
The Power of Seven

Harry realizes that he's a horcrux a year early. Desperate to help her best friend, Hermione discovers a ritual that can save him. The problem? Harry needs to have sex with and bond with seven witches. THIS STORY WAS COPY PASTED YOU CAN FIND THE ORIGINAL STORY IN THE LINK BELLOW link:https://archiveofourown.org/works/14253384/chapters/32871009 AUTHOR:https://archiveofourown.org/users/VelvetInferno/pseuds/VelvetInferno

mooooooooooow · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
81 Chs


At Hermione's insistence, the pair of them went to the library. She had heard that it had picked up a few new books last week and as she put it "While I was studying to save your life, I neglected my coursework a bit."

Harry decided now was as good a time as ever to work on revisions. Yeah, he was still a bit on edge from being snogged by two witches, but he figured that that 'problem' wasn't going to go away in the near or distant future.

Hermione nudged him sharply, silently pointing out a table with Susan Bones, Hannah Abbot, and Neville. Well, that was as good a set up as he was ever going to get.

"Mind if we sit with you guys?" Hermione asked the table, to large agreement.

Neville and Hannah seemed to be in their own world, and Hermione chose a seat so that Harry was next to Susan.

"So what are you working on?" Harry asked as he unpacked his supplies.

"Snape." Susan told him, the single word and tone told him everything he needed to know.

"Want help?" Harry offered sympathetically. "You may not know this, but I have a bit of experience in tutoring defense against the dark arts."

Susan giggled. "Well that's great, because I could use 'a bit' of help right now."

And that was it. It was actually very easy for Harry to settle into the role of tutor. Just helping a friend out, there wasn't anything bad about that, right? Together, the two of them wrote out an essay to Snape's unforgiving expectations. Hannah and Neville went off to do their own thing, and Hermione told them to not wait up for her, she had a project she was reading up on, so Harry walked Susan back, at least until they needed to part ways.

"Well, I can't thank you enough, Harry. If you ever need help with Charms homework, I'm your girl." Susan told him.

"I might just take you up on that offer." Harry grinned "Say, is there anything going on between Hannah and Neville?"

"You noticed too!" Susan laughed "They're like, all over each other. I think it's sweet."

"Well I'm not completely dense. I did have to sit through Ron and Hermione's routine for six years."

"Oh Merlin. There's a ton of gossip around them. Any insight from their closest friend in the world?"

"Ron's a prat." Harry said bluntly.

"I hadn't noticed." Susan responded, deadpan, but she giggled, giving herself away.

"How are the three of you so close? Like, Hannah and I are best friends, but nothing like the golden trio."

"Maybe you should go take Hannah and find a mountain troll to fight." Harry suggested "We constantly seem to get into mortal peril together, so that probably has something to do with it."

Talking with Susan was surprisingly easy. She was smart. Curious too, maybe a little nosy, but also nice about it. "And Neville and Luna? How did they get into your circle of friendship?"

"Why? You want in?" Harry teased, and to his surprise, he noticed her blush a tad.

"Just curious."

"Well, Neville got there through sheer persistence. Even when he's outclassed, he never backs down. And well, by fifth year I started realizing that there was more to life than Ron and Hermione. Luna… well she believed in me when a lot of people didn't"

"I believed you too." Susan reminded "A lot of people did."

"Thank you for that" Harry said sincerely "But with Luna, well I guess I could see myself in her a bit." Susan arched an eyebrow in response "Uh, I mean when I was little, I grew up with muggles. I was different. My aunt and uncle would only let me wear my cousin's hand-me down's, and I was bullied a lot. Ron and Hermione were the first friends I ever had."

Susan's eyes grew sad "I didn't mean to hit a sensitive topic, I'm sorry Harry."

"It's okay" Harry told her "Anyway, I saw the same thing happening with Luna. She doesn't deserve to be treated the way she is, just because she's different. And, like I said, she believed me. She's kind and loyal. She had my back in the department of mysteries. I trust her."

"You know, that's what makes you special, Harry." Susan told him warmly "Hannah and I noticed that Luna was getting bullied, but we didn't do anything. She wasn't in our year, or in our House, what could we do?" She shrugged "But that didn't stop you. Most people see something bad happen and most of the time they feel bad but they don't take action. But you do."

It was Harry's turn to blush. "Err, thanks."

"Sorry. I shouldn't have gotten so deep with you there. I guess I just realized that maybe that's something I could change in my own life."


They had quidditch practice that evening, and in the middle of practice Harry slipped Ginny his invisibility cloak with a wink. A thrill of excitement raced through her. Breaking the rules was fun. Having sex with Harry was fantastic. Breaking the rules to have sex with Harry? She'd been anticipating their next nighttime 'encounter' all day.

