
The Prey of Souls (BL novel)

Sampson works as a servant to the Prince in the royal Kingdom of Toombak. There's growing unrest with the unstoppable army of souls devouring every kingdom in it's path with it slowly making it's way to Toombak. The only hope is that the lost son of Vahda, the tribe that created the army to defeat it's enemies, will one day return. At the Prince's annual birthday after the Souls storm the Castle it is revealed that Sampson is the lost son and therefore tasked with defeating the army. First he must learn how to be a fighter, having the arrogant Prince. What starts of as a tumultuous relationship quickly turns into friendship. But with Sampson starting to think of the Prince as more than a friend he may have more than the army of souls to worry about.

yumiyoung · แฟนตาซี
31 Chs

Chapter 11

The Prince sliced his sword through his other slave whilst the rest of the knights stormed in. The man who held the sword was surrounded. He dropped the sword on the ground before they tied his hands behind his back and dragged him out. "Get him back to the castle and put him straight in the dungeons. Take the sword with you". Sampson stayed silent. He didn't want to overstep his boundaries especially not know given how murderous the Prince looked. He hadn't looked at Sampson once since he stormed the tent.

"Aren't you getting the boy Linshanth?". "Leave him. We'll follow behind you". "Are you sure? These woods aren't safe, especially not now". "Just go, we'll be right behind you". Onyx bowed and left. Sampson opened his mouth to argue his case but one harsh look from the Prince and he retreated. His sword dripped with blood and there was speckles of it on his brows and cheeks from where he had slashed one of his servants and blood had ripped from his chest.

He approached Sampson slowly and dropped down to his heels in front of him. His cold eyes were riveting with anger. His hand raised and Sampson readied himself for the slap that never came. His hand went to his back of his neck instead and pulled him closer until they were merely an inch apart.

"Are you intent on getting yourself killed?", he spoke harshly. "I told you to stay put and what did you do. I searched the whole kingdom for you, it was only when I forced it out of the servants that they had seen you being carried away tied in ropes. Do you have any idea what would have become of you if I didn't show up when I did", he spat.

"I didn't intend to get kidnapped. I only went down to the servants quarters to see Minnie and Perity". "You idiot how many times do I have to tell you? You are no longer a servant, you cannot associate yourself with them any longer".

"Just because you want to be alone doesn't mean I want to as well". The Prince's eyes darkened and Sampson's widened when he realised what he had said. "I'm sorry I didn't mean it like that". The Prince cut the ropes binding his feet and dragged him up to his feet, keeping a tight hold on his collar.

"You don't have to drag me". "You'd be lucky if I ever let you leave my sight again", the Prince hissed. He dragged Sampson out of the tent. The black market had gone up in flames, the bodies of the bandits were now cold and lifeless on the ground. The cages were empty.

"What happened to the people in the cages?". "We took them back to the Kingdom". "To work as slaves? You should have just let them go", Sampson murmured. The hold on his collar increased as the Prince took him to his horse.

"What are you waiting for? Get on the horse". "What will you ride on?", Sampson asked, there was only one horse. "I'll be riding the same horse Sampson. I was being serious when I said I wasn't going to let you out of my sight". Sampson had never ridden on a horse before and so he had no idea how to get on one. It's body seemed too far away for him to reach.

The Prince who sensed his problem immediately breathed a tired breath behind him. "Put your leg in the holster". Sampson reached his leg up and rested it on the holster. "You need to grab the reins and pull your other leg". "I can't reach the reins". The moment he felt the Prince's strong hands grab his waist Sampson's cheeks tinged pink. He pushed Sampson up until he could grab the reins and he swung his leg over.

The moment he got up on the horse he felt too high. The ground was miles away from his feet and he feared he would fall off. The Prince swiftly got on the horse behind him and moved forward until Sampson's back was pressed against his chest. "What are you doing?", Sampson asked warily. "Give me the reins". Sampson passed him the reins with shaking fingers. He took them from him and held them into his palms, until kicking the horse to start riding.

Sampson felt awfully uncomfortable and he couldn't shake the feeling of the Prince's hot breath on the back of his neck. He wanted to put some distance between them so he moved up the horse only for him to fall forward when the horse began to speed up. "What are you doing? Do you want to fall?". The Prince took the reins into both his hands before curling his arm around Sampson waist.

