
Chapter 150 – Robin regains consciousness

Daniel quickly rushed to his side and carried him to the bed, at the same time the doctor walked in. 

"Doctor Paul, thank you for making it so quickly," Daniel said with relief but was still nervous. Robin was strong and nothing ever made him faint in his life before, for as long as Daniel has known him.

"What happened to him?" The doctor asked while checking Robin's heartbeat with his stethoscope.

"I don't know," Daniel responded before his eyes traveled to the letter and he picked it up from the floor reading the first lines, he guessed where the shock came from. "I think it's from this letter his father left him but it must be confidential so we should not read it."

Daniel was Robin's best friend but would not read something he saw to be confidential unless Robin permitted him.

While the doctor checked on Robin, Daniel folded the letter, put it back in the envelope, placed it in the briefcase, and closed it.