
The Prey of Souls (BL novel)

Sampson works as a servant to the Prince in the royal Kingdom of Toombak. There's growing unrest with the unstoppable army of souls devouring every kingdom in it's path with it slowly making it's way to Toombak. The only hope is that the lost son of Vahda, the tribe that created the army to defeat it's enemies, will one day return. At the Prince's annual birthday after the Souls storm the Castle it is revealed that Sampson is the lost son and therefore tasked with defeating the army. First he must learn how to be a fighter, having the arrogant Prince. What starts of as a tumultuous relationship quickly turns into friendship. But with Sampson starting to think of the Prince as more than a friend he may have more than the army of souls to worry about.

yumiyoung · แฟนตาซี
31 Chs

Chapter 12

The dinner started off as painful as Sampson knew it would be. It was a private dinner with just the Toombak's, an honour that most people would never dream of experiencing in their lifetime. To Sampson this had been the most unbelievable thing of all.

Sampson was seated first, followed the youngest Toombak child who shrieked her nanny whilst she tried to coax the young girl to sit at the dinner table. In the end she was plied with promises of sweet treats before bed and only then did she sit bashfully on the dinner table. She picked up the silver cutlery as soon as she sat, banging them against the table with such a force it made Sampson's ears bleed.

The twin girls were next to arrive. The children were supposed to arrive in order of birth youngest to oldest but the Prince was the male heir and so was an exception to the rule. The twins came matching lilac robes, walking side by side with a fan covering half their face. Their eyes were down and they were quiet as they approached the table. Sampson waited until they dropped their fans but even then their eyes remained down.

The Prince was next and Sampson didn't even spare him a glance as he walked down the golden steps. After their earlier conversation the only thing the Prince would be feeling towards him would be pure contempt. He took his seat on the far end of the table, across from where his father would sit at the end. The minutes ticked by unpleasantly slow as they waited for the King and Queen to make their grand entrance and in all that time the children never conversed with each other once.

Not even a simple glance. He knew the children to be estranged to each other but if you could ignore their similar likeness and the features they shared you would think them to be strangers.

The King and Queen arrived much how they did at every gathering, music was played, their announcement was read by the head butler and they came down the golden steps hand in hand, only parting and going their respective ways once they reached the table. The Queen sat down first having two maid servants helping her whilst the King strolled to the head of the table leisurely like he had all the time in the world.

The moment he was sat the first course was served. White bowls were placed in front of each of them filled with orange liquid. The children picked up their spoons and began taking sips, finishing off everything on their spoon before they dipped it back into the liquid for another mouthful. Sampson had never used a utensil to eat in his life and so picked up the spoon warily, getting to grips with it first before he dipped it into the liquid.

The orange mush began to fall into tiny drops from his spoon the moment he brought it to his lips and so it dripped down to his lap where the napkin lay. He quickly put the spoon back in the bowl and scrunched up the napkin in his palm. His actions hadn't gone unnoticed by the Prince who had been watching him with a warning look.

Sampson forced a tight smile and picked up the spoon once more, waiting for the Prince to look away from him before he continued. He looked between the children, none of which had the same issue as him. As he watched them closely he saw they scraped the back of the spoon against the edge of the bowl first, levelling out their spoon and so when they brought it to their lips not a single ounce of it dropped.

Sampson tried the same technique, holding a smaller amount of the orange mush on his spoon and scraping it along the bowl before he brought it to his lips. He had been so concerned with not dropping any of it on him, he had entirely disregarded how awful it would taste. The Toombak's had a bland palate, their food was nutritionally diverse but their taste buds were not. Sampson lived off meal scraps and so anything to him tasted good. The soup was sweet and salty as if the cook couldn't quite decide whether to make it a savoury and then half way through changed her mind.

Sampson held his nose as he took large spoonful's finishing off the bowl quickly. He had only just gotten rid of the aftertaste from the truth serum the Prince had given him. The white bowls were taken away as soon as the King finished. The next course was as dire as the first. There was a small portion of rice and vegetables on his plate. Meat was then served in a separate bowl. Everyone had a small bowl whereas the King's portion was twice the portion of everyone else's.

It was rare for servants to ever have meat more than a couple of times in their lifetime. Their diet consisted of mainly grains and vegetables. Things like fruit and meat were considered too high in price for servants to have general access to, despite the fact Toombak was the biggest export for both.

Sampson, Perity and Minnie had shared an orange once. The Prince liked the smell of them and so insisted they clean with them. He had saved it and kept it tucked away in his robes, waiting until they had all finished their tasks for the day before he produced the orange in front of him. It was no bigger than the size of his palm and they could only have three segments each but he could never forget it's sweetness.

