
The person who Challenged a God: Clueless Reincarnation

Haruki Sato, transcending mortality in his former realm, emerges anew in a world infused with powers and abilities. Driven by a quest to traverse the entire globe and catalyze positive change, he embarks on an exciting odyssey of discovery and transformation, In each nation, our protagonist discovers a unique, long-forgotten form of magic tied to the land's history, unlocking extraordinary powers and forging alliances to avenge his village in an epic tale of rediscovery and revenge. Come Join Our Journey As Satō Haruki Becomes The Strongest Sorcerer, and a God too of course. --------------------- Image is not mine, if the original owner sees this, please be forgiving. image by lee.js. (chapters are posted either weekly or Thursday to Friday)

AsunaOfficial · แฟนตาซี
8 Chs

Wandering Sorcery 1: A Journey for Magic's Secrets

As Sato and his father prepared to depart for the adventurers guild, the excitement bubbling within him was palpable. He exchanged a heartfelt goodbye with his mother, who offered a warm smile and a gentle reminder to stay safe. Althea, the kind soul they had found in the forest years ago, now an integral part of their household, wished them luck on their journey, her eyes shimmering with pride.

With his pack slung over his shoulder, Sato joined his father, who was already waiting at the door, his expression a mix of anticipation and determination. "I can't wait to see the guild," Sato exclaimed, his voice betraying his eagerness. "I've been dreaming about this day for so long, I guess my Training was worth it after all."

His father chuckled, ruffling Sato's hair affectionately. "It's going to be an adventure, that's for sure," he replied, his eyes twinkling with excitement. As they began their journey, Sato couldn't contain his curiosity any longer. "Dad, why do you think kids are allowed to join the adventurers guild at such a young age?" he asked, his voice tinged with curiosity.

His father glanced down at him, a thoughtful expression on his face. "Well, son, it's a harsh reality out there," he began, his tone somber. "Many children are left orphaned or abandoned, especially after the monsters destroyed that town a few years back. The guild offers them a chance to survive, to learn skills and fend for themselves in this unforgiving world."

Sato nodded, absorbing his father's words. It was a sobering reminder of the world beyond their doorstep, but it only fueled his determination further. With each step closer to the guild, he felt a sense of purpose growing within him. Today marked the beginning of his own journey.

13 Years After The Rebirth Of a Mirage Mage Haruki Sato, At Mondstadt Village, Nation Of Hueruivm.

Sato: (Sato beamed with pride as he says to himself, "I completed my training last year, surpassing my previous accomplishments. I've absorbed numerous techniques and insights—I was so eager, I couldn't even sleep that night! Now, armed with this new knowledge, I'm ready to embark on the journey of a hero, an adventurer!" His smile radiated excitement as he stood tall, ready to embrace the challenges that awaited him.)

After leaving their homeland, Sato and his father embarked on a journey to the Adventurer's Guild. After traversing many days through dense forests, they emerged into a new nation. As they descended the hill, Sato's eyes sparkled with amazement. This was the realization of a dream he had only experienced in games and movies. As they approached the entrance to the nation, Sato observed seasoned adventurers with their formidable weapons, mages adorned in long coats with floating books, and skilled archers poised for action. Yet, one figure stood out—a person cloaked in a long coat, their slender hands gripping a massive bag and a gleaming red sword. Sato couldn't help but notice the incongruity of the small hands holding such a formidable weapon, almost as if the person were a child. As they neared the front of the line, anticipation coursed through.

As Sato and his father approached the front of the line, a guard with an air of authority bellowed, "Next!" Standing behind his father, Sato noticed two guards stationed stoically nearby and couldn't help but gasp in astonishment. "Dad, are those statues? Or are they real guards...? How do they stand so still like that?" he whispered, his expression a mixture of curiosity and unease.

"It takes years of training, Sato," his father explained quietly, "Guarding a nation is a tremendous responsibility."

As they reached the front of the line, a member of the royal guard demanded, "License, name, place of birth, status, and residence, please hand it over. We'll verify your eligibility to enter, or if you're an adventurer, your Explorer's Emblem will be required."

Sato's father calmly produced a small rectangular wooden token, intricately carved with the characters for "GUILD." The royal guard inspected it briefly before reaching for the Explorer's Emblem. After a nod of approval, they were granted entry into the new nation. As Sato and his father entered the bustling nation, the air was alive with the hum of conversation and the aromas of fresh produce and exotic drinks wafted through the streets. Towering castles and houses dotted the landscape, but it was the grand palace of Hueruivm that caught Sato's attention.

Unable to contain his curiosity, Sato turned to his father and asked, "Dad, where are we right now?" His father's reply painted a vivid picture of Hueruivm as the Nation of the Wind, a land where the elements themselves seemed to speak and where the people lived in harmony with the forces of nature.

