
The pirate king

In the year 20XX. A golden man appeared in the sky and said that earth has reach the requirements to evolve and fruits of all kind will appear around the world and they give superpower to to the eater, those powers can rumble the heaven and earth. There will be new monster on land, under water and in sky in the day over 10% of all creatures on the face of earth almost go extinct so all human banned together and change the tide of the war. The golden man also said at the end of the miracle line you will get the power to split the earth in two. From that day every person wanted to become a pirate.

1GYALLIS_Murder · แฟนตาซี
17 Chs

chapter 7: Safe Haven

Noah and his crew sailed for several more days, navigating through treacherous waters and dodging dangerous sea creatures.

But despite the challenges they faced, they never lost hope in their quest to find new sources of food and miraculous fruits.

One day, as they were sailing through a dense fog, they suddenly heard the sound of waves crashing against a shore.

They cautiously approached the source of the sound and were overjoyed to discover a beautiful island with lush greenery and sparkling streams.

As they docked their ship on the shore, they felt a sense of relief wash over them.

For the first time in weeks, they had found a safe haven.

The island was teeming with life, and they soon discovered a bounty of fresh fruits and vegetables, along with an abundance of clean water.

They also found a variety of fish in the streams and the sea, which they quickly caught and cooked over an open fire.

As they sat around the fire, sharing stories and laughing together, they felt a deep sense of gratitude for the gift of food and safety that the island had provided them.

They knew that they had been blessed with a rare opportunity to rest and recover from their grueling journey.

For several days, they explored the island, marveling at its natural beauty and abundant resources.

They discovered a variety of fruits they had never seen before, including some that seemed to have magical properties.

Noah and his crew collected as much as they could, knowing that they would need to stock up before setting sail once again.

Despite the allure of the island, Noah remained vigilant.

He knew that danger could come from any direction, and he wanted to be prepared for any eventuality.

He ordered his crew to keep their weapons close at hand and to remain alert for any signs of danger.

But as the days passed, they found that their fears were unfounded.

The island was completely safe, and they were able to enjoy a much-needed respite from their long journey.

As they prepared to set sail once again, Noah and his crew felt a renewed sense of purpose.

They knew that the road ahead would be long and treacherous, but they were ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

And as they looked back at the island that had provided them with a much-needed refuge, they felt a sense of gratitude and reverence for the power of nature to sustain and protect them.

Noah and the others didn't forget to stock up on water, fruits and fish.