
The Power of Seven

Harry realizes that he's a horcrux a year early. Desperate to help her best friend, Hermione discovers a ritual that can save him. The problem? Harry needs to have sex with and bond with seven witches. THIS STORY WAS COPY PASTED YOU CAN FIND THE ORIGINAL STORY IN THE LINK BELLOW link:https://archiveofourown.org/works/14253384/chapters/32871009 AUTHOR:https://archiveofourown.org/users/VelvetInferno/pseuds/VelvetInferno

mooooooooooow · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
81 Chs

Pour Some Sugar on Me

The encounter with Hermione had been enlightening, and his living conditions had improved markedly- from a cramped room in a house full of people who loathed him to a comfortable room in a house with no one at all. However, when Harry woke up, he couldn't help but feel like he wasn't really any closer to solving his real problem- that he was stuck here, trapped and miserable, and no amount of determination or critical thinking could get him out.

To be honest, Harry was becoming aware that the passage of time was a nebulous thing in his current state. It was impossible to tell if it had been hours, days, or even longer since Hermione had left. Everything sort of… blended together. He just wanted to get out of here. He wanted to remember all the people who seemed to love him and he wanted to get out of this purgatory.

That was how she found him. "Hi Harry." The blonde girl said simply, beaming at him with a serene smile. "I imagine you don't really know me."

Harry regarded her, racking his brain and coming up with nothing. "Er, sorry."

"Luna Lovegood." She held out her hand to shake. Somewhat bewildered by her completely at ease attitude, he took her hand.

"Harry Potter." He answered automatically, grimacing as he realized that introducing himself was entirely unnecessary.

Luna just giggled, completely nonplussed "Pleased for you to meet me. Why don't you show me around?"

She'd just waltzed in, acting like nothing at all was amiss, and now she wanted a tour? Hermione and Ginny had treated this with some sort of gravity, but Luna? She was just very happy to see him. She didn't bother letting go of his hand, and Harry didn't feel inclined to let go either. He felt so… comfortable with her, with her lightness and joy.

Luna clucked with disapproval as he showed her his rather unremarkable accommodations. "That's it?"

Harry shrugged "What do you expect? It's a house. Hermione fixed up my room but…"

"Harry. This is your dream, right?"

"Err, right." He'd come to accept that this world wasn't real.

"So then, why are you living in a simple muggle house? Why not a mansion? Or in a cloud? Or, or…"

"I can't just snap my fingers and change the world around me, it doesn't work like that." Harry grumbled, a little put off.

Luna titled her head. "Doesn't it?" She snapped her fingers, and the scenery around them melted away. Harry stumbled, disoriented, until he caught himself on a table to formed nearby. He looked around- they were in some sort of dining hall, he looked up and was awestruck by the ceiling. Was it just open to the night sky? If so, he'd never gotten a view of the sky so clear before, what with light pollution.


"Oh, this is nothing. Just the great hall." Luna said nonchalantly. "Come on!" She dragged him on.

"Wait, is this a real place?" Harry asked.

"Oh, yes. Its in Hogwarts." Luna told him. She pushed open a side door and led him through it.

Harry blinked… did he just walk into Candyland? Giant candy canes stood like trees, while oversized marshmallows played the role of bushes. All varieties of oversized treats and candies dotted the landscape. A pond of chocolate fudge, which hosted a community of chocolate frogs, lay next to the pathway stretched out in front of them. Luna pumped her fist. "It's all candy!"

"I can see that." Harry said "Is… this at Hogwarts too?"

Luna titled her head "Not that I know of. Though it'd be neat of there was a hidden section of the forbidden forest like this."

"So… care to explain, how you did all of this?"

"It's a dream Harry." She said, drawing up a finger to tap his head "All in there. You're in control of everything. I reckon the only reason you couldn't do this is because you thought you couldn't."

"What about you, this isn't your dream." Harry pointed out.

"Harry." She smiled warmly, lovingly "I'm a part of you, and you're apart of me. What's mine is yours, and what's yours is mine."

Harry was seized by the sudden urge, welling up in his chest, to kiss her. He didn't fight it. Luna was quite receptive, and quickly outmaneuvered him, pressing her advantage and moving him back until he was falling into a nearby marshmallow.

He was still rather new at this.

