
Chapter 449 – That makes two of us

"The way she looks at me," Jacob said thoughtfully, adding, "and I almost kissed her. She didn't show any resistance and our lips almost met but a call cut through that moment again," he said, frowned a little, and corrected himself. 

"No. It was Savannah crying for food when she woke up. That cute little girl messed up my chance," Jacob said in annoyance, Robin laughed at the way the old man was blaming a little girl for ruining his love chance.

"Don't blame a baby for not being a man. I think the two of you need to talk and if whatever you feel for each other is strong enough, then love would bring the two of you together," he said after careful thought.

Jacob honestly wanted a chance with Laura, as he had never met a girl like her. She was strong and smart and yet, as soft as wool when with the twins.