lacking it's usual warm colour.

Sampson could see in their eyes how overjoyed they were to see him but they were restraining themselves in front of the Prince. They both bowed in his presence. Sampson shifted uncomfortably, hating how formal they had to be in front of them. "There is no need to bow. Any friends of Sampson is a friend of man". Sampson shot a look at Linshanth. That was far from the words he had spoke earlier.

They looked up from their bowed positions, exchanging looks of uncertainty. Sampson bowed his head, shifting a few paces closer to the Prince. "Could you leave us for a few moments?". Luckily Linshanth could see how much they needed to talk and walked off. He stopped a few paces behind them and Sampson could feel the shadow of his incessant gaze on his back like a bad itch he had to wait to scratch.

"Before you get mad with me, I can explain everything". The two girls remained stagnant before they both flung their arms around him, catching him off balance. "We already know everything. You're all anyone can talk about Sampson", Perity muttered. "We know you've been in the dungeons and that the Prince saved you from death", Minnie remarked.

"You're not mad with me". Perity pulled back before she reached up and yanked his hair causing him to hiss in pain. "Don't be so silly. What do we have to be mad with you about? You were doing what you thought was right. We're just happy you're alive". Hearing those words Sampson's heart swelled.

"We're only angry you haven't come to see us until now", Minnie spoke, flashing a nervous look to the Prince who stood with his arms crossed watching their interaction through cold eyes. One of these days Sampson was going to throw a bucket of hot water over his head just to get rid of it.

"I haven't been able to. The Prince saved me without the King's knowledge. It isn't safe for me in the castle anymore". Minnie's bottom lip trembled. "You're not leaving are you?". "I have to. I am cursed". He had thought against telling them about the curse but he knew he couldn't continue to lie to them. He explained what Deiniol told him and the Prince's idea to go to Vahda to stop it. Both girls listened earnestly.

"I am to leave tomorrow". Sampson looked down at the ground when he spoke the last words not wanting to see the looks of sadness that would be evident on their faces. "Then we'll come with you", Perity muttered.

"You can't. It's dangerous". "We have faced everything together Sampson. There is no way we would let you do this alone". "There is no way the Prince would ever agree to it". "Don't you have some say? If you really want us to come the Prince cannot refuse".

"I don't want you in any danger. It is safer for you here". "Safer how? We are more likely to be hung and slaughtered by the knights or by any thief that comes lurking. You have always protected us Sampson, I would hope that even though you are the lost son of the Vahda tribe you would still look after us".

Sampson chest concaved. How could he ever refuse them? "Fine you can come". Both girls cheered gleefully, Sampson smiled along with them until that searing look from over his shoulder began to burn. He felt a hot breath attack his neck and he turned. "I do not believe you just did that". He gave the Prince a wistful look. "If I go they have to come too, we are a package deal".

"Nonsense", the Prince spat. "I will come for you tomorrow morning, be ready", Sampson murmured. "Can't you stay a bit longer? I'm sure there is something you want to ask me Sampson", Minnie suddenly spoke causing his cheeks to blush red. He had forgotten the pinnacle detail that before he left he had told Perity he would ask for Minnie's hand. Now was not the time.

"We really must get back. We will talk later". Minnie's smile dropped, followed by a nod. "Okay". "Talk now we'll have no time for talking on our trip", Linshanth spoke behind them. His tone forever impatient.

"Another time", Sampson spoke through gritted teeth and began to walk away. He was virtually stomping through the grass spitting curses about Linshanth under his breath. He couldn't just propose, especially not in front of the Prince. What kind of man was he to propose without a ring?

Linshanth was at his side in an instant. "Are you hungry? I'll have the cook make something for you". "I'm fine", Sampson snapped, hurrying in his stride. Unfortunately the Prince only quickened with him and so there was no escaping him.

Sampson ignored him and his persistent questions all the way up to the hallway that led to their respective chambers. Sampson took a left to go retire in his. "Where are you going?". "To sleep". "It isn't safe in your chambers. The King will go looking for you there".

"Then let him find me", Sampson snapped and continued on his way. He made it halfway down the hallway before he felt a pair of iron hands grab at his waist and lift him from the floor. "Let go of me this instant. I am not a child". "If you insist on acting like one, I will treat you like one", Linshanth replied as he dragged Sampson back towards his chambers.

Sampson kicked his legs out, only stopping when he saw Ethereal and Adonis guarding the Prince's chambers. Their lips were pursed and their cheeks full like they were trying to restrain their laughter. "Let go", Sampson hissed. The Prince's hold only tightened his hold. He was trying to humiliate him on purpose, making it so he would regret every time he didn't listen to the Prince.

