
Chapter 300 – Well, I'm back and I will handle all these bitches

Shandra was deeply upset by Sabrina's mocking behavior. 

It wasn't that she lacked suitors, but they didn't meet her standards and weren't the type she could proudly introduce to her high-profile friends and business associates.

The men who seemed to match her caliber lacked good looks and she deemed them unsuitable for accompanying her to events.

Shandra desired a man who was intelligent, attractive, and possessed a commanding presence over others. 

Unfortunately, all these qualities were embodied by one man she couldn't have - Robin.

"That's none of your concern," Shandra retorted, annoyed by Sabrina's interference. 

Sabrina sighed, feeling as though her valuable time had been wasted.

She mentally reminded herself to better manage her time in the future, linking it to financial consequences.

Glancing at her wristwatch once more, she declared, 

"Alright, I must depart."