Sampson ate the rice first and then the vegetables before he placed his hands on the yellow bowl containing the meat. He half expected someone to come along and take it from him. The meat was white and a small serving, just enough for him to pick it up with his fork. He picked it up and brought it to his lips, he had almost brought it to his lips when the King cleared his throat.

"We have invited the Kings and Queens from the far away kingdom. There is talk that this boy is an imposter and us keeping him undermines our power. Tomorrow they will arrive in Toombak and the boy will show them that we are not liars". The King didn't seem to be speaking to anyone in particular but his eyes were laced on the Prince as he spoke.

Linshanth didn't say anything and instead continued to cut his meat into small bite sized pieces before bringing it up to his lips. By his demeanour and the way his face didn't change at all at hearing the news, Sampson had a sneaking suspicion that he already knew what the King would do.

Having just heard the news it took Sampson longer to process the King's words and when he did the realisation dawned on him creating a large pit in his stomach. He had been able to control the souls then and what if he couldn't now? There was still that lingering doubt, even with the fact that he could do magic that he wasn't actually the lost son and instead an imposter.

The King finished, scraping the last mournful bites of rice out of his bowl, he stood. He had no parting words for his children or his wife of whom he hadn't acknowledged throughout the whole dinner. A flurry of servants followed by his side. The Prince left shortly after, followed by the Queen and eventually the twin girls. Sampson was the last left on the table, he wasn't sure whether he had to ask to leave and so waited for everyone else too instead.

As he got up servants worked quickly to rid the table of the white tablecloth and scrub down the surface. The smell of citrus invaded his nostrils and it reminded him all too well of the life he had been living merely a week ago.

The Prince trusted him enough to make his own way back to his chambers as when Sampson left the hall he wasn't waiting for him. He half expected the Prince to be waiting on guard, in case he had heard the news from the King and decided to make another attempt to escape. There was no point now, everyone in Toombak knew of him and soon enough the Kings and Queens across the seven kingdoms would know his face.

He returned to his chambers in solitude, it was being guarded by two knights. Two of whom he had met before. Blake and Orion were older members of the King's guard and had fought alongside the King when they were all teenagers. They were the only two living members of the King's first guard created when he first came to the throne. Sampson had only had the honour of being in their presence once when he brought the Prince's fresh dress robes to his chambers and they were inside conversing with him.

He slowed his pace as he approached the door, bowing at them both. "You have a visitor", Orion spoke. He had a slight apprehensive look on his face like he was concerned about something. Sampson entered his chambers, he wasn't sure to expect but when he saw Lord Ferimis standing at the centre of the room he instantly went cold.

He had avoided the Lord before when he ran out of his chambers to see Minnie and Perity. He had wanted to speak to him then and Sampson had never found out the reason as to why. Given the rumours that circulated about him it was only natural of Sampson to be wary of him. His eyes lit up when he saw he was no longer alone. "I hoping to catch you before you retire, I hope I haven't come at a bad time".

"Not at all. What can I do for you Lord?". He didn't like the way the Lord looked at him. He had one of those expressions where you questioned whether he was secretly laughing at you. "We haven't had a chance to formally meet. I am the King's most trusted consort".

"I know, it's a pleasure", Sampson's voice wavered as he spoke to show how nervous he was. He bowed before the Lord could see how red his cheeks had gotten. "Are you settling in well to your new? I imagine it's quite a change from being a servant".

He spoke the words in a teasing tone, Sampson couldn't understand why he was trying to be so friendly. He cared little for anyone other than the King like many of the other consorts. They went out of their way to keep the King happy so if he was here, the King had requested he come here to see him for a reason.

"It is but I'm grateful the Toombak family have taken to me so well". The consort lips tilted into a smile. "Good. I'll leave you to rest. This won't be the last time we see each other". Sampson waited for him to leave before he sat down on his bed.

He couldn't help but feel deflated at the prospect of having to perform his gift in front of the Kings and Queens of the other Kingdoms. Toombak had been his home since he could remember and so the King On had become somewhat of a familiar face. He had gotten used to his cold and short temperament. But he knew nothing of the other royal households only that they were as viciously cruel as the Toombak's are. The Toombak Kingdom reigned supreme but the fight for second place was just as harrowing. War between Kingdoms were common, mainly over land and food.

