
The Potter-Slytherin Curse

Harry apparates Dudley near the Leaky Cauldron, and therefore doesn't get sent a warning. Also, he doesn't go to Grimmauld Place. He also doesn't end up in front of the Wizengamot either for casting a Patronus Charm to save his and Dudley's life. However, he does find another mystery. Grey Harry.

Linda_Vidler · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
22 Chs

Student Counsel 2

"No way."

"Do you know what that's all going to impact?"


"Oh, yeah, so technically our school counsel is now illegal."

"Gobstones club."

"Chess club."

"Unfortunately, so is Quidditch."

"We're going to have to go to her and ask her to reinstate these."

Dudley, sitting closer to the younger years, got pulled into talking about all the different clubs that would have to be approved.

"I guess we're going to have a student counsel meeting soon?"

"I guess."

Harry watched as Gillian walked over and talked to Larissa, then watched as he pulled out a quill to start writing.

"I believe you guessed correctly."

Draco turned in his seat quickly, saw what was going on, and smirked.

"He's going to really have to come up with another way to do that, because those around him are not being subtle at all," he said after he'd turned around again. "It's fine for now, but she's going to come up with what he's doing if that happens every time the rules change."

"Who knows? We might be able to pass it off as needing to spread the word about what all this is going to affect."

"Potter, you're smarter than that. Do you remember how all suspicious she is of you? I can't believe that she is getting you in detention for all these things, such as yesterday for making noise when you tripped over Goldstein's bag."

"You're right."

"Anyway, how's your homework coming?"


"So, anyway, I'm not sure how useful these books on the Nazis are going to help. I mean, yeah, she seems to be using a favourite tactic of theirs, but it isn't quite the same."

"So what do you have?"

"Well, one thing thing that we should probably study up on, is how the Jews were treated by them, and other 'lesser humans'. We're in the same kind of psychological siege going on. We're stuck in an enclosed space. The Ministry cry which she is supporting is that Potter and the Headmaster are lying about You-Know-Who being back, and dragging their names through the mud. She is limiting our food as much as allowed by not allowing food in other places besides the kitchens and the Great Hall. She's limiting our ability to have weapons to fight back, which was the first thing she did, actually. She's attacking our abilities to believe we are deserving better by making the rules hard to follow, and so making it look like she is in the right to punish us. However, besides the quill that she seems to have Potter using and a few others, there isn't much she can do to punish us. It turns out her crew of enforcers, which was the SS for the Nazis, who were brutal, we have already made plans for with them. She's also starting the thought line that our recreation must be approved by her with this new rule. The biggest things that they did was treat them as lesser, as almost not humans that had no rights. This eventually meant tortures, experimentations, and mass deaths through various means."

Heads nodded as Finch-Fletchly gave his report.

"That's not counting the Nazi's favorite standard for attacking a country. It was called Blitzkrieg. They bombed a place, and then as the soldiers were waiting en masse outside the bombing zone, marched through while the enemy was down. Great Britain actually felt the bombing part, as Hitler was wanting to invade Britain, but we were supported by Canada and other colonies. We were also maybe to stubborn to give up even under sustained fire."

"It was the same years as Grindelwald's campaign, with similar ideologies and outcomes, for those of you who have no idea the big deal about the muggle World War 2."

"Question, what are bombs?"

"Okay, you know how when you step on a cup of liquid, it splatters? Think of something doing that, only large enough to cover several feet and with the same effect as a blasting curse or some, fiend fire."

"The muggles figured out how to do that?"

"Years ago."

"So what you're saying is that she is following the same examples of say Grindelwald and the Nazis?"

The disbelief in the tone was not out of place with the slightly wary or shocked looks around the table.

"On a lesser degree, yes."

That sparked conversation.

"We've got to get that lady out of here."

"I don't think we can call her a lady, George."

"I don't think she deserves the title either, Fred."

"Fred and George, she hasn't caught you with that one, yet."

"So plans of actions?"

That question was barely heard over the talking that started going around the table.

Gillian raised his voice and whistled. "Hey! Listen up here."

It quieted down in a couple of seconds.

"Thanks. I know this report is upsetting for many if not all of us, but we have to follow a plan instead of panic. With the research that our muggleborn are putting in here on the issue, we won't be as surprised by things, so we can plan counter moves. First off, the issue of being able to defend ourselves. I know I got my owl back. Did anyone have issues just with mail tampering?"

A couple of hands were raised.

"Did you receive everything as far as you know?"


"My owl was injured."

"Okay. Did anyone have issues with family members not delivering books?"

