
The Prey of Souls (BL novel)

Sampson works as a servant to the Prince in the royal Kingdom of Toombak. There's growing unrest with the unstoppable army of souls devouring every kingdom in it's path with it slowly making it's way to Toombak. The only hope is that the lost son of Vahda, the tribe that created the army to defeat it's enemies, will one day return. At the Prince's annual birthday after the Souls storm the Castle it is revealed that Sampson is the lost son and therefore tasked with defeating the army. First he must learn how to be a fighter, having the arrogant Prince. What starts of as a tumultuous relationship quickly turns into friendship. But with Sampson starting to think of the Prince as more than a friend he may have more than the army of souls to worry about.

yumiyoung · แฟนตาซี
31 Chs

Chapter 15

Sampson woke up in the same position he had slept. He had spent hours on the floor and his back felt like it was moulded to the ground. Like before he didn't wake up with the burden on the heavy knots on his back or the pain that came with them. He could only imagine that whatever the Prince had done to his back those nights previously had worked and the knots had finally gone away.

Where he used to wake up in a cold sweat, his back stiff and in so much pain the thought of getting up made him feel sick. He woke up with vigour in his features. He rolled to his side to see Linshanth was in his study. He was reading a different book than the one he had been reading last night and he had changed position also. He had been sitting at the table when Sampson fell asleep and he had dragged a chair to sit by the window. Sampson got up, dragging a chair to sit across from him. "You should wash, the servants will be coming in to serve breakfast soon". "I will. Tell me what you're reading first". "Can you not tell by the title?", Linshanth remarked. "I can…but a title doesn't describe a whole book".

"I am reading scriptures written by previous Kings of Toombak". "Can I see?". Sampson reached forward to take the book from Linshanth's hand but he kept it firmly in his grasp and away from Sampson's reach. "Only a Toombak can read the scriptures".

"Why? It's not like I'm going to do anything with them". It's not like he could read them at all but he didn't not want to tell the Prince that. He already thought of Sampson as dumb witted and slow and surely he must already know. What servant knew how to read when had no means of ways of being taught?

"I won't read it, I just want to look at the pictures". "Ancient scriptures have no pictures". "None at all", Sampson remarked disappointed. "How are you supposed to know what past King and Queens look like if they don't leave their picture?".

"You use your imagination. What they looked like is of little importance? A King cannot rule on his looks but his brain". "If I knew my ancestors I would want to know what they look like", Sampson remarked. He had no image of his parents or siblings, or cousins. It's strange to miss people you've never met but whenever he thought of his parents he got an ache in his stomach, like there was something missing.

"We have books of the Vahda tribe in the great library". Sampson perked up in an instant. "You do? Why haven't you said before?". "You have never asked before". Sampson scrunched his brows, holding back an irritated sigh. It was just like Linshanth who cared nothing for his own family to expect the same from Sampson. Just because his parents had been brutally slain and he would never have the pleasure of meeting them didn't mean he didn't want to know where it was he came from.

He had only heard about the Vahda tribe through stories and the depiction of the Vahda tribe was limited in the fact they were seen as tyrants until the Kingdoms came together to defeat them. The tribe were hailed as savages and unruly for their black magic that they used at their disposable. There were also rumours that the tribe believed in cannibalism and often made human sacrifices but that was all talk from servants trying to scare each other for kicks.

Even though the Prince had told him Sampson could see his hesitancy like there was something he didn't want him to see. "Can we go to the great library now?". "We have much to do today. I don't think we'll have the time", Sampson pouted, disappointed.

"If we go now we'll have time. I only want to see them, I won't look through them properly yet". "If I take you to the great library, will you promise to do everything I say from now on". Sampson stood extending his left arm. The Prince looked at his motionless arm with a puzzled expression. "What are you doing?".

"I'm waiting for you to shake my hand". "Why?". "This is how servants make deals. Once we shake on it, we can't take it back". "What is the point? Shaking hands doesn't oblige us not to break a deal". "And you say there's no honour among servants. We have nothing to offer each other but honesty and this is how we stay truthful to each other". Linshanth didn't look anymore convinced but he reached over and shook Sampson's hand in a firm grip.