There was a knock on Sampson's door as he was about to retire and he stilled. The knights would be switching over at this time and so there was no one to guard his door. When he didn't immediately answer the knock sounded again this time it was more aggressive, like whoever was on the other side was trying to force their first through the wood. Sampson looked for a weapon to defend himself but the first thing he thought to grab was his white bedsheets as if it could offer him any sort of protection against a sword.

The knock didn't sound again and for a moment he thought the person must have realised he was asleep and would try again later. That was until the door swung open, the Prince came running in with his sword sheathed, his face was a picture of an ice cold expression but in his eyes there was clear panic.

When he saw Sampson with his bedsheets tucked in front of him and no aggressor to speak off his face darkened in colour. "Idiot", he muttered, unsheathing his sword. "Linshanth what are you calling me names for?", Sampson protested. "You could hear me knocking. Why did you not answer the door?".

"I didn't know who it was". "Then why did you not check?". "If it was you, you should have announced yourself. I was about to retire to bed". Linshanth looked down at the bedsheets he was holding. Unfortunately he was standing by the window which was the same position the Prince had found him in when he had tried to climb out the window.

The Prince seemed to thinking the same thing because his face only soured. He came forward and tugged the bedsheets out of Sampson's hands as if they were dangerous. He put them back on the bed with an exasperated effort.

"I only came to see how you were". "You were concerned about me?", he asked in surprise. The Prince scoffed and Sampson wanted to melt into the floor for his stupidity. The Prince cared little for him but for what he could do for Toombak.

"Did you know before?". "I found out the same time as you did". "You didn't say anything at dinner". "Once my father makes up his mind about something there is no convincing him otherwise. I could do little to help". Sampson felt deflated and tired. He yawned and scratched at his temple.

"Sorry, I have had too many visitors. I am tired". The Prince narrowed his eyes. "What visitors have you had except me?". "The Lord Ferimis just came to see me". The Prince he always kept a straight expression suddenly looked grave. "He only wished luck for tomorrow". In one moment the Prince was stagnant and in the next he flipped Sampson's bed throwing his mattress to the ground.

"Linshanth what are you doing?". When he found nothing but dust under the bed he started rooting through Sampson's wardrobe, pulling out the clothes in large clumps and dropping them to the floor. "Is this really necessary? I'll apologise for not answering the door for you if it means that much to you". The Prince paid him no heed, he opened and closed Sampson's draws and checked through his bookshelf.

He pulled out one book and with it, tucking away in one of the pages and out of sight was a purple hellebore. Sampson's frowned at it. He had read that same book not a few hours earlier and there had been no sign of the flower. "What's a purple hellebore doing in my book?".

"When did the Lord Ferimis come to see you?". "Straight after dinner, he was already in my chambers when I came back…Linshanth what is this about? Are you….?". Sampson didn't get to finish the end of his sentence because the Prince was already pulling him out of his chambers and into the corridor.

"Linshanth where are we going?". "Somewhere where you can't cause any trouble", the Prince answered before dragging him along. Sampson stopped protesting the moment they passed a group of fair maidens. Among them was Minnie. Her head was bowed to address the Prince but as soon she looked up her eyes locked with Sampson's. Her mouth gaped open in surprise, Sampson was going to say something to her before they were ushered along impatiently by the Prince. Sampson stopped regardless, watching her retreating figure with an immense amount of guilt.

"What are you looking at? Keep walking". The Prince tugged him along like he was a stray, coming to the foot of his chambers. Sampson bowed his head when he saw Onyx and Adonis guarding the door to the Prince's chambers. "Linshanth what are you doing out so late? I thought you were going to retire early". "Something came up".

The two knights passed to them through and as they closed the door behind them only then did the Prince relinquish his hold of Sampson. Sampson rubbed at his wrist like it hurt but in reality he felt no pain at all. He was hoping the Prince would see his actions and feel a sense of guilt but he barely cast a glimpse Sampson's way as if now that Sampson was in his chambers he was know of little interest to him.

"Why did you bring me here?". "You should sleep here for tonight". "Why would I sleep here when I have my own chambers?". "It isn't safe. Servants have already tried to kidnap you. It would be wise for you to stay here". The Prince wasn't making any sense and Sampson was becoming increasingly unnerved. He knew if he were to ask the Prince why he was acting so strange he would never get a straight answer and so the only thing he could was to tease the truth out of him.

"Linshanth, I never knew you cared for the Lost son of Vahda so much". "I do not care for you", he muttered with a stormy expression. There wasn't many things he could match the Prince, he was physically faster and stronger than Sampson and could command a room by a single expression.