A pause as people looked at each other around the room.


Everyone shook their heads.

"Good. Using those, we'll split them up per year with the teacher groups. All right, my writer today, Hannah, do you have those noted?"

Hannah nodded.

"All right. Now location. Do you have an idea where the classroom should be?"

"I am wondering if we should ask a house elf. They know this castle better than everyone, and could probably know a room where we could meet as a class and be safe."

"Thanks, Potter. Now timing, there is a way we can do this. First Years will have class Monday evening directly after supper and will be the same time each day. Second years will have Tuesday; Third Years, Wednesday; Fourth Years, Thursday; Fifth Years, Friday; Sixth years, Saturday after supper. The only class not like that will be Seventh Years, and we will be meeting on Saturday morning right after breakfast."

Gillian waited while Hannah finished jotting things down.

"Are we going to hang on to the extra books, or leave them in the classroom, bring them here, or what?"

"Well, I think you should bring them here by Saturday, and I'll give the teachers them either that day or Sunday. It'll give them some time to prepare, even if it isn't much. I think for the first classes, we'll be bringing them into the classroom, but after that, we should all have books that we carry. It won't be as noticeable then."

"Vote Saturday or Sunday?"

"Sure, why not."


"I think so, I'd like to be more prepared for the first years first class."


"Okay, anyone else?"

A couple more people raised their hand.

"Any body want to vote Sunday?"

Two people raised their hands.

"With a vote of four to two, Saturday has been approved as the book pickup day for teachers. All others abstained. All right, next topic is security. We're going to have to make sure that no one talks about the classes somehow."

"Fidelius Charm?"

"Oath agreement in writing?"

"Those are both options. Any arguments or discussions for your choices?"

"A Fidelius charm has to only be cast once, but keeps the person from talking about it to someone who doesn't already know the secret. It also keeps it hidden."

"A Fidelius Charm also requires the use of a secret keeper, who has to be reliable."

"I don't think the Headmaster will be ignorant of a room of his castle suddenly disappearing."

"It will make him forget or not find it. Also, we could put the secret keeper under an oath agreement in writing."

"If we have everyone sign their name on the first day, and let them know they won't be able to tell, then we won't have the issue of the Headmaster becoming aware he forgot something in regards to the castle."

"However, the room will be able to be found by anyone, and people will break written oath agreements."

"Even if the agreement costs them something physically?"

"Even then."

"I take it we are heading away from the idea of an oath agreement?"

Heads nodded.

"The Fideius Charm is in one of the books in the library, in one of the advanced charm books."

The Head Boy stopped and counted heads and said, "That was 30 students. All right, Fidelius. Who casts it, and who will be the secret keeper, and what will be the secret?"

"The secret is that the DADA classes meet in this specific room."

"Fine. Caster?"

"One of you Seventh Years or a Teacher?"

"The person has to be fairly strong. I know Dumbledore cast the one around where my parents lived."


The entire group looked at Harry.

"I do know we were hiding from Voldemort, though. Maybe it has to do with how strong the person is that we're hiding from?"

"Good question. Why else have a spell, if no one can cast it?"

"Has anyone ever seen her use her wand, really?"

"Is there a way that a person can be given magical energy temporarily?"

"I know in the muggle world fairy rings are mentioned often. Is there a reason for that?"

"Wait what?"

"Is there group casting?"

"You're talking about ritual aspects now, Granger?"

"If you mean people holding hands and one person saying the spell, I guess so? There's not much about that in the library. The rituals there are more to do with the seasonal celebrations."

"Or weddings" was grumbled somewhere.

"Are you and your folks looking at wedding ideas?"

Giggles and laughter were heard.

"All right, back to the former topic. Are we comfortable doing something ritualistic to give the strength the spell may require?"

One of the seventh year Hufflepuffs said, "As long as no one gets hurt. I am not going to do this if someone does."

"Granger, so the muggles have a fairy tale that has fairy rings in it? And you're wanting to know if it is an actual magical thing?"

"Not fairy tales per say, but more cautionary tales about searching for fairies."

"Why, what happens if you're caught up around these fairy rings?"

"Caught up by fairies tend to be kidnappings of permanent or temporary lengths, dancing for any given length of time, whether all night or until you are dead, or stuck changed, like the man in A Midsummer's Night's Dream, who got his head turned into a donkey's. Also, depending on the tale, you end up becoming magical yourself, because they want to keep you."

"Oh, you're talking about Tam Lin, where they might have been going to kill him in another ritual as well."

"Turning a muggle magical would take a lot of magical strength."