Luna shot him a rather wicked, yet playful grin. She reached down, and gave his crotch a quick squeeze, before rushing away and shouting with a laugh "Come on!"

Harry stumbled to his feet and then set off after her- over a bridge that crossed a fudge river, round the bend that passed a giant cupcake. At this point, a thought occurred to him. Why was he chasing after her, when he could use the dream to stop her?

One moment Luna was laughing as she ran, the next she was squealing as she tumbled into the pool of chocolate fudge that sprang up in front of her. She landed with an unceremonious splash, and rounded on him, slowly wading out of the chocolate with that mischievous look on her face again. "Harry James Potter." She said in mock anger "You will regret this!"

Harry chuckled, until his mouth turned dry as she stepped out of the pool. Somewhere along the line, her clothes had disappeared. Aside from the fact that she was coated from the neck down in a thick layer of dripping chocolate, she was completely naked. To complete the look, a can of whipped cream appeared in her hand, and she sprayed it on her breasts, and then on her crotch, before tossing it away. "Harry." She purred, her hips swaying slightly as she approached him "You think you're so clever." Harry was dumbstruck, his cock throbbed and twinged at Luna's gratuitous display. She seemed so unassuming, he had no idea she had it in her to be so sinfully sexy "And you are." She continued, draping her arms over his shoulders, and bringing her lips to his. Harry was swept up in the kiss, letting her guide him. She pulled back "Not to mention kind. Loving. Sexy. But…" Her hands grabbed his shoulders and pushed "SIKE!"

It was Harry's turn to be dunked in the pool while Luna laughed uproariously.

"Hilarious." He snarked, wiping the chocolate from his eyes. He'd lost his glasses… though this was a dream, he didn't need glasses to see. "Comic genius, Luna Lovegood." Luna mock curtseyed, a motion which was made completely ridiculous by the fact that she was naked and covered in chocolate.

Well, two can play at that game.

When Harry emerged from the pool, he too had banished his clothes, and Luna's giggling cut off suddenly. She was blushing and seemingly unable to look away, Harry realized with more than a bit of satisfaction. Before he'd met Ginny, he was sure he'd never have the confidence to do this. "Like what you see?"

Luna's tongue swiped across her lips as she admired him, a simple gesture that sent a thrill through his cock, making it twitch. "You look delicious, Harry." There went her tongue again "I want to taste."

Harry's confidence flagged as he realized he really had no idea what to do now, other than let Luna do whatever she liked to him. Then, when her hand wrapped around his aching, twinging cock, he stopped thinking at all. He let her lead him once more, but this time, when she pushed him back, he found himself seated comfortably, in what could only be described as a candy throne. Luna then curtseyed once more, and sank to her knees.

She'd taken control… only to seemingly give it right back to him. "Harry, I'd like to worship your cock."

"Are you sure that's what you want, Luna?" Make no mistake, to say he was eager for her blowjob was an understatement. He somehow knew just how good her sweet mouth would feel, lapping and sucking at his cock- he was throbbing urgently in anticipation, his cockhead swollen and flaring. He wanted it, but he wanted to please her, too.

So when she met his eyes, so he could see the sheer hunger burning in hers, and she said "I wasn't asking." This sent Harry off balance, no she hadn't been putting him in control. Even though she was pleasuring him it was abundantly clear who was calling the shots. "I'm going to suck every drop of your sweet cum out of you, Harry. Until your balls-" Her hand caressed his testicles gently "-are dry. Do you understand?"

Harry nodded, unable to speak. Her words had sent tingles up and down his shaft, and he was worried he'd blow his load right off the bat. He didn't want to disappoint her. Thankfully, she started slow, excruciatingly slow. She pressed a kiss to one of his testicles, then to the other, then taking the first into her mouth and suckling at it gently until every bit of chocolate had been removed, then giving the same treatment to the other. Harry's breathing hitched with each step of this process, and by the time she pulled back, his cockhead was glistening with precum. With glittering eyes, she gave his cockhead a kiss, her tongue peaking out to lap collect the precum.

