
Chapter 45

"Xiaozhi, please lend me Lalu Lass for study!"

"No, doctor, Larulus has just experienced something like that and needs someone to accompany her. Besides, it is still more dependent on me, so it is impossible for the time being. Also, I will pass on the little fire horse and owl to you. That's enough for you to study, Lalu Lasi's words can wait until later!"

Now, Xiaozhi and his party have arrived at a small town near Manjin City. After passing this small town, they will reach their third destination – Manjin City.

Last time they conquered La Lulas and After Hu Di, Xiaozhi had more than six Pokémon with him, so they went to the Pokémon Center in the town and prepared to teleport Owl and Pony back. As a companion, if you are a little fire horse, you won't be able to use it for the time being. After all, Xiaozhi already has two fire-type animals, Derubi and Fire Rat, by his side. In addition, it is a bit young, so it is better to let it go back and sharpen it first. That's it.

What's more, the little fire horse with different colors happened to be studied by Dr. Oak, and maybe the eighteenth attribute was discovered.

As a result, when he was on the phone, Dr. Oak noticed Lalu on his head. Ras, as Rass is rare in Kanto and Johto areas, of course he wanted to study it, and then there was the conversation at the beginning

"Okay, but Ash, where did you get this little fire pony?"

"I got it at the swap meet in Leaf Town."

"You're pretty lucky, I'll take care of it for you."Dr. Oak didn't say anything. His intuition told him that this little fire horse was extraordinary.

I guess Dr. Oak himself would be shocked when he discovered the eighteenth attribute!

Now, Xiaozhi's portable The Pokémon include Pikachu, Lalulas, Bayleaf, Fire Rat, Slowpoke, Dairubi, and Hudi. Because Lalulas just wants to lie on Xiaozhi's head, Xiaozhi also obeys him. Will, let it lie on his head. If there is any shortcoming, from a distance, Xiaozhi looks like he is wearing a cuckold.

"I am Bobo in Pokémon Divination"

"I am Bada Butterfly"

"Pokémon divination is really good!"

After coming out of the Pokémon Center, something called Pokémon divination was popular everywhere on the street.

Through several passers-by, they learned that there is said to be a very magical divination book here, which uses Pokémon to represent people's personalities and characteristics. Luck, and it is said that having the same Pokémon will lead to happiness.

Xiaozhi will never believe this. As a time traveler in the past life, what he hates most is divination and fortune-telling, which cannot be comprehensive. Negative, but most of them are deceptive lies.

Moreover, he is familiar with the plot and knows that all this is caused by the Rockets, not the trio, but another Rocket. The difference between these two people and Kojiro Musashi is that they are regular members of the Rocket Team and are senior personnel like Sakaki's confidants.

You can tell just by looking at the color of their clothes that only upper-level personnel wear black. The bottom layer is a silver-white uniform, and the result is clear at a glance.

However, just because Xiaozhi doesn't believe it doesn't mean that others don't believe it. No, Xiaoxia insists on dragging Xiaozhi and Xiaogang to the"nurturing house" in the suburbs to buy it. I bought a divination book.

The store owner was an amiable old man and an old woman. They were very enthusiastic to help Xiaoxia and the others introduce the key points of divination. Moreover, they also said that they were in the business of storing and exchanging Pokémon.

"Thank you very much for your help. We don't need storage and exchange. Goodbye."Xiao Zhi was the first to speak, and then left with Xiaoxia and Xiaogang. Before leaving, he did not forget to look at them with a profound look.

Lin Duo, Xiao Sanlang, we will meet again.

Come to the park Behind a bench, Xiaoxia said:"Xiao Zhi comes first, Xiao Zhi comes first."No way, things like divination are the most attractive to girls. Xiaozhi didn't want to do divination at first, but seeing how enthusiastic Xiaoxia was, he had no choice but to agree. He just had the right to play with this girl.

"Xiaozhi is, trumpet bud?"

"People with Trumpet Bud Pokémon are very honest and easily influenced by other people's opinions… No, this doesn't seem to be Ash Ketchum."

Hearing this, Xiaozhi smiled slightly. If it were the original Xiaozhi, he might be a little more accurate. However, he is completely different now. Xiaoxia has also seen his changes, so naturally he is not accurate.

"Let's take a look at Xiaogang again. Is Xiaogang a big rock snake? He has a serious personality and is meticulous, which is a bit like Xiaogang."

"Let's see, let's see… I'm really a rock snake type, and I also own a rock snake? That is to say, will I have a beautiful encounter?"Xiao Gang thought in a crazy way.

Xiao Zhi smiled slightly. This is more accurate, because later in the battle against the development zone, Xiao Gang did meet his true love, Xiao Ji, but no one matched him at the time. If the match was made, If so, we can create another pair of CPs.

It seems that we need to help this person when we fight in the open area.

"Let me look at mine. In my words, it should be a particularly gentle water Pokémon like a water elf or a small sea lion."Xiaoxia started to think about it, then opened the book and looked at the result with an incredible look,"Why, how could this be like this?"

Xiao Zhi took a peek and saw that it was indeed Gyarados. She is probably in standby mode now.

"Impossible, how could my Pokémon be the vicious Gyarados? This is impossible!"

"I think they look very similar in terms of temperament!"Xiao Gang interrupted.

"Bang!"The result of interrupting was that Xiaogang had a bump on his head, and Xiaoxia still had a bump on her forehead while she clenched her fist."#"

"No, this book is not accurate at all. I have to go find them to discuss it."Xiaoxia suddenly stood up and walked towards the breeding house,"You are obviously not allowed to charge us so much money.

Xiaozhi thought for a while and said:"I think we should really find them. This matter is completely a scam.""


"You guys will find out later."

To be continued…"