"It's okay you don't have to do that", Sampson murmured, his voice trembling. It didn't make him uncomfortable but he would be incredibly embarrassed for anyone to see them in this position. He felt like a child that couldn't ride a horse properly.

To make matters worse the longer he stayed in such a seated position the worse the knots in his back became. He tried to ignore it at first, focusing on the wind in his face and the countless trees they passed but the pain quickly became too much for him to bear. Being so close to the Prince he could do nothing to relieve the pain. He started to shiver, and moved forward. The Prince thought he was trying to move away from him again and pulled him back by his waist which only made the pain worse.

By the time they arrived back at the stables Sampson was being held up entirely by the Prince. His head had rolled back onto his shoulder and he took laboured breaths.

The pain had long become too much for his body to withstand and he was drifting between sleep and consciousness. The Prince who had been focusing on getting them back to the castle without being followed hadn't noticed Sampson's worsening condition. It was only as they got back to the stables, he moved his arm that was wrapped around his waist and his body slumped against the horse.

He poked at the boy. "If you think just because you're tired you can get out of training then you are mistaken. We've already missed enough because of your stupid actions".

"I can't", Sampson groaned, rolling his head around his palm. "What do you mean you can't?". The Prince touched his head and immediately flinched. His temperature had soared and his skin was burning hot to touch. "You've got a fever", he murmured. He jumped off the horse first before putting his hands under Sampson's back and knees and carrying him off the horse. His body lay limp in his arms as he walked through the castle.

He took Sampson straight to his chambers, laying him down on the bed. Master Duncan arrived immediately, his sullen smile turned sour the moment he laid eyes on Sampson but his reaction went unnoticed by the Prince. "Duncan, get me a bucket of cold water and cloths and be quick about it". "Sire, I'm sure he's fine. The boy has always been into his theatrics".

"Did I ask for your opinion? Get me what I asked for or you'll be dismissed". Master Duncan's face paled. "Certainly, sorry Sire". He bowed and scurried away, his leg injury not looking so severe now. The Prince ran his hand over Sampson's brow.

"Must there always be something wrong with you?". The words he spoke weren't harsh but soft. He even stroked the side of Sampson's temple, brushing the damp hair from his forehead. His hand fell back down to the bed abruptly as Master Duncan returned to the room.

"I have the water and cloths for you sire. I will tend to the boy, I'm sure you have much to do". "It is alright. You are dismissed Duncan". Having already been told off the old man didn't object but he did glare intensely at Sampson with the Prince's back turned before he left. Sampson whimpered in his sleep, whilst more beads of sweat dripped down from his forehead. He could feel that tenacious glare and the consequence behind it as soon as Master Duncan could find a way to get him alone again.

The Prince who was no an expert and tending to Sampson dunked the cloth in water and smoothed it over his skin. The cold water shocked Sampson's eyes open and he abruptly got up, coming face to face with the Prince.

"What are you doing?". "You're running a high fever. Lie back down, I'm not finished". "I'm fine", Sampson batted him away, trying to get up from the bed. The Prince placed a hand on both of his shoulders and stopped him. "You need to rest".

"I've rested enough, it won't help either way". "Why not? What's wrong with your body?". "I get pain in my back sometimes. Large knots that don't go away. The best thing I can do is to do something to take my mind of it", he murmured. There was no cure for this pain so most of the time he just had to ignore it and pretend it wasn't there. It worked most of the time but when he was stagnant with nothing to preoccupy his mind is when the pain became so overwhelming he wished he could cut it out of his body.

"Where on your back?". "Everywhere". When it started it was only in his lower back where he felt the pain and eventually the pain spread throughout the entire width of his back. Sampson pushed the Prince's hands away from his shoulders only for the Prince to grab his waist. "What are you doing?", Sampson murmured. First on the horse and now here, Sampson had no idea the Prince was like this. He had barely looked at the princesses at the party, he was sure if he did it would have been a glare enough to burn off a layer of skin and yet he had his hands on Sampson's waist.

Sampson could feel his demeanour grumbling. "Turn around". Sampson's cheeks blushed red and even more so when he realised they were both sitting on the bed. "Your highness". He pushed the Prince with such a force he lost his balance and fell to the floor. Sampson scurried towards the end of the room and as far away from his as his chambers would allow.

