
The Phoenix of Jujutsu Kaisen

This is gonna be AU in jujutsu kaisen new curses and people would be appearing and the ways techniques are used and can't forget about our mc as he traverse through this new world with the powers of a Phoenix

Shadow_D_Monarch3 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
106 Chs

First Date part 1

(Omni pov):

When they arrived they thanked Kiyotaka Ijichi and sent him on his way saying they have other means of transportation to get back.

They now stood infront of a school with a hoard of curses, the toughest being a first grade curse, Maki didn't even turn to look at Ash and simply said "sword" with a straight face

Ash only rolled his eyes and reached for his pendant and as he was holding the pendant he ordered "Ori bring out Frenzy".

Ori did as he ordered and brought out a sword with a black handle still in its black sheath it looked just like a regular katana.

And just as Ash was about to hand it over he warned Maki in a serious voice "You should be careful when using this sword it has a very powerful curse I made, that's why I'm only lending it to you for a while"

Hearing the seriousness in his voice Maki looked at him and then at the sword which was now in her hand and became curious, she asked "What's it curse that it even has someone a carefree as you acting like this".

Maki then put her hand on the handle ready to draw it out but then Ash's hand came out of nowhere and were now holding her's in place not letting her draw it

Maki seeing this simply raised an eyebrow and looked at Ash as demanding an explanation

Ash then looked right into her green eyes and said in all seriousness "let me give you a piece of advice for future reference whenever I hand you something especially if it's in the form of a weapon always ask what it's effects are"

Ash then continued "There's a reason I named it Frenzy although the names not original it's serve its purpose of letting you know what would happen

You see this sword has a very powerful curse, when you draw it you can never put it back on it's sheath and it never leaves your hands unless it has had its taste of blood, it doesn't matter from who the blood is from it could be from curses, curse users, allies, and or in the worst scenario

Your own"

Ash then slowly removes his hands from Maki's although reluctantly

"And why the hell did you make a sword with such a dangerous curse" Maki now asked incredulously while getting a better look at the sword in her hands

Ash then answers "Well for many reasons actually one of them being i was bored and the other to teach a lesson to any that wield this weapon,

'To be careful whenever you draw your weapons you don't know who's blood you'll spill'

And although the sword is cursed it has it's benefit that being that anytime it tasted blood it would grow but more durable and sharper"

Hearing about the lesson the sword installs was enough to impress Maki and get Ash some brownie points from her

"Well we've been standing here doing nothing but talking long enough, even though that's something I want we have a mission to complete" Ash said

He then starts walking forward and into the school building.

Maki who was beside him finally decided that it was time to draw her blade and as she slowly pulled it, the blade started to give a purple shine

When she fully pulled it out she started to examine every part of it she then noticed weird symbols of the flat side of the blade, she then takes her index and middle finger and trace flatside of the blade with it

(Image of Frenzy)

"This sword was very well made, it's hard to believe you made it"

Ash hearing her say the first part start feeling really smug but then that smugness came crashing down when he heard the last part

"Oi what that supposed to mean?" Ash ask.

"You just don't seem like the resourceful type of guy" Maki just shrugged as she explained.

Ash just smiled at her answer "Well I guess that just mean I have to show you just how resourceful I can be in our date"

"And what is your obsession with the color black and purple" Maki then continued walking down the corridor of the school

Ash following right behind her answered "it's all about Aesthetic"

Maki just ignored him as she continues testing out the swords with each swing the sound of cutting air can be heard

More and more curses started appearing seeing her opportunity Maki started running towards them cutting them apart she first started with the legs, then the arms and finally the head

She repeated this action and mixed it up once In while to catch the curses that were watching and anticipating her moves to become confused and misjudged her them costing their lifes

More and more curses started to turn into dust she was even able to cut some curses in half with one sword swing whether that be vertically, horizontally, or diagonally they each just started crumbling

When she finished destroying all the second grade curses she started breathing heavily and so to control her breathing she started taking deep breath.

And as she was about to stop a shadow from the side window soon enveloped her figure when she turn to look at the source , a giant bird with a weird shape beak and long neck with a really fat torso was already about to crash into the building and into her along side it but with her quick reflexes she jumped out the way just in time


The curse then started to shake its head to get rid of the dizziness it then pointed it's beak up and started pulling in air towards it's lung and curse energy can soon be felt gathering by its throat when it soon gather enough it release a loud sonic screech inside the building.


the upper floors and classrooms where it's beak was pointing were destroyed creating a hole that reached the roof and light can be seen pouring in

And as the squawk was released more and more curse spirit started to come running towards it looking seeing another hoard of curse spirit Ash turned to Maki,

"Do you want to fight the first grade while I fight the hoard or the other way around either way its easy for me" Ash was giving the choice to Maki

Before Maki could make that decision Ash interrupted her

"But before that it looks like we forgot to set up a curtain which is probably why It was able to surround us with more curse spirit"

Ash then did the ritual for it in a quick manner and surrounded the school ground with all the curses inside with them in it

Maki then answered Ash's previous question "I'll take the grade 1 curse I want to see just how much of an improvement I have with your sword on hand"

Ash then looked at Maki and said "Not bad for the beginning of the date right"

With that she just ignored him started running towards the bird that was slowly flapping its wing already taking off but it couldn't move away far as Maki using the walls of the building jumped into the sky and cut one of the wings half way through before the blade stopped moving

The bird then cried out in pain


The bird the started falling plummeting into the ground where an explosion of gust occurred

Seeing this Ash just shook his head as he was completely surrounded by curses he did a quick take back and forth and started making the bird sign with his hands

And with a small smile he said

"Curse Technique Reversal : Arena of pestilence

Soon Ash was quickly covered in a green colored dome alongside all the hundreds upon hundreds of curses and as they were about to rush right at him they slowly felt their eyelids getting heavier as they succumb to their death

And they all turned into black dust floating away in the wind

Seeing their quick death he just smiled as he undid the technique and saw Maki walking towards him with the sword already in its sheath

She then threw it at him before saying "It was too easy don't ever give me that sword again unless I'm strong enough to wield it, I know if I truly had such a sword I would grow to depend on it and wouldn't grow as a person and I wouldn't feel satisfied with power that's not my own"

Hearing her he just gave her a real big genuine smile before looking deep into her eyes and said with affection "When you asked me why did I even like you before on the car ride, this is it, this is one of the reasons I truly like you Maki, you have such an admirable character"

Hearing him Maki got embarrassed and started power walking all the way to the exit.

Looking at this Ash just smiled before saying "If you wanted to go on this date that badly all you had to do is ask and I would have gladly finished this quickly"

He then shook his head and put away the sword and slowly started walking towards her with his hands in his pockets

'Now to get her to have an unforgettable first date' were his thoughts as he still walked slowly to Maki who was now waiting by the entrance.


I'm struggling on how to make a date happened I've never been in one before and I don't know how to write their interactions 😔 😭😭😭😭