
Chapter 460 – I fell in love with you within the short time we spent together

Laura had invited Jacob to her apartment in the next hour. It was obvious that she didn't want anyone to know about it, so Jacob did not immediately inform his twin brother.

"Robin, can you keep an eye on mom? I have to check something," Jacob dashed into the garden where Robin and Sabrina were playing with the twins and spoke.

Robin still did not like Ethel but had to tolerate her since she was a condition for Jacob to move into the villa with them. 

After the time spent away from each other, he couldn't bear being away from his twin brother, thereby accepting that woman to live with them.

Because of her health, she was constantly indoors and never gave anyone problems.

"Sure. My wife would look out for her," Robin pushed the responsibility to Sabrina, who did not refuse as he asked Jacob.

"So where exactly are you going?" Jacob smiled and replied. "I promise to tell you when I get back."