"There we have made a pact now. We cannot break it". "And what if we do? What are the punishments?". Sampson shrugged. Shaking hands was like a sacred ritual between servants, it wasn't something to be taken lightly and you only made a pact if you intended on keeping it. "I suppose there are none".

"Then that was a waste of time", Linshanth remarked distastefully. "Do you not think I'll keep my side of the bargain?", Sampson murmured. "Given how you haven't listened to me at all in the past, I doubt a pact will change your mind".

Sampson feigned a shocked expression. "I never break my pacts". "I'm sure you don't", the Prince murmured in a sarcastic tone but otherwise didn't challenge him. He placed the book he'd been reading down on the table and began walking down to the great library. Sampson only noticed when he opened the door that the Prince never had any knights guarding his chambers.

"Linshanth why are none of the knights guarding your chambers?". "I told them not to. I don't like someone watching my every movement". "Surely it's safer for you that you have knights with you". "I am safe within the castle walls. It is every else that I am not safe", he murmured.

There was nowhere he could go where he would be safe from harm. It made Sampson's lips twist in annoyance. Why was it that he couldn't go anywhere without the Prince because he needed so called protection but the Prince could move around the castle as he pleased. Surely the threat would always be higher towards Linshanth than it would ever be for him.

"How did you escape the Kingdom when you were a boy?", Sampson asked. At the time Linshanth was lying on the grass, covered in sweat like he had been running. It was one of the reasons Sampson came over since he had never seen a boy his age before. He thought he was for sure imagining it. Having spent so much time with Minnie and Perity and belonging solely to the seamstress Sampson never saw boys his age. "I snuck out of my chambers in the dead of the nights whilst the knights switched over".

"Why? If you wanted to leave the Kingdom why didn't you do so". Any attacker knew if they were to ever target the Toombak children they would more likely die by their hand by anyone else's. One of the first spells they were ever taught was how to kill. Sampson had seen it first hand. The twin girls had been walking in town one day when they had spotted a fishing merchant selling rotten fish at his stall for the same prize as the fish, so fresh it had just been picked out of the river.

Sampson had been trading ribbon and thread for mangoes that the seamstress had a particular liking for. The twin girls had walked into the market stall hand in hand. They whispered to each other and giggled as people watched them warily through the market.

It wasn't usual that the Toombak children ever came out of the safe walls of the castle. They were assessing the people that walked past them, their lingering eyes watched with mysterious grins. The fisherman hadn't noticed the two girls and continued to sell his rotting fish.

The girls saw what he was doing and so stopped in front of the stall, peering at the man curiously. Given now that he had an audience of two the man stopped shouting, almost jumping out of his skin when he saw it was the twin girls. He mumbled his apologies at being so loud, spluttering a thousand apologies as if it could save him. The girls found it amusing, he apologised so much he looked nothing more than a blithering idiot.

They began to chant incantations with each other and the moment they did people starting running out of the market like they had just declared death for everyone. The man who knew all too well of the power the Toombak children possessed got on his knees and begged them for forgiveness. Their smiles only grew and so did their chants.

Sampson stayed hidden behind one of the market stalls watching as the man cowered. Their chanting abruptly stopped and the fisherman who had been sobbing on the floor stopped crying, his face full of relief. "Thank you, thank you". He was so happy he proceeded to kiss the ground and crane his neck up to the heavens.

The girls giggled among themselves and ran away. Sampson watched them earnestly before his eyes averted back to the man. He seemed to be getting redder by the minute like his blood was boiling, his temple sheened with sweat and his hands and arms began to violently shake. His limbs started to bulge, ripping his clothes. He screamed for someone to help him but everyone had left and anyone that had stayed wouldn't dare come out in case the Princesses were looking and subjected them to the same fate.

