
The Perfect Duet

Nick is an outcast at his new school. He's been learning to live with the bullying until one day, he made some friends. At their school's annual camp, he makes friends with a guy named Alex, who was one of the people bullying him the most. So why is he being so nice to Nick?

Leyton_2204 · LGBT+
21 Chs

Chapter 4.5

Alex's POV

Alex woke up with an extremely sore and stiff neck. He managed to get it under control from the help of his mother's massaging.

Alex went upstairs to his room and grabbed his school uniform from his wardrobe and groggily walked into his bathroom to take a shower. After time of warming up, the shower door was opened by Alex who was hit in the face by a wall of steam causing him to flinch as he felt the sweat trickle down his cheeks and forehead. He stepped into the water and allowed the stream to fall down his chiseled body, broad shoulders and large biceps. The warm water flowed through his bed head that was nearly touching the shower head (he was six foot after all), flattening it to reveal how long his hair actually was. He washed his reddish brown hair revealing a new dark brown colour.

After washing himself and his hair, he stepped out of the sauna like shower to get himself ready for school. After drying his hair he tried his hardest to have his hair flow back and to the side of his head, but to no avail. He gave up with a huff upwards into his hair as he walked out throwing on his school blazer. He walked downstairs to join his mother and father at the dining table for breakfast. This morning, Jennie, the maid, brought out freshly fried bacon and eggs.

"Thanks, Jennie" Alex said giving her a big grin.

"Oh, dear, I'm always delighted to make you breakfast." Jennie called while she was entering the kitchen again to clean up. Alex and his family dug into their meal in a comfortable silence.

"Your hair looks... Different today, Alex," his mother jokingly teased him.

"I know. I just washed it and you know how it gets when I wash it. Especially when it's a little on the longer side. It just never wants to stay in place!"

Alex and his parents laughed as they finished their meals where Jennie came back right on cue to take away their dishes with pride.

"Alex, would you like me to take you to school today?" Alex's father inquired.

"S-Sure, I guess?" he answered. His dad nodded as Alex picked up his bag and violin case and put them all in the back seat of their Ferrari.

Alex and his father drove in silence aside from the low hum of the radio in the back ground. It was the Moldau by Smetana. All of the family's cars' radios were always on the classical music station and nothing else. The piece was familiar to Alex. He had performed it with the local orchestra once as their concertmaster. It was a beautiful performance.

Alex waved goodbye to his dad and pondered to himself as to why his dad had offered to drive him to school. He normally is at the office by that time but on a Tuesday, his day off, he's normally sleeping in and can't take Alex to school. He shrugged it off of his mind and went on with his day

Alex was the classic popular guy at school. Girls waving to him in groups to which he smiled back politely, people calling his name from various directions and people offering high fives as he walks passed them in the halls. He enjoyed it but could easily break it by letting everyone know his big secret.

Alex was gay. It's not really a big deal to most, but when it comes to the most popular guy in school that has girls constantly swooning over him, it was. He just had to keep it in and he'd be just fine. He would keep up his good grades and either go to music university or travel abroad as a violin soloist.

As he was walking to his locker, something caught him in his eye's peripherals. He turned in a hurry to see it was Nick. He was wearing the school uniform, his brown hair sitting messily but free on top of his head. Alex noticed how short he actually was. He probably barely reached his chin. Nick's skinny figure closed the locker he was previously reaching into and cued Alex to quickly turn away before Nick saw him.

Alex jogged to his locker to put his bag inside as well as his violin. He thought back to himself that Nick was a piano player. How horrific Alex thought scrunching his nose at the thought of it. He walked into home group and sat down as Miss Bradley explained the details about their upcoming camp. He sighed and looked around the room to find someone to talk to. He looked at Max who was already smiling at him and waving for him to come over. But Alex saw Nick sitting in the desk just behind his friend Max reading intently at some sort of book. Alex found himself walking over to Nick, planning to mess with him.

"Jesus, you can play that?" Alex said to Nick in surprise.

"Um... I-I um... Kinda? I've just started learning it now." Nick stuttered obviously embarrassed or nervous or both. Alex was already enjoying this.

"But you're just reading the score. You're not even playing." Alex said pretending to be dumb. Of course Nick was analyzing the piece before he began to learn it. All musicians do it.

"Y-Yea well, this piece is very intricate and has a lot of things that you might miss so I find reading through the score closely to be very helpf-" Alex slapped the music out of Nick's hands making it land on the floor. Alex leaned in to Nick with narrow eyes and glared at him.

"I didn't ask what goes on in that fucked up head of yours, Nick. You got that? No one likes you or wants to like you. Stop trying to prove something."

Alex stood up again looking down his nose as Nick who seemed to be very conflicted as to what to say next. All of a sudden he looked Alex right in the eyes.

"Fuck off, Alex."

Alex took this by surprise. He didn't expect quiet Nick to speak up like that. He looked at him in shock as Alex felt a little tingle in his stomach form which soon disappeared when he exhaled and loosened his expression to a soft smile. He bent down picking up the book and generously offered the book to Nick. He pulled it away and grasped Nick's wrist and pulled him in, slamming their foreheads together.

"Listen here, Nick," Alex felt powerful. Not in an evil way but in a way where Nick would know his place. "First off, I don't want to see this shit in my face again. Ya hear?"

"Y-Yes. I-I-"





Alex's cheeks began to go red hot when he realised he was staring directly into Nick's wide, cloudy grey eyes. He could see every contour in Nick's eye, every new wave of of grey, every texture that was Nick's iris. He could see every small freckle on Nick's nose. He could see the noticeable scar across the bridge of his nose that seemed to just appear out of nowhere since Alex hadn't noticed it before. Alex saw every detail of Nick's lips and noticed the sliver of white teeth slightly showing through.

"A-And second, n-never talk to me that way... Please." Alex was getting so flustered he could barely contain the threatening guy act for too much longer. "I-It kinda hurt my feelings."

Alex saw Nick's expression change from scared to relaxed and took in every detail of his face and the feeling of his hair against his. He couldn't handle it anymore.

The bell rang and Alex gathered his things swiftly and charged out of the classroom, muttering curses to Nick as he went to try and keep some of that tough guy act that had just about fallen to the ground.

Alex sprinted to the bathroom, ran into a cubicle and slammed the door shut, back against it, breathing heavily. He sank to the ground with his hand over his chest beating like crazy. What was wrong with him? He clenched his shirt, rested his head back against the door and looked up at the ceiling.

What was that? He thought.

I must be going crazy.