"Not what we've been told" remained unsaid by Draco.

Many eyebrows were lifted at that one.

"This was from before the witch burnings, so maybe some rituals got lost?"

"Okay, this will definitely require a little more research."

Some of the older kids were having a staring contest. One looked away.

"You looked away; you say it."

"Fine. Could some of the dark rituals have clues about this? We're talking older magics anyway."

One of his friends shoved him with their elbow.

"Ow! Sharp elbows. What I mean to say is, while some of the old stuff has not been declared dark, a lot of it was because of how they affected others. However, wouldn't it hold clues as to how they used to cast the more powerful stuff?"

"I know the one Voldie used technically used three other individuals, and each were symbolically attached to him in some way. Father, servant, and enemy."

"Symbolism is heavily used in ritual magic."

"All right, we need to set this conversation back. Should we try with one of the stronger seventh years, and hope it's strong enough to avoid her detection?"

"Why not? As far as I can tell, she's a bossy, ugly, almost squib."

"We really don't know her magical strength, as we don't see her use it."

"I'd say, we should do this sooner than later, because unless we do something, someone's going to tell a teacher almost right away."

"I agree. We can always cast a stronger one if we figure out how at a later date."

"We've got enough disagreement, so let's do a vote on this one. Vote for a not so strong Fidelius if we can do it, with the idea of strengthening it at a later date?"

Hands raised.

"All those against?"

Hands raised.

"All right, that was 28 for, 16 against, and 4 abstaining. Hannah, you got that?"

AN: 4 students times 4 houses times 3 years is 48 students in the Student Counsel. I am going off of 10 or 12 (5 or 6 male, 5 or 6 female) students per year per house, which is 40 - 48 students in a year, with normally 20 - 24 students in a class room at one time, which is not too bad for a single teacher at a time, so the student body is around 280 - 336 students. I guess the student body really hates Umbridge.

"Yes, Gillian."

"All right. Next on the list, we have Hermione's research project, communication. Hermione?"

"Hi, I found a charm that I thought would work great. Once applied to multiple objects, the main one will alert or change the rest. The change will be simultaneous. I thought we could use fake coins, as coins have an inscription on the edges."

"Is it easily doable?"


"Coins are easily hidden amongst others."

"Coins are also easily lost or spent."

"Something more of a decoration maybe? Something else a bunch of older kids would have, but not everyone?"

"Bag decorations?"

"Pendants of some type?"

"Crystals with an inscription on the bottom."

"Also needs to be easily obtainable."

"Autographed basilisk skin?"


"Definitely would hold onto that until school ended. That stuff's expensive."


"I'd rather you handed out autographed pictures of yourself from Colin."

"No, tell us about this basilisk skin. Did you kill a basilisk?"

"I can't be sure it's accessible. However, it is what made so many people statues in second year."


"No, tell us."

Hermione was holding her head.

"Dumbledore might have warded off the entrance, and there's a cave in."

"Yes, that is the reason you should not go down there."

"Cave ins are dangerous, so you should really not go there."

"I agree."

"If Dumbledore warded it, he might also have an alarm to alert him on those who try to get past it. So, let's leave that for now."



"Fred and George, do you have a spot? I have a sample for you."

"Excellent. Really..."

"Fine, brother."


"Potion vials! We could have potion vials filled with herbs with changing inscriptions on them."

"So we could."

"Do they have to be the same thing?"

"It would be better if they were, so I can't lose anyone's personal stuff."

The Gryffindors and Hufflepuffs all nodded. Some of the others were too.

"I can easily get more vials. I am always dropping mine, so saying that I'm wanting to get more before the unbreakable charms wear off is a reasonable excuse."

"Alabi and opportunity."

"That sounds awesome!"

"Can you get them before the weekend?"

"Sure. I'll order them today, and ask that they drop them off at my parents' place in Hogsmeade. I'll just get them to floo them over."

"How'll you get them?"

"I'm sure the Headmaster will just call me up the office, like normal. It's happened before multiple times."

"Okay. Are we actually all agreed on this one?"

Everyone agreed.

"Hannah, write that down. Hermione, you and I and Carissa will charm them and then, we'll hand them out. Put whatever you want in it, just don't put anything that would make someone look twice at you."

Hermione nodded.

"All right. Those of you in Umbridge's additional group of prefects, good job. Any complaints?"


"Not really."

"Good. We're here with you, and if you need help with alibis, I am pretty sure most here or most Slytherins can help. This is getting pretty long, so I'll be seeing you all on the weekend. See you later."