As soon as they entered the Prince's chambers, he loosened his hold. Sampson rubbed at his waist that had been held tightly by the Prince. Linshanth went straight to his desk and began reading scriptures whilst Sampson stared hatefully at his back. As he tried to ignore the Prince it wasn't long before he started to grow bored. His body begged for sleep and so he stripped the bed, throwing one of Linshanth's pillows on the floor with a throw. Sampson curled himself in the throw and closed his eyes.

"What are you doing?". He had only closed his eyes for a second when he felt the Prince's lingering stare. He curled himself deeper into the blanket. "I'm sleeping. Go away". "Why aren't you sleeping on the bed?". "I don't want to sleep with you". Every night he had slept with the Prince had been uncomfortable. Plus the last time they slept near each other they shared a kiss.

It still made him feel funny to think about. He was hoping that it was a spur of the moment and the Prince in his drunken state had mistaken him for a princess. What he couldn't shake was how normal the Prince acted despite being drunk. But there was no other explanation for it. Linshanth would never kiss Sampson willingly and Sampson was too shocked with the whole act to push him away when it happened. He only wondered how many people the Prince had drunkenly kissed in the past.

"I won't be sleeping. I must prepare my letter to the Prince". Sampson shifted the blanket so only his eyes were in view. "Shouldn't you also rest". "I have spent months resting". Sampson could see how worn he looked and yet he was still being difficult. "Fine then I will stay up to". Sampson got out from the covers and joined Linshanth at the table.

"Go back to sleep". "I'm not tired", Sampson argued. "Read to me what you have so far", he asked, trying to look over Linshanth's shoulder. The parchment was blocked from his view instantly as Linshanth curved his arm around the page so Sampson couldn't see. "Why are you hiding it? I only want to know what you wrote".

"This is a letter for the King. Not for any prying eyes". "Then forgive me. I shouldn't be here at all whilst you write. I'll go back to my own chambers". "If you dare move another step I will bind you and me together with the Poraine for the whole trip", Linshanth threatened before Sampson had even taken a step. "Stop threatening me with the Poraine ribbon. Do you have no other insults to use?", Sampson snapped before he made a grip for the parchment again. This time the Prince didn't stop it.

Sampson read over it before Linshanth had a chance to change his mind and snatch it from him again. "It seems a little formal, don't you think". Linshanth had written the letter as if the King was no more than a stranger and not his father.

"It is for the King, it should be formal". Sampson held his disapproval as Linshanth took it back and began to write again. After a while Sampson began to feel like his eyes were drooping so he took a book from Linshanth's shelf and flicked through it. To his dismay the book contained scriptures on combat techniques which was enough to put him to sleep again.

"Don't you have anything more interesting to read?". Sampson scanned his bookshelf but only found books on either fighting or the rules of Toombak. For someone who spent so much time reading you would have thought he would have found something more interesting to read. "All you have is books on combat". "You should read them, don't think just because we're travelling to Vahda that you can slack on training".

At hearing these words, Sampsons chest visibly sagged. He was hoping that Linshanth would give him a break from training, especially due to the hardship his body had already been through but he wasn't going to let up. He wasn't sure what Linshanth would do if he saw the state of Sampson's body now. The scars from the beating he received from Master Duncan had never had a chance to heal before he was beaten again by the King. The skin had scabbed over but his skin had not grown back over his exposed flesh. He doubted even Linshanth's special cream could save the horrific sight of his back now.

"Can't you let me have the time off? I'll train as soon as we come back", Sampson pleaded. Linshanth didn't look up from his scripture, ignoring him completely. "Will you write a letter for your sisters to?", Sampson asked.

Linshanth knitted his brows as if the thought was absurd. "Why would I need to write a letter to my sister?". "Don't you want to tell them you're going away?". "There's no need they will find out either through the King or my mother". Sampson couldn't help but frown. "Aren't you even going to say goodbye to them?".

"They have their own duties, besides there is no time". There was plenty of time if Linshanth would have allowed it. It was more like he had no interest in his sisters to tell them he was going away. Despite the fact Sampson cared little for the Prince he couldn't help but feel sad for the fact he wasn't close to them. In the time he had spent with the Prince it was his uncle he only shared some sort of affection with and even that was limited.

It was clear to Sampson know that Linshanth didn't like getting close to others and so he closed himself off from having any personal connections. It was the reason why he barely looked at all those beautiful princesses who battled for his attention. Surprisingly it made him pity Linshanth.

"I'm sure they would want to know. You are their brother after all". "If you're not going to say anything useful then don't speak at all", Linshanth suddenly snapped. His abrupt movement caused Sampson to shudder and in doing so he knocked over the pot of ink that was on the desk, causing it to run over the desk.