"You idiot, what are you doing?". "I…uh..what were you doing?". The Prince got up from the floor, brushing imaginary dust off him and gave Sampson a deadly look that had him wilting on the spot. It seemed that it didn't matter what he did he always found a way to make himself an inconvenience to the Prince.

"Come here or I'll send you to train with the knights and I'll tell them not to go easy on you". Sampson knew it was no idle threat given how angry he looked. Sampson walked forward until he was a couple of feet away from the Prince. "You really are aggravating". The Prince crossed the last of the distance between them and liked before held his hands to Sampson waist. Sampson opened his mouth to protest once more before the Prince moved him so his back was turned.

"What are you….ow, Linshanth what are you doing?". The Prince was kneading the small of his back with his fingers. "I am removing the knots from your back, hold still". His actions may have been gentle but his hands were incredibly strong and nimble. The uneven skin of his back began to weep and prickle under such a violent assault. Sampson could only endure it for a few minutes before he started to run again.

"You can stop now. It doesn't hurt anymore". The Prince didn't say a word but lunged for him and pushed him against the bed. "It really doesn't hurt, you don't have to…ow be gentle please". The Prince began to message his skin once again, digging his fingers deep until Sampson was sure he was trying to dig into his bone. He had been kneading his skin over his clothes until now and Sampson feared he could feel the uneven texture of his scars but he didn't breath a word about it.

The longer the Prince massaged his back the more it hurt. Sampson broke out into a cold sweat, if this torture didn't end soon he was sure to pass out. "Linshanth, please. It hurts too much, you can stop now". "Stop complaining", he muttered and pushed harder. Sampson heard his bones cracking and where he thought he would feel an agonising pain felt like an intense relief of pressure.

The pain gradually began to lessen until his back almost felt numb spanning from the tops of his shoulders to his back. When the Prince was finished Sampson could barely move. It was years of pain gone in an instant. "Are you still in pain?". Sampson had his eyes closed, close to a blissful sleep. Words were no good right now so he shook his head instead.

"How did you know how to do that?". "I taught myself. I had a leg injury some time ago and I used to get cramps in my legs. I found the massage helped".

Sampson nodded burrowing his face back into the bed covers. He felt the refreshing smell of jasmine, he breathed in that all too familiar until he realised who exactly the scent came from. He got up from the bed abruptly, distancing himself from the Prince who had been sitting on the armchair at the side, flicking through his scriptures. "I'm sorry your highness".

"There is no need for that now. You've just called me Linshanth twice". "I did?", Sampson asked in bewilderment. He thought back, he had used the Prince's name in the heat of the moment and hadn't meant too. "Is there anything else you want to confess now that you've spoken my name?".

"What else would I have to confess?". "Something you said to me back when we were in the cave". Sampson feigned ignorance, not wanting to delve deeper into what the Prince was getting to. "I don't recall saying anything after we fought the night beast". The Prince had been unconscious at that time. There is now way he could recall Sampson confessing that he was the boy that saved him those many years ago.

"I don't remember, it was probably gibberish if I did say something". The Prince's cold expression turned impossibly colder. He turned away from Sampson and sat back down to his scripture. "If that's all I'll be leaving".

"What are the names of the men who took you?". With all the commotion Sampson had entirely forgotten of the men that had kidnapped him in the first place. "I don't know their names. I shared a room with them once but that is all I know of them".

"You'll be dining with my family tonight". Sampson shuddered at the thought of having to sit with the King. "And don't even think of trying to find a way out of it". Sampson muttered under his breath. "Master Duncan". The moment he was called the old man came hobbling in. Sampson averted his eyes to the floor the moment he entered, pretending to be much interested in the thick robes he was wearing.

"Get Sampson ready for the meal tonight". "Certainly sire". "Linshanth, I've said before I don't require a servant". "This is an audience with the King. You will look your best". "Duncan go and take him with you".

The Prince waved them both away, giving Sampson no choice but to follow Master Duncan back towards his chambers. He had felt euphoric only a few moments ago after the pain from his back had been relieved from him and now he was filled with dread. With every step his stick hit the ground Sampson became more nervous. He wanted to run but he had put the Prince through enough already and he had nowhere else to go.

Master Duncan entered the chamber first and Sampson followed in after. The moment the door was closed behind him Sampson felt a shiver run down his spine. "I heard you call the Prince by his first name now". "He asked me to", Sampson murmured forcing his voice to be gentle. "You think you're special". He could hear the detest in his voice and it made Sampson want to hide inside his own skin away from his penetrating looks and repulsed stare.

