
The President's Lover is a Fighter

[COMPLETED] "Andy, I love you so much." The man said while taking a breather after a long kiss. Andrea closed her eyes and held his face giving him small kisses before answering. "I love you too." "Babe, I know I said I'd wait till we get married, but… - " "Shhh…" She interrupted him and teasingly bit her lip before smiling. She gave him another set of kisses before finally adding, "I never asked you to wait… I want you too…" *** "Andy, tell me about your family? What have you been up to before we met?" Andrea's head was leaning against his torso thinking of what to say to him. She was suddenly silent and began sorting through a pile of secrets in her head, trying to decide where to start. She then turned to the side and hugged him tightly. "Andy?" "Sometimes, I wonder if I am that really important to you." *** BANG! BANG! Lu Fang closed his eyes anticipating pain to follow but as he opened his eyelids, he felt nothing. “Andy! Andy!” He screamed at the top of his lungs when he realized it was Andrea and not him who received the bullets and fell off the cliff. **** Inside a private facility, a woman woke up from a coma and the first thing she did was to call her sister. “I want you to arrange a marriage for me. Marry me off to the CEO of Lu-Wei Enterprises, Lu Fang.” **** Andrea Li was heartbroken and left her foster family. Since then, she commissioned herself as a bodyguard, hoping to forget her failed relationship while preserving her combative skills. By accident, she met Lu Fang, the CEO of Lu-Wei Enterprises, and the same man she was meant to protect. In order to keep him safe, she got caught in a pretended relationship until both their feelings turned real. As they got closer to the truth behind his assassination attempts, Lu Fang and his family speculated on Andrea’s identity. What secrets does Andrea have? Will Lu Fang Accept her dark past? I hope you stay with me on this romantic journey as we unravel the mysteries of Andrea’s life and put Lu Fang’s love to the test. *** WARNING: This novel contains content of a very adult nature. If you are easily offended or are under the age of 18, you may opt to skip this. *** I have three covers, the animated one is mine, made with love while the picture is from yanalya of freepick.com, and one is a licensed photo I bought. Join me on my server: https://discord.gg/mGDZ6aH IG: https://www.instagram.com/authorlilhyz/ FB: https://www.facebook.com/LiLhyzwithlove

LiLhyz · สมัยใหม่
606 Chs

The Furious Nancy Davies

Andrea confronted Nancy when she got back to their home, but her dear foster mother only laughed at her adding frustration to her feelings.

"Hahaha! Do you think Alfred will believe you? You think too highly of yourself. I am his wife and you? You are getting in between my son and his happiness! Why should I keep you?"

Hearing her words, reality hit Andrea. Nancy never cared about her. The person whom she considers as a second mother spoke to her like she was a pest that needed to be rid of.

Andrea held back her tears and said, "Then… this is the last time you'll see me. I will forget about what happened, but I hope you will not come after me. We both know what I am capable of."

"Are you threatening me? Andy, remember you are nothing without us!"

"Am I really nothing without the Davies? Think again and think carefully about who I am and who my real parents are…. I am just telling you the truth and because you and father raised me, I will not retaliate. Let me leave and live peacefully."

Nancy's eyes were filled with anger! 'How dare she treat me like this! This ungrateful child!'

She was furious at Andrea's words, but she could only complain to herself. She was defenseless against Andrea, but she promised herself she would bring down this adopted child of hers and make her regret!

In respect to her foster father, Andrea decided to leave Nancy alone. Though she was not sure of Gabriel's involvement in her kidnapping, she knew Nancy would not let her be. It was from that moment on, that she decided to leave. Before Nancy could do more damage to her, she needed to save herself.

Alfred can only guess that something unacceptable had happened to Andrea, but she would not tell a soul. When she told him that she was leaving, he was heartbroken.

Of course, Alfred had his own sources and found out about the conflict in his family. He immediately secured Andrea's future by giving her a sufficient amount of the family fortune enough to keep her going on her own or create a new life elsewhere.

Andrea was bright and resourceful, even without the help of the Davies, she would have made it well on her own. Over the years she had acquired properties with her own capital. Although Alfred had always given her financial support, she tried to minimize the help in as much as possible.

Andrea sold all her estates and planned for a new beginning. All that was left was the company shares Alfred gave her. She left the family that she had lived with for years. It was yet another painful experience, but she could no longer bear to stay with them.

It has been three years since. She could not keep count of the many sleepless nights feeling the pain on her chest like she was unable to breathe. She went through hard times but she was better now. She sought her real family, found her older half-sister within a year and had lived under her care for almost 2 years.

She knew her mother was once together with another man in China before getting involved with her biological father. However, she had only decided to look for her half-sister after the agonizing experience. She wondered if her sister could give her the love she had been craving for since losing her parents.

While working for her adoptive parents, she had already met her brother by accident. Both of Andrea's parents died when she was nine years old, which led to her adoption. She and her older brother, being fostered by different families, grew apart without any contact with each other until she was eighteen.

Her brother resides in Korea with his new family. There, he was also brought up the same way as Andrea, meant to conquer the family business. Only that his family strongly supported him in every way as he was their only son.

This past year she has been traveling all across Asia, soul searching, finding meaning… Whatever she calls it. Just so she could forget her painful past. Once in a while, she would stay a month or two with her brother in Korea.

Just to keep her skills in check, she'd get occasional jobs from her brother and sister which she would oblige also as a way to keep her busy.

Thanks for reading. Please keep on to the next pages for you to enjoy.

If you have any feedback, don't forget to leave a comment.

Please also check my other novel. This is the story of Andrea's brother, Tricking My Cold Lover.

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