She looked up at him, and Harry was struck by the view- his swollen cock against her lips, and her cleavage only obscured by whipped cream. "Uhn." Harry grunted, and his cock throbbed visibly as it secreted another drop of pre-cum. Luna let out a husky laugh, but gamely kissed his cockhead again, before raining kisses up and down his shaft, her tongue swiping at his flesh until it was clear of chocolate, revealing the flushed skin underneath. She finished off with his frenulum, her tongue swirling around that sensitive path of skin until Harry broke "Uhhn, Luna, please."

But Luna pulled back, admiring her prize with unfocused eyes "Harry, is it alright if I try something?"

Harry would have agreed to anything she said at that moment. "I was… inspired by something Fleur did to you." She continued. Harry was beginning to wonder who this 'Fleur' was. "Until Hermione cooks up a potion to do it, this will be my only chance."

"Your chance to what?"

Luna answered by cradling his testicles in her hand, and gently stroking one with her fingers. The motion ignited something in them, a boiling heat that spread and rose, up through his cock, busting from his cockhead as he began to leak profusely, semen dribbling liberally down his shaft. Luna continued to stroke his testicles, kindling new, ever more intense waves of heat that spread up his shaft.

Luna's eyes burned as she beheld her prize, before the temptation was too great and she swiped her tongue from his base to his tip, collecting the semen that had trickled down. This was the last straw for Harry, he'd endured he teasing this entire time, but he truly could stand no more. His hands, which he studiously kept at his sides, grabbed her head, weaving through her hair. His eyes, burning with desire and aggression, bored into hers- wide with shock. Luna squeaked, but her resistance melted as soon as he pressed his cockhead past her lips.

"You tease." He seethed "You want my cum? The fucking take it!" He propped himself up in his throne and titled his hips forward, his hands rooted Luna's head in place so that he could thrust himself into her mouth. Luna eagerly sucked and swirled her tongue around his cock, making small noises of pleasure. Her sloppy, noisy blowjob just spurred him on, and he began to mindlessly thrust his hips upwards, seeking whatever an orgasm was in his current state. "Fuck! Fuck! I'm gonna cum! Take it! Take it!"

Whatever had been brewing in him exploded, and Harry felt himself blissfully pump himself into Luna's sucking mouth. Harry's vision blurred, his hips shook, and he moaned helplessly as Luna actually bore down on him, she sucked and slurped as he filled her mouth with his cum, but didn't swallow.

Long after any normal orgasm would have begun dying down, the churning heat in Harry's core, and the ringing, pulsing pleasure that shot through his cock and across his body with each contraction of his core muscles just kept going. Eventually, Luna's cheeks began to puff up, and his semen began to spill out of the corners of her mouth. She was forced to swallow, and his cock jerked free in the process. He was shocked by the sheer volume he was still producing, but Luna reveled in it, beaming and moaning as the first shot streaked up the side of her face, into her hair, with most of it arcing over her. The next pulse, however, would be dead on, directed by Luna's hand to splatter across her face.

Harry could only watch, paralyzed and taken by the erotic spectacle as Luna coated her face in his essence, cum forcing her eyelids half shut and stringing in her open mouth as she moaned. She stroked his shaft firmly with one hand, the other rubbing vigorously at her sex until she too tipped over the precipice, her face twisted nakedly in pleasure.

As his peak finally began to trail off, his essence began to spill lower on her body, tricking down her cleavage and stomach. The white of his semen contrasted and mingled with the dark brown chocolate already dripping down her skin. Finally, as he spent himself, the last of his orgasm trickled down his cock.

Harry collapsed bonelessly back into the chair as the aftershocks of his orgasm still tingling in his fingers and toes. Luna practically purred as she licked the chocolate and semen off her skin, clearing. "Oh my god." He panted "How?"

"Dream." Luna said simply. As if to demonstrate her point, another can of whipped cream materialized in her hand.

"Oh." He said breathily "Right. Luna… what?" Harry's words were cut off with a gasp as she sprayed the whipped cream along the length of his shaft, and then took it in her mouth once more.

His mind temporarily shut down at the sensation of her talented mouth around his now over-sensitive shaft, her tongue circling him indescribably. When he came back to himself, he found Luna perched on his lap, smiling impishly down at him. His body tingled where their skin made contact, and he let out a weak moan that Luna caught with a kiss.

She tasted like candy and sex.

She pulled back, leaving Harry once again breathless. He moaned again. "Luna." and she giggled. The alluring look in her eyes told him she wasn't done with him, not yet.