The man grew in size until he was three times his original height and towered over the market stalls. His skin which had grew with him till that point started splitting open and he yowled in pain. He let out a pained cry before his body finally gave out and he exploded into pieces, covering the market in flesh, bone and blood. The market was completely silent except the giggling of two girls who had stayed watching but hidden themselves in plain sight.

Sampson wondered how many people the Prince had killed. He would have killed hundreds already and thousands in his lifetime. His jaw was gritted now, walking with an unmatchable speed for Sampson to keep up. He half ran to keep up with him, tripping over his own feet most of the time. The Prince took a left and into the restricted access of the castle and Sampson slowed his pace in time with the Prince.

Sampson hadn't expected the great library to be so vast but then there was a reason they called it great as apposed to anything else. The rows of books carried on for miles and the bookshelves were full to the brim. Being the biggest Kingdom, Toombak had no short of knowledge at it's disposal and this is where it was all kept.

"Where are the books on the Vahda tribe?". "There are none". "But you said…". "The books about the Vahda tribe are hidden away in a secret vault at the back of the library". Sampson followed the Prince towards the end of the library but at the end there was only another book shelf stacked high with books. "Where's the vault?". Linshanth didn't answer but pulled out on of the books from the shelf. It made a screeching sound as the bookshelf moved to the side and revealed a narrow passage way.

Linshanth went in first and Sampson followed him in. The moment he did the bookshelf moved into it's place once more and the light faded from the tunnel. It was too dark to see and Sampson bumped into Linshanth a few times as he moved through the cave. In the end they neared a light and came out into a small room. The room had nothing in it except for one shelf. The rows were mainly empty but on the middle shelf there lay 6 books, all crammed in together.

"In these books is everything we know about the Vahda tribe". Sampson reached out to touch one when his hand was pushed away by the Prince. "You can read them later. I showed you the books as I promised but now we have things to do". It was like a sweet apple on a string and taking it away before Sampson could take a bite.

"It won't take long. I'll just look through a few of them". "Later. We've wasted enough time as it is". Linshanth didn't wait for Sampson to protest. He grabbed the back of Sampson collar and pulled him through the tunnel. Sampson dragged his feet, hoping Linshanth might give up and let him see the contents of the books but he was strong and Sampson's deterrence barely stopped him. He was the only thing holding Sampson up as they came out of the tunnel and back into the great library.

They weren't alone either as they came out of the vault they were apprehended by the Lord Ferimis. He looked between them both quizzically but his eyes especially lingered on Sampson. He looked shocked as if he expected to see him. He wasn't quick enough to cover his reaction and had revealed himself in front of both of them. A nasty feeling ran down Sampson's stomach. The Lord Ferimis had left the flower to kill him and now that he knew Sampson was still alive he might try other means to kill him.

Linshanth seemed to notice this because he stood in front of Sampson, blocking the Lord's view of him. "I didn't expect to find you in the great library at this time Linshanth".

"I was just passing through. What are you doing here?". "The King wanted to read some scriptures", he murmured. His smile was welcoming but as he looked between them it was slowly starting to fade like he struggled to keep up the facade.

"We'll be getting on". Linshanth gripped Sampson's elbow tight and pulled him along before Lord Ferimis had a chance to apprehend him. "He seemed surprised to see me", Sampson muttered once they were out of earshot. "He didn't expect you to be alive that's why", Linshanth remarked. His voice lacked any regard for Sampson at all as he continued to pull him through the corridor. They were stopped by servants on their path, who ducked and bowed at the Prince. Sampson knocked into a few of them and mumbled apologies as the Prince vigorously strode back to his chambers.

As soon as he had dragged Sampson back inside he closed the door behind him. "Linshanth you don't have to drag me. I know my way back to my chambers", Sampson grunted rubbing at his wrist. Linshanth paid him no attention as he picked up the book from last night and began flicking through it again. Sampson was about to ask what was so interesting about that book of his but then he heard a voice that made Lord Ferimis seem tame.

"Are you ready for breakfast sire?", Master Duncan spoke. "Send them in. Sampson sit down". Sampson was quick to sit down in the chair opposite him, waiting as the food was served out in front of them. The moment the last dish was put down the Prince stood up from the table.