Intrigued, Sato questioned further, "What makes this nation so special?" His father explained how Hueruivm was renowned for its skilled artisans and bustling trade, where the wind's influence could be seen in everything from majestic wind turbines to intricate wind chimes.

Sato's interest was piqued even more when his father revealed that they had once traveled extensively in Hueruivm with a party of adventurers. As memories flooded back, his father mentioned a companion named Aiko Kobayashi, whose connection to the land and its people left a lasting impression.

Suddenly, a soft voice interrupted their conversation, echoing the sentiments of the wind's eternal presence in Hueruivm. Sato was eager to know more about Aiko and her whereabouts, but his father simply replied that she still resided in the land, bound to the wind.

Confused by the cryptic response, Sato pressed for clarification, but his father only smiled knowingly. Together, they ventured deeper into the heart of the nation, passing through lively streets and bustling markets, until they reached the imposing gates of the palace.

As they were welcomed inside by guards, "May the Wind Guide you to you're journey!" Sato's eyes widened with amazement at the sight of countless adventurers gathered within. With a sense of excitement and wonder, he stepped forward, ready to embark on his own journey in the Nation of the Wind.

As Sato and his father stepped into the lively adventurers guild, its halls bustling with activity. The air hummed with anticipation as seasoned adventurers shared stories of their past quests and upcoming adventures. Sato couldn't help but feel a surge of nervous energy as he glanced around at the array of strong and capable individuals filling the space. However, his father's reassuring presence beside him offered a sense of comfort amid the bustling crowd.

As they made their way deeper into the guild, Sato's father introduced him to various members, each with their own unique background and expertise. From seasoned warriors clad in battle-worn armor to skilled mages adorned in robes crackling with arcane energy, the guild was a melting pot of adventurers from all walks of life. Despite their diverse appearances, there was a palpable sense of camaraderie that permeated the atmosphere, binding them together as a tight-knit community.

Among the bustling crowd, Sato observed acts of kindness and camaraderie that warmed his heart. Seasoned adventurers offered words of encouragement to newcomers, sharing advice and wisdom gleaned from their own experiences. Despite their formidable skills and accomplishments, there was a humility and approachability to these adventurers that made them seem more like mentors than distant figures of awe.

As Sato and his father mingled with the guild members, exchanging stories and forging new connections, Sato's initial nervousness began to wane. He realized that while the world of adventuring could be daunting, it was also filled with opportunities for growth, camaraderie, and self-discovery. With his father by his side and the support of the guild behind him, Sato felt a newfound sense of confidence stirring within him, ready to embark on whatever adventures lay ahead.

Sato and his father immersed themselves in the lively atmosphere of the adventurers guild, Sato couldn't shake the butterflies fluttering in his stomach. The prospect of embarking on his first adventure loomed large in his mind, each passing moment intensifying his nerves. He glanced at the seasoned adventurers around him, their confident demeanors contrasting sharply with his own apprehension.

Amidst the bustling crowd, Sato's father noticed his son's unease and offered reassuring words. "It's natural to feel nervous, Sato," he said, his voice steady and comforting. "But remember, every great adventure begins with a single step."

Sato nodded, taking solace in his father's wisdom. As they continued to mingle with the guild members, Sato found himself drawn to a group of experienced adventurers sharing tales of their past exploits. He listened intently, hanging on their every word, yet a nagging doubt lingered in the back of his mind.

"What if I'm not ready?" Sato whispered to his father, his voice barely audible amidst the din of the guild hall.

His father placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "You have the heart of an adventurer, Sato. Trust in yourself, and trust in the bonds we forge here. You're never alone in your journey."

With those words echoing in his mind, Sato felt a flicker of courage ignite within him. Despite his lingering nerves, He knew that with his father's unwavering support and the camaraderie of the guild, he could grasp the dream he had fervently held onto: becoming the strongest hero and sorcerer in history, surpassing even the renowned mage Flamme. Lost in thoughts of their upcoming adventures, Sato's gaze fell upon the mysterious figure cloaked in shadows, brandishing a sword that gleamed with an otherworldly light he saw at the entrance. Curiosity piqued, he turned to his father, intent on asking about this enigmatic individual.

Suddenly, a booming voice shattered the chatter, commanding the attention of all present. As the knight's call to order echoed through the guild hall, a hush fell over the room, and every gaze was drawn to the source. Behind Sato, murmurs rippled through the crowd like a gentle breeze, snippets of conversation carrying tales of awe and admiration. "Isn't that the esteemed Divine General of Hueruivm?" "Yes, I heard he Wiped a D-class dungeon alone!" "Truly? Remarkable! His strength must be unparalleled..." "I've heard Rumors that he's the offspring of one of the legendary Sages of Destruction..." "Even I, a seasoned warrior, would hesitate to cross swords with a combatant of such skill." Inwardly, Sato couldn't help but muse, (Sages of Destruction? The very beings responsible for the creation of monsters! This sounds like something straight out of a fantasy tale! I can hardly contain my excitement to put my skills to the test in one of the dungeons we're bound for.)

