

Tetsuo Kawaguchi is starting his first years in high school, after various encounter with people from his past and present, we find that there is much more to him that meets the eye. Notice: the story is slow paced . ???- this sign is used when background characters are speaking

KOGURE · กีฬา
31 Chs


( Aoi swimming in a river)

(Aoi dives)

(Aoi comes up out of the water)

(Aoi): that's a new record, I'll have to tell mom about this

(Aoi): then again… if she finds out that I'm swimming alone in a river and no one is watching over me she'll surely get mad

(Aoi): I guess I'll have to keep it to myself then (sigh)

(Aoi grabs her towel and started drying her hair)

(Aoi): it's almost dark out , I'll have to go home now

(Aoi walking on the street)

(Aoi): I honestly thought that moving here from Kyoto would be boring and filled with misery but I'm actually loving here, it brings peace to my mind plus it's a whole lot cheaper for mom to afford.

(Aoi walks pass an opened gate)

(Dog ears twitch)

(Dog starts growling)

(Aoi): huh!

(Aoi turns around)

(Aoi): it's a d.dog and a big one at that, what should I do?

(Dog starts barking and runs towards Aoi)

(Aoi screams and starts running)

(Aoi): I need to find a way to shake him, he won't stop chasing me.

(Aoi): oh no , it's a dead-end

(Dog growling and drooling)

(Aoi slowly turns around in fear)

(Aoi): someone… anyone..

Aoi: please help me!!

(Tetsuo throws a huge pebble at the dog)

(Dog yelps)

(Dog growls and turn towards Tetsuo)

(Tetsuo takes up a thick stick)

Tetsuo: if you want to hurt her you'll have to go through me

(Dog rushes at Tetsuo)

(Tetsuo swings the stick and hits the dog in his face)

(Dog bites Tetsuo on his leg)

(Tetsuo grunts)

(Tetsuo slaps the dog on his head twice)

(Dog howls and runs away)

(Tetsuo exhales)

(Tetsuo turns towards Aoi)

Tetsuo: are you okay? You're not hurt are you?

Aoi: no I'm not but … your leg it's bleeding

Tetsuo: oh this, trust me I don't feel a thing see (smiles)

(Aoi blushes)

Kogure: Tetsuo!!

Tetsuo: oh Kogure

Kogure: why are you always running off so suddenly, remember your dad put me in charge of you so if anything were to happen to you I'd be responsible

Tetsuo: I know, I know

Kogure: your leg, it's bleeding what happened

Tetsuo: a dog attacked this girl, I tried to fight it off and it bit me

Kogure: oh, I see

Tetsuo: my name is Tetsuo Kawaguchi and what's your name

Aoi: Aoi Itakura

Tetsuo: so Itakura , its getting pretty late isn't it? we'll walk you home just in case that dog comes back

Aoi: are you sure?

Kogure: yeah just lead the way

Aoi: thank you

(Aoi): and that's how I met him, Tetsuo Kawaguchi a boy who fearlessly protected me from a dog without even hesitating

???: oi Tetsuo, I heard that you and Kogure are in the semi-finals , best of luck to you guys

Tetsuo: yes, it's no biggie, we'll definitely win

???: Tetsuo your so cool

???: ten years from now we'll be asking for your autographs hehehe

Teacher: everyone get to your seats.

Everyone: yes

Teacher: we have a new transfer student today , come in

Aoi: good morning my name is Aoi Itakura

Tetsuo: wait it's her from yesterday

Teacher: she moved her from Kyoto in order to study, I hope you guys get along with her

Teacher: now then Aoi, where would you like to sit

Aoi: um, let's see

(Aoi looks around the classroom)

(Aoi spots Tetsuo )

(Aoi): wait Tetsuo was in my class?

Aoi: um , I would like to sit beside him

Teacher: okay, go ahead

(Aoi sits beside Tetsuo)

Aoi: how is your leg?

Tetsuo: the doctor looked at it and said that it was alright. It'll heal in two days time

Aoi: oh I see, thank goodness

(Aoi): over the span of the semester me, Tetsuo and Kogure grew close with each other. They come to the river with me to have fun and swim while I go to the basketball court to watch them play basketball. They even attended all of my swim meets and I attended all their matches. The more I got to know Tetsuo the more I liked him and everything was going great until one day…

(Tetsuo shoots)


(Kogure passes a basketball to Tetsuo)

(Tetsuo shoots)


(Aoi): oh they are already here

(Kogure passes the ball to Tetsuo)

Kogure: hey Tetsuo, there is something I'd like to ask you, its been bothering me for a longtime now

(Tetsuo shoots)


Tetsuo: what's that?

Kogure: be honest with me, do you like Aoi?

(Aoi): what! They are talking about me

(Aoi eavesdropping)

Tetsuo: of course I like her, she's so talented and beautiful, her hair is so beautiful

(Aoi): did Tetsuo say that he likes me ( blushes astonishingly)

Tetsuo: please don't tell her I don't want it to be weird between us

Kogure: your secret is safe with me, however if I win you in a one on one you'll have to confess to her the moment you see her

Tetsuo: challenge accepted

(Aoi): so he feels the same way then, I'll confess to him after school tomorrow

(Aoi walks away)

(Aoi): that was the last time I ever saw him, he vanished without a trace and Kogure wasn't the same after that day. It was apparent that Kogure knew something about his disappearance but I didn't question him because he looked like he was hurting inside as well

(Tetsuo gently moves her from off of him)

Tetsuo: I'm sorry but who are you?

Aoi: what do you mean, I'm Aoi Itakura , don't you remember, I'm the girl you saved from a dog when we were kids

Tetsuo: I don't know you

Aoi: but that can't be

Aoi: when you protected me from the dog you were bitten in the process

(Aoi lifts up Tetsuo's pants)

Aoi: see you even have the scar to prove it

(Haruko) : I'm confused what is this girl talking about?

(Noboru): looks to me like she's begging for Tetsuo to take her back

Tetsuo: even if what you say is true, it doesn't change a thing, time has changed , I had change , I'm not the same person you knew and I don't even remember you.

Aoi: but

Tetsuo: even if your telling the truth that was years ago and it's time for you to move on

(Tetsuo spots Kogure)

Tetsuo: if you haven't already

( Tetsuo walks towards his team)

Tetsuo: let's go everyone

Yukio: are you sure?

Tetsuo: yes captain

(Everyone walks away)

(Aoi starts crying)

(Kogure): I thought that seeing her again would have brought back some of his memories of the past but it didn't, I'm sorry that you had to go through all that Aoi