
The Peerless Ruler

Liu Wei has only had one goal in millions of years, to be the strongest. to uncover the mysteries of the thousand realms. He was betrayed and lost everything, but he managed to go back in time. What will Liu Wei do with his second chance? Follow him on his journey to reach the absolute peak of this world and transcend it

Joachimbj2 · ตะวันออก
3 Chs

Martial hall

It's finally time for cultivation. but what technique should I use? let's see I need a peerless technique like. True Overlord technique, Celestial Demon technique, True Budha heart, True Dragon technique. Void traversing technique, Five Elements hearth, Heaven Sensing technique. World Creating technique.

All these techniques are powerful but they have their limitations. ether that they consume a lot of qi to use or heavy requirements for what kind of constitution you need or even some more ridiculous requirements. I want a technique that has no weak points or limitations for realms.

there is one I know of, no it's too dangerous. but truly don't know of anything as incredible as that one.

Once, long ago when i only just became a Celestial lord i went traveling far away. on a hidden moon i found a temple. When i tried to go inside i was met by a terrifying power that even me in the Celestial Lord realm was scared of. after 10 years I managed to break my way inside this temple. but all that was there was two old books. When I opened up the first book there was a jade plate inside. engraved of the plate were countless terrifying beasts. Dragons, phoenixes, countless demons with terrifying features. but one beast was especially detailed and terrified Liu Wei. The Great Titan Race. The great Titans is a terrifying race with unquestionable power. Their body has enough power to destroy a planet with a sway of there hands. A child titan has the size of hundreds of meters and has the strength of a celestial. and by the picture illustrates this is not a child Titan but a grown-up. but the most surprising by the picture is that a man is at the center of the picture. sitting in meditating posture and all the creatures are on their knees towards him.

as soon as I touch the picture a voice comes. "You who have come here are now the last Supreme. You will receive the last inheritance of our sect and will take up the position of a Supreme. bear this heavy burden with brood shoulders and cultivate diligently." as the voice disappears many words appear in his head like a storm.

After sorting out the words only three words come out. True Cosmos technique. refine everything in the world heaven or hell can be refined and turned to cosmos energy.

After looking through the technique Liu Wei can't help but praise out loud. It's truly powerful, more powerful than anything I have ever seen. But I can't destroy my cultivation now. Much less as I don't know if I even can train in this technique.

Conflict can be seen on Liu Wei's eyes as he debates it. I said this time it will be different. but I don't even know if this technique is even compatible with humans of this place, it should be but there's no way for me to be sure. But I said I will make everything different this time. Finally, my chaotic mind turn calm. I will use the True Cosmos technique to reach the peak. Determination sparking in my eyes as I come to the decision.

"Hmp now I'm only at the 2 layer of qi refining with a trashy technique of the Liu family. Its really no use keeping this bad cultivation," I think with a smile. A cultivation technique is not like a martial art that you can switch whenever you need to. There are usually restrictions to switch between cultivation techniques. especially the more powerful they are the more powerful restrictions there are. As the True Cosmos technique. You need to start cultivating from scratch with it. This restriction is so heavy as in the past life of Liu Wei even he did not dare to cripple his cultivation. But now with only a cultivation base at the 2 layer of qi refining, he did not have anything to lose.

Liu Wei quickly sits on his bed in lotus position as he gets ready to cripple his cultivation. To cripple his own cultivation is really not hard. All you need to do is use your own qi against your dantian. the tricky part is to do it so that you only lose your cultivation and not destroy your dantian. if the dantian is destroyed you will not be able to cultivate again unless you use an extremely powerful pill to repair it.

A few moments later he starts to shake violently as his body makes a popping sound. *Ahhg* he coughs as he coughs out blood. The qi in his body disappears quickly after he coughs. He takes some breathes to calm himself "I have forgotten how much that hurt" he says with a wry smile. Quickly after he sits down again in the lotus position and begins to recite the True Cosmos technique.

suddenly all the qi in five meters radius around Liu Wei is starting to move towards him. Slow at the start but faster and faster in the end. It Starts with all the qi in a 5-meter radius but it quickly expands to 8 meters, then 10 and in the end up to 20 meters radius from him. 1 hour goes by, 2 hours go by then 3 then 4... 24 hours later he finally opens his eyes again. When his eyes open a piercing golden light shines from his eyes. "haha it really is an amazing technique. I'm already at the 2 layer of qi refining in one day I increased my cultivation from nothing to the 2nd layer" I say with a profound smile on my lips. I also managed to refine the qi into my own qi namely the cosmos qi. No one else has this qi and the further down cultivation I go the more benefits it will show me. Even now not only am I at the 2 layer after one day but my strength is even several times more powerful than before I restarted cultivation. I can confidently say that no one in the 2 layer can withstand one punch from me now. The alone is not weird tho with the cosmos qi and my combat experience. Imagine if you combine my experience in cultivation with a peerless technique it will bring the absolute strongest force from each breakthrough.

Haha just you wait world I will be back and reach the true peak of all!" I mutter with a golden light in my eyes.

But the question is what shall I do now. "I should get some martial arts that fit my level. I can not use any martial art I have in my memory. If I don't have suitable martial arts for my level I will still be at a disadvantage. the martial arts i remember are to high level for now". I quickly stand up and make my way outside.