"Where are you going?". "Eat. Don't go anywhere until I come back". When Sampson looked at the array of dishes in front of him, his mouth couldn't help but water. He was ready to tuck in until he realised he wasn't alone. Master Duncan hadn't left with the other servants. A grim smirk made it's way onto his face whilst his fingers lightly tapped his stick.

"Surely you can't eat all of that alone. Why don't I help you?". His tone was as menacing as the request. He dragged over the Prince's chair and sat down on it, looking as high and mighty as the Prince himself. He took the bowl of fruit that Sampson had dragged towards him and ate piece in the bowl. He was a messy eater, getting juice and bits of food around his mouth as he ate. Sampson looked at him in disgust, now losing his appetite.

"I'll make sure to tell the Prince you ate everything. He'll only be mad if you don't", he spoke, his tone laced in amusement as he reached for another bowl. It was there Sampson realised that he was going to eat all of the food and let Sampson watch. He hadn't said the words but Sampson knew that none of this food no longer belonged to him.

Sampson froze up in front of him. The light strumming of Master Duncan's fingers on top of his wooden cane felt like the beating of his own heart. He watched Master Duncan gauge down the food, barely chewing before he plied more food into his mouth. He ate like he had been starved from food for days. Sampson knew this wasn't the case. He ate better than most of the servants as he received regular meals and anything he requested the cook would normally make for him. Sampson wondered if that was still the case, given that the Prince had now gotten rid of the cook.

When he was finished, he sat back wiping the mess around his lips and licking his fingers. Sampson's stomach rumbled. He had a full day of training ahead of him and doing it on an empty stomach was near enough impossible. Master Duncan knew that and that's why he had decided to torture him like this today.

The food had been cleared from the plates but as Sampson looked on the floor he could see a single grape had rolled onto the floor. It was covered in filth and now inedible. Master Duncan having realised what he was looking at pushed back his chair. "The Prince will be angry if you don't finish everything". Sampson's eyes widened. He had eaten worse in his lifetime, slobbery gruel that he had taken from the dogs and from the mouth of other servants but that was because he was desperate, not because anyone had forced him to.

It was a power play with Master Duncan. He wanted Sampson to know that it didn't matter what title or position he held, he would always be beneath him. "Pick it up", his tone turned aggressive and the hand that was wrapped around his cane, tightened. Sampson reluctantly reached down to the floor and picked up the grape. It was covered in so much dirt he couldn't even seen it's opaque green colour.

"Eat it". Sampson held it in his palm resisting the urge to squeeze it in his palm so Master Duncan had nothing to taunt him with. If he was stronger he would have threatened Master Duncan with being fired like the cook but those words didn't dare pass his lips for the consequences he might face. He was no longer safe now that the Prince wasn't with him like an overprotective shadow.

"What are you waiting for? I said eat", he barked the last three words as he stood, slapping the cane into his palm several times. Sampson's stomach twisted but the threat of the cane scared him more. He wasn't afraid of the pain or the blood but more of the physical scars he already had on his body. He was deeply scarred and would do anything to keep himself from looking worse.

Sampson gingerly put the grape in his mouth and chewed, holding his nose at how disgusting it tasted. He would have gagged and spat the whole thing out if it wasn't for the hand he kept over his mouth to stop him from doing so. It felt like grain running down the back of his throat and he struggled to swallow without choking.

Master Duncan watched him with a slimy grin and piercing eyes. "The Prince will be pleased", he muttered brazenly whilst Sampson reached for a flask of water and choked back the fluid to rid the taste from his mouth. Master Duncan called for servants to clear the table but he didn't leave with them.

"I should be getting on, the Prince will be wondering where I am", Sampson murmured going to stand. Master Duncan reached for his shoulder, pressing him back down to the chair with a claw like grip. "I heard the Prince telling you to wait for him here". Sampson bit his lip until he tasted the coppery tang of blood, praying that the Prince would return in time for him not to receive a beating.