He heard the sound of him unbuckling his belt and he readied himself for the hits that were about to come. There was a knock at the door before Master Duncan could remove his belt. The door opened and in flurried 6 or 7 woman accompanied by four men. They weren't servants because they dressed in fine robes. Sampson recognised a few of them who had been dressing the Prince for his ball.

"What do you want?". "The Prince requested to help the Lost son get ready for the dinner". "There's no need, I will be attending to the boy". "The Prince asked for us specially. If you have an issue with it, you will have to take it up with the Prince". Master Duncan sucked his teeth before he stepped back and let them surround Sampson. They set up a white sheet around him for him to bathe first and when he came out he was covered in white cloth from head to toe whilst they started to paint his face.

He recognised the painter as the same one who had painted the Prince's face. She wore a thick black hair in pigtails with red ribbon and his lips were painted scarlet. She didn't smile or introduce herself as brought out her easel filled with paints.

She picked up a small thin paintbrush and began to trace the outline of his lips with the softest red. The paintbrush tickled his lips and at times he had to think of dire thoughts to stop himself from smiling. When she was finished she painted his cheeks silver, this time with a larger, much fatter brush. Sampson had never had his face painted like this before and so the act itself felt strange. The paint was cold and warmed his skin that was burning from having so many pairs of eyes on him.

She was painting his neck with a nude pink when it snapped in her strong grip. "Get me another brush". The tiniest of them all, a young girl who couldn't have been more than 12 years old took a selection of brushes from her bag and handed the biggest to Sienna. She snatched it from the poor girl's grip who put her head down and scurried back to where she had been standing at the corner of the room waiting for orders to be barked at her.

Sienna smoothed out the pink in his neck before she nodded and took her leave. The three men remained, helping Sampson into a pair of white robes. It had intricate silver detailing on the sleeves and the cuff was high and covered the entirety of his neck.

When Sampson looked in the mirror he could barely recognise himself. His rough skin looked smooth and supple to touch, his eyes seemed light in contrast to the red painted on his lid. He looked almost godly with his fine robes. He staggered back a few paces.

The men left shortly after and Sampson dismissed Master Duncan with them before he had the chance to inflict any of his torturous methods onto him. He didn't know why he didn't tell the Prince the truth and have him taken away. He deserved to be beaten for all the things he had done to Sampson and others like him.

The Prince arrived some time later and his reaction when he saw Sampson was not the one he was hoping for. He didn't comment about Sampson's appearance at all and with the irked expression he had on his face Sampson thought he looked rather annoyed. "Your highness". He bowed, finding it difficult with such fine robes. He was scared to make any movements at all in case he ripped them.

The Prince who didn't answer produced a clear bottle from the pocket of his robes and handed it to him. "Drink this". "Why?". "It's for your back. It'll stop the knots from returning". Sampson furrowed his brows, opening the clear bottle and turning his nose up at the smell. It smelt like rotten fruit and the only reason he knew that was because he often had to pick the rotten apples that fell on the floor of the apple tree, many were half eaten having already been attacked by the crows.

"You have to drink it a few hours before you eat so you should take it now". Sampson grimaced but he would do anything to stop the pain in his back from returning. He felt like he could move his muscles for once and he was light on his feet. Even the heavy robes felt light on his shoulders.

Sampson took the whole thing in one back. The liquid was thicker than it first appeared and it felt like cold slop going down his throat. He resisted the urge to gag, clapping his hand over his mouth before swallowing it down his throat. He could feel the cold liquid slide down his neck and down to his stomach. He convulsed, shaking his head to try and make the sensations go away.

"That was horrible". "Hmm", the Prince replied. He had been watching Sampson's theatrics with a somewhat bored expression. "Come with me". "Isn't it a bit early for dinner?". "There is something I want to show you first". Sampson followed the Prince out of his chambers. The Prince walked with vigour, swaying his arms at his sides like he had no time to waste. They were of similar heights but with the amount of people they passed that stopped to bow to the Prince Sampson kept getting stuck behind them which meant he was half running through the hallway to keep up with him.

He understood too late where the Prince was taking him and by then it was too late to go back. The Prince took the stone steps to the dungeon two at a time and Sampson wavered. Had the Prince changed his mind? Given that the Prince had to save him twice already he would be at the end of his tether.

