
The present I got for writing a story

Gim-Iseul, an unemployed woman in her 30s. Who struggled with her day to day life to earn for herself. She worked at several places but was always kicked out for her overly cocky nature. She wasted the precious 7 years of her life, struggling to choose which job would be perfect for her. Because she only wanted to make money from her creativity, even she was good at writing stories, she ignored that and focused on singing, painting, playing basketball, doing animation and several other things. Which she always stopped doing in between. And finally, at the age of 29, she started taking writing seriously as some bitter-sweet memories of the past engulfed her mind. She just wanted to take out her pain somehow. Yet it was for good, her life took a new turn as the cute little characters of her story interfered with her life. And by mistake they even brought her an unimaginable present... Keep reading to learn more about that gift (^^)...

Bunny_Chan_01 · สมัยใหม่
16 Chs


"Ah...How pathetic my whole life is, wherever I go... ((ha-ha) Iseul was walking on the street drinking alcohol. She was laughing, and suddenly she started crying too.

(like how someone's condition can be so bad (- -))

I mess everything up. Like I am made up of misfortune...(haha)"

"I can't write a single chapter perfectly, and I thought I might win that contest...(haha)"

She was so intoxicated that everything seemed blurry to her. She collided with a pole, and suffered a severe blow to her forehead. She started yelling at it as if it was a person, "I know I'm worthless. So stop laughing at me, I know you're making fun of my pitiful life." Her condition was only getting worse.

Shouting at that pole, she went backwards, didn't care where she was going and unfortunately a car hit her. She fell on the ground. She was bleeding profusely. Yet instead of moaning in pain, she smiled and said "So, this is it. This is my end!" People walking around came closer and surrounded her. They caught the car driver and informed the police. Seeing her in such a condition, the driver also got scared. The police arrived and to make an escape, the driver suggested the police to call someone whom Iseul knows. From her phone they can find anyone who can help her.

And that accident also happened because Iseul was drunk and didn't even hear the car's horn. But the police asked the driver to stay with them until Iseul wakes up.

An ambulance arrived to pick up Iseul, the police checked her phone, in case they find the number of any of her close friends or relatives. But they were surprised to find her phone contact list empty, but they found a number that was not even saved. So, they dialed it...

"Hello! We are the police of Seoul Yeongdungpo-gu, and there has been an accident. And the woman met this accident is mortally injured. She doesn't have any ID or anything that could help us to reach her family. We only found your number which was not even saved in her phone's contact list. So, if you know this woman, we are taking her to the nearest hospital. I will send you the address, please come and take care of your friend."

"Ah! Why is my head hurting so much? I'm dead anyway, why do I still feel the pain? Am I in heaven or what?" After 5 hours Iseul finally opened her eyes, her head was bandaged. At first everything seemed blurry to her. She started looking around and surprisingly she saw a familiar face lying next to her, it was none other than that lady Monica from that logo making company. Her eyes widened as soon as she saw her.

"Eh..h...why am I in this plastic bag? Wait it's Iseul's phone, isn't it? Why did she put her phone in a plastic bag." The real Polly came out screaming. It is about that moment when the police officer forgot to turn off Iseul's phone after calling Monica. And as all android phones take around 30s to 1 minute to shutdown on their own. Little Polly seized the moment without wasting any more time. She came out of her phone because she was worried about her creator.

Not only Iseul's phone but all her belongings like watch, wallet and her empty bag were all in a zip lock transparent pouch bag, as they were found during an accident and her owner was also unconscious. So, the police handed them over to the hospital for safekeeping and asked the hospital security personnel to return her belongings to her when she wakes up.

Polly had trouble breathing. So, she tried to come out of that bag by trying to open that airtight zip lock pouch. But unfortunately it was sealed properly. So, she was left with no option but to cut the bag from inside. She used her hair pin and began to cut the pouch until it made a proper path.

After 20 minutes of effort she finally came out and found herself on the hospital tray which was in a safe room. She looked around and was stunned to see two big hospital guards around her. She was quite scared, but Iseul's thoughts helped her overcome her fear. And she decided to find her in that big hospital. Which to her was like finding a needle in a haystack. She waited until the guards had left the room and came downstairs using a telephone wire that was near Iseul's belongings. She ran towards the door. But it was locked. So, she bent over, rolled over and finally came out of that room through the gap between the door and the floor.

It was quite easy for her as she was so small. But as soon as she stepped outside, she was horrified to see so many big people walking around the hallway.  And then when the foot of a big guy was about to fall on her, she started running and somehow managed to make an escape. But unfortunately she could not protect herself from an old man's denture falling on her, yet she came out of it and found it quite disgusting.

Polly affixed herself to the wall and kept on moving with its support, but unfortunately she collided with a large wheel chair. A tear fell down her left cheek, as she was tired of walking in an unknown place for so long and even Peter was also not with her, she felt very lonely. She sat there by the wall and tried to figure out a better way to reach Iseul, but she failed to do so. That's when she noticed a medicine serving trolley. Her face lit up with joy, she wiped her tears away and jumped on it. After sometime a ward boy came and took it away. He was a male nurse, at first he entered the room of a woman who was in her 80s and had heart disease. Then he went to the room of a child who was a cancer patient. One by one he entered several patients' rooms but Iseul was not one of them. This greatly disappointed Polly.

But after meeting all the other patients, seeing them in such conditions, little Polly felt sorry for them. You know...whether she was a human or just a character in Iseul's story, she also had a soft heart, so she could feel the pain too. Finally, the trolley stopped near a patient who had suffered a severe head injury in a road accident. And that patient was none other than Gim-Iseul. Seeing her in such condition, Polly's eyes welled up in tears and she was also surprised to see Monica sitting next to her. Because she knew very well that Iseul has no family so who could she be? A lot of questions began to rise in her mind as she looked at them in amazement.