Sampson possessed no such skills but to tease the Prince gave him joy like no other, especially when the Prince responded to it exactly as Sampson wanted him to. "To even let me sleep in your chambers. I am so honoured. What would a frail thing like me do without the Prince of Toombak to protect me?". The tops of Linshanth's ears reddened and Sampson smiled gleefully before straightening his face once more so the Prince didn't see.

"And to offer me your bed, your highness you are the most kind". "I did not offer you my bed", the Prince spat, he was rather irked now which only spurred Sampson to push farther. "Then where will I sleep. You only have one bed in this chamber. Are you suggesting we share it?". "Enough, Sampson", the Prince growled.

"Don't tell me you are embarrassed. We are both men, nothing would happen between us". "Fine, we'll share", the Prince murmured simply. "We'll share", Sampson repeated the words in disbelief. He was hoping his relentless teasing would be enough for the Prince to send him back to his own chambers.

"Uh…Linshanth I was only joking. I don't think we should share. I don't want to disturb you so I will retire to my own chambers now". "It is after dark now. Sleep here, we have much to discuss in the morning". When Sampson suggested they share a bed he had only been joking to rile up the Prince. He never thought of it being an actual possibility.

When he saw Sampson making no effort to get into the bed, Linshanth approached him. "What's wrong? Why aren't you getting into the bed?". "I'm waiting for you to get in first". The Prince sighed heavily like it was all a big inconvenience. He swept the covers over and got in on the left side.

Sampson approached the bed slowly but he couldn't convince his hand to move to reach the covers. He was stuck, in mind ablaze that he had truly made a grave decision. "If you can't get in yourself, I could assist you". He physically jumped at the Prince's words, climbing into the covers in an instant. "There really is no need".

Now that they were in the bed together Sampson was enveloped in the jasmine scent. It was so potent in his covers that Sampson couldn't help but bring the sheet up to his nose and inhale a large breath of it. "What are you doing?".

"Nothing", Sampson muttered pulling the sheet back so it fell by his shoulders. When he looked over at the Prince his eyes were already closed and his breathing was shallow as if he was already asleep. He planned to wait until he was sure the Prince was asleep and leave his chambers. There was a rumour that the Prince never took in bedfellows and yet now he had allowed Sampson to stay in his bed. It made his head feel muddled.

When he was sure the Prince was fast asleep, Sampson began to creep out of the covers. He rolled onto his side first before edging himself to the corner of the bed. He had made it one foot on the floor when the Prince reached out and grabbed his arm. Sampson yelped as the Prince pulled him to the centre of the bed so he lay shoulder to shoulder with the Prince.

"I was only trying to get comfortable". The Prince didn't say a word and instead whispered words under his breath was sounded like he was performing a spell. "What are you doing?". "I'm putting a protective barrier around the bed". "There's no need to do that Linshanth, we'll be perfectly safe here". "It's not to keep people from getting in, it's to stop you from getting out". Sampson reached over and sure enough there was an invisible barrier around the bed stopping him from leaving. "Put it down. I'm not going anywhere", Sampson exclaimed dismally at having his plan thwarted. "There's no need. Go to sleep".

"How can I sleep at all next to you? Put down the barrier I'll sleep on the floor if I really must stay in your chambers but I won't be sleeping in the same bed". It wasn't sharing a bed with a man that embarrassed but more so that man was the Prince. Sampson had been told in the past that he was a nightmare to sleep with. He often rolled around in his sleep and called out names of people that when he woke up had no recollection of knowing. The Prince already saw him as a nuisance, he didn't want to give the Prince anything else to make him seem frivolous.

"Enough talking". The Prince shut his eyes once more. Sampson tried to close his eyes and pretend he wasn't sharing a bed with the Prince but it was like a red sign that was impossible to ignore. He rolled over to his side and away from the Prince but found himself uncomfortable and rolled onto his other side. This brought him so close to the Prince his head was on his pillow. He rolled to his back on a sigh.

"Must you keep moving". "Remove the barrier spell, I will sleep on the floor". "No". "Why not?". "It will be hard on your back". Sampson opened his mouth to contest but when his words fell short he closed it again. The Prince could be as cold as ice and then he said things that made Sampson think he wasn't as cruel as he first imagined.

"I have slept on a hard floor for most of my life. I'm sure I can manage", Sampson murmured. "The spell would be stronger if you stayed close to me". "I will not go anywhere. I will even promise you I will not go anywhere. Then will you let me go".

"No". Sampson let out an irritated sigh. "Why ever not?". "It isn't safe for you". "I am in the castle. My chambers are protected by knights. How could it possibly not be safe?". "My father is trying to kill you Sampson".