
The present I got for writing a story

Gim-Iseul, an unemployed woman in her 30s. Who struggled with her day to day life to earn for herself. She worked at several places but was always kicked out for her overly cocky nature. She wasted the precious 7 years of her life, struggling to choose which job would be perfect for her. Because she only wanted to make money from her creativity, even she was good at writing stories, she ignored that and focused on singing, painting, playing basketball, doing animation and several other things. Which she always stopped doing in between. And finally, at the age of 29, she started taking writing seriously as some bitter-sweet memories of the past engulfed her mind. She just wanted to take out her pain somehow. Yet it was for good, her life took a new turn as the cute little characters of her story interfered with her life. And by mistake they even brought her an unimaginable present... Keep reading to learn more about that gift (^^)...

Bunny_Chan_01 · สมัยใหม่
16 Chs


Ring ! Ring !

Hearing the sound of the alarm clock. Iseul woke up. She stopped the clock, got up from the bed and smiled at the sky, removing the curtains on the window that were blocking the sun's rays. "It's the start of a new day Gim-Iseul, from now on you have to focus on becoming an established writer, forget everything else, forget about the people who left you alone, forget about them. Forget about the people who betrayed you." Now you need to work really hard. You can do it." Iseul amused herself and decided to write a story.

She started her morning with a cup of coffee. She made a schedule to write at least 5,000 words a day. After washing herself she ate cereal with milk and sat down on her couch, picked up her laptop and started writing. She continued to write from where she had left off.

She added chapter-7, the chapter began with Peter sitting in his chair in the classroom and suddenly a boy appears with a serious look on his face. It was as if he wanted to say something and then his serious look turned into joy. "Ah, Peter, this is my desk, your table is by the window. I think you forgot about it.", his voice trembled. "Oh, I'm sorry I made a mistake. You can sit here". He answered slowly. Oh no, never mind. You can sit here if you want. I'll sit there." replied the boy.

As I told you earlier, Peter was a really shy kid, he was always bullied by his classmates. No one ever spoke softly to him but now it is happening because in the previous chapters of Iseul. The girl who came before him when he was trying to commit suicide was actually a ghost. Who was accidentally killed by her own classmates, while she was bearing their torture. She is a very stubborn kind of girl in the story, who can bear any kind of pain if it is just for her. But she could not stop herself seeing her friend getting hurt. Therefore, she decided to punish all those who dared to hurt her newly made friend Peter.

In the last chapter when she saved Peter. After exchanging their introduction with each other. He told her the reason because of which he was trying to kill himself.

He said, "I don't have parents, my parents died in an accident. Ever since they left me, I lived with my aunt and uncle who only cared about my father's life insurance which I get every month. I have no friends in school, they all hate me, make fun of me, beat me up. Just because I don't fight back and I don't have anyone who can fight for me either. They tease me because my hair color is different. The teachers also don't care whether they hit me or bully me because they all belong to the most elite families in our country. And today when they accused me of stealing someone's money, I just wanted to die. He accused me of not doing anything, at that time I was only thinking of death.

And...yes...I'm sorry I pushed you so hard. I did not mean that. I was really mad. So..." As Peter was telling her his story, the bob-haired girl burst into tears and said, "I'll make sure they pay for what they did to you". She looked so annoyed that she even scared Peter. Then she disappeared into thin air. Peter could not believe his eyes, he searched for her everywhere, but she was nowhere to be found. Then with a slight look of despair on his face, he thought that she might be his allusions.

Then he went downstairs, he was on his way to his class. Just then, he collided with one of the bullies. He looked really scared, his condition was not that good, it looked as if he had been thrashed very hard by someone.  And as soon as he saw Peter standing in front of him, his eyes widened... out of fear, he began to apologize to him for his mistake.

"I'm sorry Peter, I didn't mean to hurt you. We were just playing with you and it wasn't really my plan to implicate you for stealing money, but J told me to do it (their leader) Please I'm sorry, let me go..." Peter didn't understand what he was talking about. So, he panicked and ran in the direction that guy had come running from. He reached near the school's store room. And heard some boys shouting from the room which was locked from inside. "Somebody please help us, help! Somebody get us out." "Who the hell are you? Why are you doing this to us?".