As the knight, resplendent in shimmering silver armor and a billowing white robe, introduced himself as General Yuta Matsumoto of the Yamata No Orochi Clan, "I am Here as you're General, we will conquer each dungeon, support from every healer is needed, prepare for battle, we depart in 2 hours." a collective cry of "Yes, Sir!" rang out from the assembled adventurers, a testament to their unwavering loyalty and respect.

Still reeling from the revelation, Sato turned to his father with a barrage of questions. "Dad, what exactly is the Yamato No Orochi Clan?" His father, ever patient, began to elucidate. "The Yamato No Orochi Clan is one of the 11 Elite Clan heroes charged with the perilous task of clearing dungeons. These dungeons, crafted by the sinister forces of the Hell's Order, harbor portals that lead straight into the heart of their armies. It falls upon our elite clans to vanquish the threats lurking within B-D rank dungeons, while S-Class dungeons are reserved for the so-called 'Heroes,' blessed with unique abilities inherited from their respective clans. Each generation, a clan's chosen heir inherits a potent technique, much like General Yuta Matsumoto, who wields one such enigmatic power."

He continued, "These techniques, while available to adventurers like us, carry a deadly caveat: they can only be wielded by those deemed compatible. Our clan, the illustrious Sato Clan, is in possession of such a technique, dormant for generations. But you, my son, you may just be the one capable of unlocking its full potential. There's an ancient saying that when a son bears the name of his clan, he may inherit its most coveted technique." With a reassuring pat on Sato's back, his father concluded, "That's the crux of it. Gear up; we depart in an hour."

Eyes sparkling with newfound determination, Sato mulled over his father's words. (A technique inherited through the mere mention of the clan's name... My father hinted at the reluctance of our ancestors to wield it,

fearing the unknown consequences of its use. But I... I might just be the key to unlocking our clan's dormant power. Great-great-great-grandfather, watch over me; I shall make our Clan proud!) With a smile adorning his face, he eagerly awaited the hour's end, ready to embark on his journey.

As the appointed time drew near, General Yuta Matsumoto called forth the adventurers, rallying them for the trials that lay ahead. Boarding their designated cart, Sato and his father found themselves in the company of a skilled mage and the mysterious cloaked swordsman, their collective anticipation palpable.

Peering outside, Sato observed the procession of adventurers, each cart teeming with heroes, mages,

archers, and healers alike. With a sense of trepidation and excitement intertwined, they set forth from the Nation of Hueruivm, The Guardians' bidding farewell to the knights whose solemn wishes for a safe journey lingered in the air "May The Wind Be with you and you're Journey!"

As they ventured into the unknown, Sato's heart swelled with anticipation, his resolve unyielding as he embarked on his quest to be 'The Strongest Sorcerer In History'

As their journey pressed on, the cart rattled along the rugged terrain, the rhythmic clip-clop of horse hooves and the occasional creak of wooden wheels the only sounds accompanying them. The landscape gradually transformed, the lush greenery giving way to rocky outcrops and foreboding shadows that stretched across the land like sinister fingers.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the Cart came to a halt before the entrance to the dungeon. Towering stone arches loomed overhead, casting an ominous shadow that seemed to swallow the surrounding landscape. As the adventurers disembarked from their carts, a sense of anticipation hung heavy in the air, mingled with an undercurrent of apprehension.

General Yuta Matsumoto, his presence commanding respect and authority, stepped forward to address the gathered adventurers. "Welcome, brave souls, to the threshold of our next trial," he declared, his voice ringing clear despite the palpable tension that hung in the air. "Beyond these ancient gates lies a realm fraught with danger and untold treasures. But fear not, for together, we shall conquer whatever challenges may lie in wait."

The Adventurers all said together "Yes Sir!", General Matsumoto signaled for the gates to be opened, and with a deep, echoing rumble, they began to swing inward, revealing the yawning maw of the dungeon beyond. As the adventurers prepared to venture into the unknown, Sato felt a surge of adrenaline course through his veins, his heart pounding with excitement and anticipation.

With a final glance back at his father, whose eyes shone with pride and confidence, Sato took a deep breath, steeling himself for the trials ahead. With each step forward, he felt a sense of purpose and determination wash over him, driving him ever onward into the depths of the dungeon.

General Yuta Matsumoto Utters, "May the guidance of the wind element be with you!"

As they crossed the threshold and disappeared into the darkness, the echoes of their footsteps fading into the distance, Sato knew that this was only the beginning of his journey. With his companions by his side and the legacy of his clan guiding him forward, he was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead and emerge victorious as "The Strongest Sorcerer In History."

𝓣𝓸 𝓫𝓮 𝓿𝓸𝓷𝓽𝓲𝓷𝓾𝓮𝓭...

End of chapter #004

Chapter By: scarlet17

Contributions By: wwwtheaa


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