There was one open cell in the dungeon and the Prince walked in whilst Sampson followed behind him.

Three men stood with their hands tied behind their backs with brown cloth bags over their heads. Their speech came out gargled but Sampson could still make out the pitiful whining, begging their captor not to kill them. "What is this?", Sampson asked warily. "Remove their blindfolds". The guard who had been standing stoically by the door, removed their blindfolds one by one. Through bloodied faces and bruised skin Sampson could see it was the three men that had kidnapped him.

They didn't look so threatening now. They were in the same position they had put Sampson in, with their hands tied behind their backs and their feet tied. They each had tight gags around their mouths that were now soaked wet and drool came from their mouths. Given the state they were in they had been like this for a few hours.

"Are these the men that kidnapped you?". Two of them deserved punishment but when he looked at Tim with his tear soaked eyes and pleading features he was filled immense dread. The word no was at the tip of his tongue but he couldn't force himself to speak the words. It was like his body was stopping him from answering.

"Are they?", the Prince demanded once more. Sampson tried but the more he tried to lie, the pain his in his stomach grew worse. He felt like his bones would shatter if he dared to speak anything but the truth. "What have you done?", he asked breathlessly. The liquid the Prince had given him must have been a truth serum. Only people put on trial where forced to take it.

"The more you try and resist the more it will hurt". Sampson began to cough blood, it dripped down his chin and mouth and yet the Prince did nothing. When the blood in his head began boiling there was no other choice.

"Yes, they are the men that kidnapped me". The Prince didn't react, he withdrew his sword and sliced it through the first man's chest, pulling it out to put it through the second. They slumped face down to the ground the moment the sword left their bodies. White noise invaded Sampson's head as he watched blood spurt from their bodies. It was only as the Prince pointed his sword at Tim did he finally jump to action, putting himself between Tim and the Prince.

"Not him. He was forced by the other two to do it". "It doesn't matter, he still took part in the kidnap". The Prince shoved him out of the way. "Linshanth, I'm asking you not to", Sampson pleaded. Tim had only kidnapped him because he needed the money to help his sick mother. He would never have hurt Sampson if he wasn't different.

"I never give second chances Sampson. You'd do well to remember that". He cut Tim's throat, ending his life quickly as opposed to dying from blood loss like the other two were as they wilted on the floor. Sampson didn't think Linshanth would really kill them all.

"Why do you do that? He was innocent". "None of these men are innocent. Coerced or not, he still took part in kidnapping you". "He didn't have a choice Linshanth. His mother was dying, he needed the money to save her". The Prince started laughing like the whole thing was comical. "He told you what you wanted to hear. You couldn't possibly believe that they actually intended to do you harm".

"Even if they did sell me for money, I still wouldn't blame them. You have no idea what it's like to be a servant", Sampson spat. He had never spoken like this to any in his life before. There wasn't any he could without the threat of death looming over his head. The Prince would never face hardship in his life like how Sampson had.

The cunning smile that had been on the Prince's face dropped, replaced with an icy expression. "You are the most naïve person I have ever met. These men could have killed you and you would have still forgiven them". His eyes were bulging red and raging which matched just how Sampson felt.

Sampson had nothing to defend himself, he was no match for the Prince's aggression so he chose to tease him instead. "I never knew you cared for me like this. You act like you hate me and then go out of your way to save me".

The Prince looked taken aback, it was clear no one had spoken like this to him before. "I…I do not care for you". "Of course you do. You followed me into the woods and hid me for a night beast that was out for my blood and you saved me from being sold to the black market. How did I get so lucky to have a guardian such as you?". The Prince's ears reddened. "I was only doing my duty", he spat impertinently. "Don't worry, I will make sure to tell all those princesses just how saintly and noble you are".

The Prince who's face was now bulging red for once had no words. No one had ever dared to tease him so mercilessly before. "You are truly despicable", he spat before he gathered himself and fled from the dungeons. Sampson cocked his head as he watched him. He had no idea that would work as well as it did.

The smile faded from his face when he realised he had stepped in the mass pool of blood that had coated the floor, collectively from all three men. Maybe Tim had been lying but even if he had did he deserve such a punishment as death. The longer he stared at the blood the more he realised he would never be like Linshanth or his family. He could never be praised a royal or rule a kingdom, stepping over anyone that got in his way.