Hearing those strange noises, Peter went to unlock the room. As soon as he opened the door, he saw that the miscreants were in a real bad state, their T-shirt was torn, their leader had a black swollen eye, they smelled like rotten milk. And when they saw Peter, begging him to save them, they apologized to him just like the previous guy. Then Peter found the bob-haired girl standing behind them, staring at him with an innocent look. He realized that Polly might be the one who had done all this to them. One of the bullies, with his trembling voice, said "Please don't hit us, we will never dare to bully you again. Please forgive us. Peter!!!"

Peter calmed himself and said,"I will never forgive you or bully you because I know how it feels to be bullied by your own classmates, I know the feeling of getting bathed by rotten milk. It really destroyed my taste buds for days. I don't want this to ever happen to anyone else. But I can never forgive you, you can go now or else I won't come to save you once again." They all ran away after hearing Peter's words.

"Peter..." The little girl was horrified, as she thought now that he knew her true self, he would hate her. So, taking her name, she looked down at the ground. And suddenly the boy came running up to her and hugged her very tightly. She cried, "I don't care whether you're a human or not. But to me you're my only friend. Never disappear from my sight like that again. Miss, Polly". His words really shook Polly from inside, she started crying like a little baby, because no one had ever told such soothing words to her.

And so little Miss, Polly was able to save the shy boy Peter from the bullies.

So, in Chapter-7. This is why the guy who once intimidated Peter began to treat him gently. Iseul then recounted how Peter and Polly spend the everyday of their lives at school, at home, hanging out together like good friends. The only problem was that she was only visible to him and the people around him.

At 1:15 p.m., Iseul met her goal of writing 5,000 words per chapter. Then she raised both of her arms and did some exercises as her body was too stiff to sit in that position for a long time. She looked at the clock, it was 20 minutes past 1. She decided to eat her lunch outside. She checked her bank account and found only 2,200,000 KWR left, she thought it would be good to find a part-time job quickly, otherwise she would be in a big trouble, and she had to pay rent for the upcoming month. Bills were also yet to be paid and since she is so bad at cooking she always had both of her lunch and dinner outside.

To go out she dressed well, packed her bag and went out after checking all the lights and other electronics were turned off.She went straight to a cheap restaurant nearby, where she ate gimbak and takoyaki. She checked the time again and thought it would be too early to go back home. So, to spend some more time outside, she stopped by a bookstore to read the most popular book of that time, which was, "Love is the only way to live". She entered the shop and asked the receptionist about the book, who showed her the direction by pointing to a huge pile of the same book. And she took one of the books in her hand, and began to read it. She was enjoying the book and meanwhile heard two teenage girls talking about some webnovel competition.

"Hey, are you participating in this year's webnovel contest."

"Yeah, of course, I'm sure I'll win it this time".

" I hope so "

"It's a good thing it's open to all ages, anyone can participate. I'll make sure to write a surprising story this time".

After listening to their conversation, she became curious about the competition and decided to participate. Those two teens also said that whoever wins the contest will get a chance to become an officially contracted writer. And she can also get royalty for it. This means she won't have to work elsewhere or keep changing jobs to pay the bills. She will be able to buy new designer clothes or anything else she wants.

She then closed the book, which she had picked up a second ago. She put it back where she was before and went running back to her house. As soon as she entered the room, she vigorously picked up the clothes which were kept on her cute fluffy bear couch and threw them down. Sitting in front of her computer, on the count of three. She searched about that webnovel contest. As soon as she opened that interface, it was written in it, 'Your wings are your words. You can be the next Karin, the author of the trending book called 'Love is the only way to live', it doesn't matter how old you are, the only thing that matters is your love for your passion, your writing." As soon as she read that entire article, her eyes finally lit up and she decided to take part in that contest...But you see when people feel too confident about doing something perfectly, they leave that work in the midway very quickly....