
The Photographer And Her Bestfriend

This was written by an 9th grader so dont be bothered by a some wrong grammars and wrong signs

JamesCantWrite · สยองขวัญ
2 Chs


The day started as Sam and Sarah walking to the shop early at the morning

after they arrive at the shop they opened it and started their day at first the customers are slow the two friends went out in the park at the city central asking people if they would like to be photographed for 3 Yards

Note:All Fictional

they searched for long till one customer wanted to have a photographed at the city central after they were done taking a photograph the customer named Claire said can i have your company number then sam said"oh thanks that would be nice"

claire said goodbye to the two as the day end they were tired after taking pics all day they headed to their shop.

After they arrive sarah said hey do you think we will get out of this kind of living the sam answered i dont know maybe or maybe not

As the two closed their shop sam's phone started ringing violently the he picked it up it was a phonecall from a random number then he answered it then asked who is this?

the caller then answered hello this is claire

then sam said oh claire do you need something claire then said uhm guys can i hire you for a private photography tommorow

sam then said yeah they talked about the details until sam asked how much are we getting paid the claire then said i will pay you two 1000 yards each sam happily said i will accept the deal then sam asked what are we shooting anyway claire then said i will discuss more when you arrive here tommorow sam then asked what time claire the answered 10 am sam then said okay

As Sam and Sarah Arrives they were surprised the the place they are shooting is an abandoned school.