Master Duncan sat down in front of him once more, his eyes gleaming gleefully. "We've known each other for a long time haven't we Sampson". Sampson could only nod. All the bad memories he had since working for the royal household had all been associated in some way or another with Master Duncan. Even the cooks beatings weren't as harrowing as the punishments Sampson received from him.

"I have done a lot for you, keeping you as my servant. I've made sure you were well fed and clothed". It was contradictory given that he had just eaten all of Sampson's food and would have taken anything of Sampson's if he got his hands on it.

"The Prince tells me you don't require a servant. I will tell him personally that I offer to be your personal servant and he will be most pleased. All you have to do is accept". Sampson's stomach lurched and it had nothing to do with the dirty grape he just had to force down his throat.

"Having treated you so well don't you owe me that Sampson". His words were light but his tone carried a warning and it wasn't to be ignored. There was no way he could have Master Duncan as his servant. He would find a way to beat Sampson every chance he gets and make his life utterly miserable.

The Prince entered the room and Master Duncan jumped from the chair, his cool look morphing into something of fear. "Excuse me sire, me and Sampson were just reminiscing about the old days when we worked so closely together".

"You are not to speak to him about when he worked as a servant", the Prince barked and the old man's legs quivered. It was the perfect time for Sampson to tell the Prince exactly what Master Duncan's true intentions were but his mouth remained silent. "Why are you still standing there Duncan? Get out now", the Prince waved him away.

"I only wanted to make the Prince aware that Sampson ate the entirety of his breakfast". "He did?". Linshanth looked at Sampson in surprise. He barely ate more than a few mouthfuls at mealtimes at most. "Yes". "Good. Now get lost", Linshanth muttered barely sparing him another glance. He gave Sampson one last piercing glare before he left. Sampson only felt like he could breath again until he heard the sound of his cane hitting the stone floor gradually become distant.

"You should dress, we need to leave soon". Sampson's stomach rumbled the moment Linshanth spoke and he covered it up with an exaggerated cough. "Of course, I'll get ready now". Sampson pulled back the sheet and dressed out of his bed clothes, fiddling about with his armour. He had nimble fingers so it was easy to tie the straps but he often struggled with what way they went. It didn't make any sense to him how two parts were supposed to fit together.

Linshanth was impatient today and Sampson taking extra long to get ready only caused his irritation to worsen. "Are you finished?". He tugged at the sheet aggressively causing it to rip and expose Sampson. He was covered but his cheeks still blushed red. Even Linshanth momentarily looked away before he looked back. "What are you doing?". Sampson struggled with the straps, unsure what looped into were.

"You are wasting too much time", Linshanth growled and snatched the straps off him, securing it for him. "This wouldn't happen if you had a servant". "I do not want one. You cannot force to have one", Sampson blurted immediately, Master Duncan's words rang in his head like alarm bells. He would rather die than ever have him as his personal servant.

"If it's pride that's stopping you, don't let it. You're only making yourself an inconvenience by not having one". "I don't want one", Sampson murmured again, this time not as forced as the last time. He hoped Linshanth would respect his wishes but given how he did as he pleased with little care for the consequences he doubted he would.

"Are you ready?". Sampson nodded but he felt queasy and sick at the thought of being watched by so many. It was his idea of a personal hell. In an odd move Linshanth leaned forward, reaching for his hand and tracing over the scar. Since finding out Sampson was the boy from the woods he seemed oddly attached to that spot on his hand.

Caressing it with care whenever he got the chance. He traced the outline of it as he always did, before he leaned down and blew his out breath on Sampson's skin causing it to tingle from the heat. "The boy I remember wasn't afraid of anything". He traced the outline one more time before he dropped his hold, taking a step back. Sampson forced confidence in himself but he knew he could only hold it up in front of the Prince. The moment he was in front of the Kings and Queens he would crawl back into his shell.

Linshanth had been wrong. The boy he remembered was afraid of anything but he had pretended to be invincible only to make himself more likeable. In reality Sampson felt just like as he did as a boy, scared and powerless.