Unfortunately, she had to wait for her roommates to get to sleep before she could leave. Demelza was up reading one of her titillating romance novels in bed, and as much as she liked her friend, she was getting frustrated. She tried to pass time by studying, but she didn't have the mindset for it. Instead she began silently fingering herself. She slid two fingers inside of herself, moving in and out, slowly and methodically. Occasionally she would crook them to hit her G-spot, but mostly she was content with letting herself drift in the pleasure. Ever since she and Harry had fucked, penetrating herself didn't hold the same appeal to her. Her fingers, and even her wand, just didn't compare to the warmth and fullness of having his cock in her. It just made her wish she was with Harry, which was fine because presumably she soon would be.

Her eyes flew open when she heard a whimper from the next bed over, and the unmistakable shlick-shlick that vigorous masturbation produced. She knew Demelza masturbated, but this was the first time she'd caught her in the act- perhaps because Ginny silenced her curtains most nights.

Ginny took the opportunity to leave. She draped Harry's invisibility cloak over her otherwise naked body, and crept out of the room. Ginny had to flatten herself against the stairwell when a first-year boy passed her, going down to the common room. She wondered what would have happened if the kid had caught her. The sight of the visibly aroused and dripping older witch probably would have blown his mind.

Ginny's excitement rose as she approached Harry's bed. She applied a silencing charm, just in case, and parted the curtains. Harry was sprawled out naked, but was also asleep.

It had taken her a while.

Ginny silently kneeled on his bed, closing the curtains tightly, and observed her boyfriend. She'd never really gotten to see him asleep before. Dozing during the day, perhaps, but not fully asleep. He was so relaxed, so peaceful. The tension he seemed to always carry with him was gone.

Ginny resumed fingering herself as she ogled him. She also hadn't a chance to look- like really look- at Harry's body. It had always been in the heat of the moment, but now… now she could take her time. She could memorize him.

She could probably spend hours drinking him in. And it didn't hurt that she was surrounded by his scent.

She held her body over his cock as she pleasured herself. She was wet. Her arousal coated her thighs, and it dripped off her fingers. Right onto his cock. Ginny let out a whimper. Harry stirred.

"Gin?" He murmured. "You're late."

"Sorry." She whined "I can make it up to you."

"Oh?" His cock had sprung up to full attention almost instantly, and he was gently stroking it. "How?"

"I can tell you a story." Ginny whimpered. "The story of how desperate Luna is to fuck you."

"Is that what you guys talked about? Having sex with me?"

"Among other things. I also taught her how to masturbate." She continued to finger herself, and drops of her arousal fell onto Harry's cock and hand.

"How'd you do that?"

"Well. I showed her." She grinned.

Harry's jaw dropped and his cock twitched. "You masturbated in front of Luna." He moaned. His stroking had sped up, and her juices were making a soft swishing sound as he did so.

"She was doing it to. We were talking about having sex with you." Ginny gasped "She really wants to."

Harry lost his patience with their game. He grabbed her hips and pushed her down onto his cock.

"Oh FUCK." Ginny screamed. She hadn't been expecting that. It had been rough, and sudden, and fantastic. "Fuck me." She murmured to herself, she wasn't going to last long at all.

"As you wish." Harry said, and then he flipped them over so that she was the one splayed out on the bed.

"I want it hard. Fuck me as hard as you can." She moaned.

Harry growled as he gripped her hips tightly, and began rutting into her. Harry entered a sort of trance, as primal instincts took over. "Fuckfuckfuckfuck" Ginny cursed quickly, her voice gaining pitch as she approached her peak. She'd been teasing herself for so long, she really had been close to the edge.

But even as she came, Harry didn't relent. He fucked her right through her orgasm, giving her no time to recover or regroup. Ginny's hands went to his ass, gripping hard enough to leave marks, and she muttered a string of profanity.

"Fuck my pussy! I've been dreaming of being fucked like this since I was twelve. I'm such a slut. All you have to do is look my way and I want to fuck you. Of fucking fuck! Luna wants your cock so bad! You have her in the palm of your hand. You could fuck her tomorrow if you wanted. I'd watch. That was the hottest thing I'd ever seen. If it weren't for Hermione I'd have fucked you right there. Do you have any idea how sexy you are you bastard? How many girls would do anything you wanted if you just asked? Fucking hell. I'm going to cum again. You're going to make me cUUUUH! AAAH OOOO-FUCK HARRY!"

A second orgasm tore through her and on the other side of it she noticed that Harry was close. The expression on his face, the urgency that he plowed into her. He was almost there. "Cum in me baby! I want you to cum inside me!" She begged.

And she'd be damned. That trick worked again. "GINNY!" Harry moaned as he drove himself home into her. She could feel his cock pulsing, and the rush of heat from his cum. She moaned at the delicious sensation. "You're so fucking sexy Gin. I can't even- fuck." Harry gasped as he collapsed into her.

She couldn't resist. "I don't know, you seem pretty spectacular at it to be honest." Harry snickered, and cradled her to him.

"Love you." He said simply, and Ginny sighed in contentment as she snuggled closer to him. She was floating on a cloud. She felt so loved, protected, and straight up high from pleasure. This was satisfaction that even a week ago she wouldn't have fully understood.

Harry was drifting off, which was okay. As much as she wished she could fall asleep with him and stay like this until morning, she knew they couldn't. Not yet.
