
Chapter Three

I ended up dancing way too much, my feet hurt. I sat back on my mommy's lap, she smiled patting my head. "Oh dear, you must be tired" she planted kisses along cheeks.

My brothers were much too tall for me. Beanstalks! But hopefully that means I'll be like a smoking hot supermodel when I get older! That thought was enough.

"Oh look. I think your daddy's surprise is ready" she picked me up and brought me to a back room.

In the room was a small boy with straight black hair and magenta eyes. His demeanor was cool and serious. I looked up at my mommy. Was he the surprise? My stomach twisted, we're my parents involved in human trafficking!?!

"This is the prince of the Court Of Butterflies, you're going to spend a year there to learn magic." daddy said, sparking a flame with his finger.

"Just for a year, I don't think I could take any longer" mommy squeezed my tight.

Nobody knew anything about what happened inside the court of butterflies. The place was so mysterious, and they wanted me to go FOR. A. YEAR!?!

Mommy had tears in her eyes. How could she betray me like this!?!

She set me down pushing me towards the boy. I didn't want to talk to him… I just wanted to stay home. "Hello I'm Ludocielle Le Voyer Zircon Alarie, it's nice to meet you" I pulled at the corners of my dress.

The boy took a bow. "I'm Zen Karenzaki, it's a pleasure to be your acquaintance." He was such a pretty kid.

"Zen is going to be your guide. His daddy suggested it" mommy was glaring glaring at daddy who was looking at zen with a suspicious look.

I could feel my legs going out, my life was going so well. Now they were going to throw me back into uncertainty! How would I survive!

Then suddenly daddy handed me a box. "One last gift for you." The box was small but a bit heavy.

I opened the box pulling out an extravagant looking necklace with a little pink stone. "Thank you daddy!" I wrapped my arms around his neck. Daddy was a big softie, maybe I could utilize his soft spot for me.

"Your welcome" He smiled at me. Darn, I thought he might change his mind.

I'd have to play my trump card.

I forced the tears to well up in my eyes and looked up at him. "But… I'll miss you so much daddy!" I let a tear run down my face. He pulled me into a gentle hug . My daddy in my past life was quite strict, but he along with my mother passed away in an accident.

"Don't worry, you'll only be gone for a year for your education, then you come back. All of your siblings went" he put a hand on my shoulder, nodding assuredly. Sorry daddy, but that's not the issue! I wanted to pull out his messy blue hair or maybe cut off his horns. How could he do this to me!

I crossed my arms. "Oh sweetheart, don't pout, mommy will get you a goodbye cake" she bent down next to me. Cake was great and all, but I didn't like the thought of the uncertainty. I'd be in a completely new place. I had just started to adjust to the life I'm already living.

But mommy did know that cake made the deal a bit more tempting. I almost hated her for it, I folded giving into my mothers embrace. I guess I'll go, it's only a year.