Sampson scrabbled to clean it up picking up the sashes of his robes and mopping up the ink spill. The liquid was thick and barely absorbed into his robes and so Sampson was merely smearing it across the table.

"Are you quite done?", Linshanth muttered, his tone deadly cold. "It was an accident. If you didn't shout I would have never knocked it over". "It is just like you to blame others for your mistakes". Sampson clenched his hands together, forcing them behind his back before he gave into his desires and throttled him.

"I will get a cloth for you". "There's no need. The servants will clean it in the morning. You should change your robes". Sampson looked down at his clothes. He had somehow managed to coat the outer part of his robes in ink. He hadn't realised his hands had been covered in it and had smeared it across the fabric.

"I will go to my chambers and get another robe". "You can take one of mine". "I can't take one of your robes". Linshanth's robes were made from the finest silk, specially made just for him. There was no way Sampson could wear such a thing. He was clumsy and do something stupid like tear the fabric.

"It is too late to return to your chambers now. Just take one of mine". Even as Linshanth demanded he do it for a second time, Sampson still didn't dare go rooting through his wardrobe. He would make do with the robes he had instead. After seeing he made no attempts to leave eventually the Prince growled under his breath and went to his wardrobe into his own accord. He dug through it and pulled out a navy blue robe, before tossing it carelessly towards Sampson.

"Change quickly. I don't want you staining anything else", he barked causing Sampson to scramble from his chair, taking the robe with him. He changed quickly, draping off his robes and putting Linshanth's one on. Being that the Prince was taller than him and packed more muscle it didn't fit him quite right. There was too much material at the front even when he pulled the ribbon tightly he hung loosely from his shoulders.

Material also draped down from the bottom and there was nothing he could do but roll it up so he didn't fall over it. He felt ridiculous as he stepped out but luckily the Prince was too busy writing his scripture to take notice of him. The thought of sleep was far from his mind now so he sat back down on the table with the Prince.

With nothing to do Sampson began to mindlessly drum his fingers against the table. Linshanth ignored him at first but when his drumming became incessant he slammed his scripture down on the table, almost causing the ink bottle to topple over again. "You can't be angry when you've given me nothing else to do. This wouldn't be an issue if I was in my own chambers".

"What is it that you want?", Linshanth spoke through gritted teeth. Sampson wracked his brain. Some entertainment other than reading books about boring combat would be nice but if he was to suggest that he feared Linshanth's form of entertainment might be giving him late night training. A thought slowly came into his head and once it came there was nothing else he could think of.

"Do you have a ring I can borrow?". "A ring? What for?", Linshanth asked suspiciously highly suspecting there were ulterior motives. "You were such lavish jewellery. If you would really take me as your consort shouldn't I also dress like you?".

"You're wearing my robes aren't you?", Linshanth retorted dryly. Sampson could feel himself slowly sinking into the chair as he crippled under Linshanth's fierce stare. "Fine. Forget it". He started to drum again and Linshanth's brow visibly twitched. After a moment of consideration he stood and walked purposefully over to the glass cabinet that stood proudly to the left of the room. It was in the cabinet that he kept his crown.

Linshanth opened the cabinet, Sampson saw a selection of rings from a huge ruby to a rose quarts necklace that was bigger than the size of his hand. He watched, waiting to see what ring the Prince would pick out when he stopped upon the smallest of all the jewels. The ring had a gold band and the tiniest green emerald that seemed pitiful having been placed with much more lavish jewels.

Linshanth picked it out and proceeded to close the cabinet. "Hold out your hand". Linshanth only intended to place the ring safely in his palm but Sampson mistook him for wanting to put the ring on his finger and his cheeks blushed crimson. "We are both men here, there is no need for such a gesture", Sampson blurted and took the ring from him, holding it in his fingertips. The ring was small enough to fit on his slender fingers. It would be too big for Minnie's ring finger but she could wear it on her thumb.

Sampson admired it over his hand as a small smile creeped up on his face. He had already made his decisions the moment he saw it that he would propose her properly tomorrow. Now that he had the ring there was nothing to stop him. "You must be careful with it, that ring is very important to me". "Yes, yes of course", Sampson remarked, barely listening. Sampson thought Linshanth needn't worry as when he gave it to Minnie he would tell her it was on loan from the Prince only. When he had enough he would buy her something much more extravagant.

Linshanth watched Sampson closely. The man in front of him emitted a warm aura like a halo full of light floated around him. He saw the smile creeping on Sampson's lips and he looked away for his heart was already beating wildly at the mere sight of it.