After asking for some directions I learn where the Martial hall of Mapple leaf sect are. After some minutes I come in front of a big green six-floored pavilion. I quickly get in. All I see in the first room is an elder sleeping while sitting on a chair in the corner. A mysterious light comes in my eyes as I feel someone is watching me now. my eyebrow raises a little from surprise "Hm interesting a peak core formation realm elder has the ability to use spiritual sense. That's not normal"

Spiritual sense usually awakens when you have broken true the core formation realm and reached the next realm. I walk towards the elder and cupped my hands in a greeting "Greetings elder" I say calmly. The elder opens his eyes by my words. and looks at me "Hello disciple what are you doing in the martial hall?" he asks with a kind smile on his face. "I have the though to further expand my combat ability so I decided to come and learn a martial art," I say. The elder's smile thickens by my words "yes it's important to have a good combat ability and not only strong cultivation. Now give me your identity token." I comply and give him my identity token. After looking over it the elder gives it back "as an outer disciple you can only borrow 3 martial arts and they can only be from the first and second floors" the elder says. I only nod at this.

After going further in I come in front of rows on rows of bookshelves its easily a thousand books in here and this is just the first floor. I randomly pick up a book. [Green Iron Palm] (Early mortal realm) "only an early mortal realm martial art, trash!" I put the book back where I found it. The grades of martial art are the same as for cultivation techniques. the ranking goes as Mortal, Black, earth, and sky in every realm there are early, middle, late, and peak grade. There are more realms also but in this remote place like this sect, you will be lucky to find an earth tier book. And that's if they even have one. And even if they had one they would be the sects most precious possession, not something an outer disciple would be allowed to see. "I need to use this sect martial arts too. If I use my own martial arts of course modified to be able to be of use now they would surely ask questions." I think as I continue to search. eventually going to the second floor. [Fallen Swordsmanship Broken] (peak mortal) my eyes glint when I see this. Even tho it's classified as a peak mortal I can see that if I complete this martial art it will easily be in the black realm. A technique strong enough to rival black grade techniques. it is incredibly difficult to learn because it is missing some pages in the description. "I chose you. its been a while since I used a sword to fight." I think with a smile. after a full search of the second floor, I found two other techniques. [Floting Leaf Steps] (peak mortal) and [Three Emotions Palm] (late mortal)

After finding three books i go down to register my books. "So let me have a look at what you have chosen," the old man says when I'm on my way out. I give the books to him reluctantly wishing to leave as fast as possible. "you choose [Floting Leaf Steps] that's an interesting choice if you train it diligently when you reach the late mastery you are as fast as those one layer over you, that's a good choice. let's see here you have also chosen [Three Emotions Palm] that's a hard technique you have chosen. if you want to be good at that one, a lot of actual fighting experience is needed to master it. But if you reach the late realm with it its actual combat power is easily at the peak of the mortal realm. the only thing with it that stops it from being a peak grade mortal is that it is really hard. And you final choice is [Fallen Swordsmanship]" the elder expression instantly darkens. "Why have you chosen that technique? It's really hard to practice" he asks with a heavy voice. Already prepared an answer I say "I have always wanted to try swordsmanship and I feel like can train in that one. And its true power is in the [black] realm so if I can understand it I will have an edge against my enemies" I say seriously. The elders face looks pretty serious until he eventually sighs in defeat. "Fine but if you can't understand anything in a week come back here and change it" I only smile as an answer.

When I was almost out of the door I suddenly stop and look at the elder "oh and elder?" the elder looks at me. "Yes disciple what is it now, I have work to do" I smile at him. "You should try eating some [yellow fire grass] it will help you from your sickness," I say with a mysterious smile before leaving the elder in a daze. I had noticed that the elder was sick from the moment I felt his spiritual sense. Because he should not have a spiritual sense unless you have broken true the core formation realm. So the only explanation I could think of was that he is sick and that made his cultivation droop to the core formation realm. And as a Celestial King that has tried to do everything there is. And that means also being a doctor. so after looking at him one time I found out what was wrong with him.

I quickly came to my house again. Right now it's about training my body to know these three techniques [Floting Leaf Steps], [Three Emotions Palm], and [Fallen Swordsmanship].

My plan is that my primary skill will be the [Fallen Swordsmanship] and my movement technique will be [Floting leaf steps] And the [Three Emotions Palm] vill be my trump card when they don't expect it. There are also proficiency stages in how well you use the martial art. Those are early tier, medium tier, late tier, and peak tier. the higher the proficiency you get in the martial art the stronger the martial art's power gets. And the more easily you can use it. Well since they are so low leveled martial arts I think I can get to the medium tier by tomorrow. Well, let's start the practice then.

"That went well," Liu Wei says after walking away from his garden. The garden has now multiple holes the since of an arm in width. And many cuts on the ground and even some strange footmarks deep in the ground. It went better than I expected even. it seems that I still remember how to use a sword haha" I say with a bright smile and a mysterious golden light in my eyes. "Still I feel like I don't have perfect control over my body now. I guess that's because I still only recently come back here. I think the easiest path for me right now is to start to have some actual fighting experience. Like for example, I can try my luck in the forest. That's also good because my cultivating technique needs a lot of energy to advance especially rare herbs or demonic beast blood.

The sect can meet my needs for know but this sect is far too weak to be able to accommodate me for my entire cultivation journey. But it will do for now. I also need to have a talk with my fiance Guo Ming. But first, let's cultivate the rest of the night.