
The Peasants System(Hiatus)

This book has been Dropped. I apologize for the inconvenience. I put a lot of effort into this story and had big plans for it but Its progress has been lackluster. I have been reviewing it as well as one of my more successful stories and have found some of the flaws that this story had. I'm working on a new story that will hopefully be a better read overall and will hopefully be released by the end of October 2022. --- Drew Pence had always had a rough life. From the moment his brother was born he was thrown to the side and was treated as a stepping stone for their 'Golden Son'. But even though his family had made his life a living hell he still believed they had his back. That if all else failed, they would be there for him. But he was wrong. He got stabbed and after waking in the hospital his family was nowhere to be found. They had ditched him. So he made a deal with a stranger. Go to a place where you can receive true freedom... and in return, all you owe him is a single favor. And that was how Drew found himself in the world of Lune, a land of Myth and Magic, Gods and Demons, and Peasants and Kings. Drew awakes with a hangover in a body older and stronger than he had ever known back and earth. Though he quickly finds that he lacks something everyone else has. Magic. But as time goes by, he finds that gaining magic is the least of his difficulties. Will he tough out this hostile world with his unique [Mana Reaper] skill? Or will he perish like all the others who were born a Peasant? Only time can tell what fate awaits Drew. --- Hey guys, if you reading this after reading one of my previous works I just wanted to give you an explanation of what caused me to move on. I had a lot of health issues that popped up suddenly and found that I didn't have the energy or focus to write much and after around 3-4 months I felt that I had lost connection with the book and found it harder to write. After some deliberation, I decided to move on and work on this story instead which has been brewing in my head for a few years now. I hope you enjoy it!

maddaug · แฟนตาซี
50 Chs

Magic Items to Die for

"Complicated... how complicated are you talking here?" Jazzy said with intrigue filling her cat-like eyes.

"I am wanted by the church at the moment, and I recently got attacked by him,"

Jazzy's smile became even brighter as she nodded in approval.

"I like your style kiddo, how about an item on the house, free of charge," Jazzy said in a voice that reminded him faintly of a big sister type person.

"Why so generous?" Drew asked, a little hesitant to accept something at the cost of nothing.

"As I said, I like your moxie. You seem like someone I could be friends with, so seriously, take an item on the house. Feel free to choose any of the items I got in here, but a word of caution, I don't like explaining what they do, I feel it's more interesting if you find out on your own," She said with a playful smile.

'This cat's really got a strange personality,'

"If you insist then I should accept your kindness, It is good to meet your acquaintance and I'm happy to earn your friendship," Drew said, embellishing his words with even more flattery.

Drew stared at the items in the stall and looked at the various colored auras that surrounded each accessory.

They were all colors of the rainbow except there was also black and white in addition to the traditional colors.

He noticed, after a little bit of inspection, that the ones that had the largest Auras (Magical Energy) were the white ones. The black ones, however, seemed to absorb the mana from the surrounding items and seemed to act like a black hole as they greedily stole the ambient magic in the air.

'If I were to sacrifice it, which would honestly be a great idea so I can get some permanent upgrades quicker, then I should go with a white accessory that has the largest aura among them,'

He narrowed his picks down rather quickly after coming up with a goal in mind and found himself staring at two equally powerful items.

The first item that he found was a simple medallion with a crude wolf's head carved into the wood. Though it seemed rather crude in nature it had a strange amount of realism to it that filled him with a sense of fear, as if he was the prey of this magnificent wolf.

The second item he found seemed to be even stranger as it was a small wooden compass that was spinning in an endless circle.

"What to pick..." Drews muttered as he stared at the items.

He had no clue what they did but given their powerful auras, it had to be something good.

Jazzy noticed his two final picks and the intrigue in her eyes went up to another level.

"You truly have good tastes, kid," She said while she purred even louder than before.

"I know you said you don't like explaining what your items do... but could you at least give me a hint of some sort?"

Jazzy eyes wandered in the distance before she nodded with a smirk on her cat face.

"The two items you have are divining items. Their abilities are related to time and fate,"

'Cryptic... but sort of helpful,'

Drew stared at the items and pondered on what each of them could do before catching something Jazzy had said.


'Perhaps manipulation of fate?'

'The wolf talisman might be able to conjure wolves by manipulating fate to line up events perfectly so that they show up to aid me,'

'While the compass...' Drew's train of thoughts ran off as he felt rather clueless about the compass.

'Perhaps it leads me to my goals or is used to divine the direction of treasure and the sort?'

'The wolf talisman has a lot of potential but so does the compass...'

He stared between the two items before coming to a decision.

"Hey, Jazzy, which one of these is cheaper?" He asked in an innocent voice.

Jazzy's eyes lit up as she immediately saw through Drew's intentions.

"The wolf talisman. It costs 5 gold while the compass costs 10,"

'Hot Damn are these expensive!' He thought in his head as he had previously done the math and realized he could buy a small house with the 10 gold coins he had received from Atun.

'But it is too good to pass up!'

"I would like to buy the wolf talisman and use your precious gift to me for the compass,"

Jazzy nodded and held out her paw expectantly.

Drew nodded in understanding and pulled out 5 gold coins and felt his heart crack a little at the loss of funds.

He passed the coins to the cat, who strangely enough managed to handle them extraordinarily well despite her feline form.

Jazzy smiled at Drew with appreciation before waving her tail at him in a lazy way, causing the two items that he was holding to glow brightly and send out waves of energy that entered his left and right hand.

He closed his eyes and turned away from the blinding light and slowly turned back to see that two small tattoos were now inked upon his left and right hand, respectfully.

Drew smiled and looked up to ask what the marks were but instead of finding Jazzy looking at him playfully once again, he found that she was nowhere to be seen and even her shack that was there moments before disappeared in thin air.

'What a strange being...'


Drew went back to his shack in the abandoned farm plot and slept for what felt like an eternity. He awoke at around midday and found that the items he had gained the previous night had been added to his newly updated system status.


[The Peasant System]



Name: Drew Pence

System Upgrade Energy: 104 / 200 = 52%


System LV:1

System Functions:

[Permanent Sacrifice Function]




No bonus gained



Magic Affinity:


Weapon Affinity:

Scythe: Master Affinity



Scythe Mastery: Lv: 3

Mana Reaper: Lv: 1

Blessing of Bram: Lv: ???

Acceleration: Lv: 1

Stealth: Lv: 1



None Currently Learned


Arcane Items:

Wolf Totem: Rarity: Uncommon

Compass of Safe Passage: Rarity: Rare


'It even shows rarities... kind of like those items in RPGs,' Drew noted before looking at the descriptions that were also present in the system.


[Wolf Totem: Rarity: Uncommon]: Wolves are strong but their strength alone is insignificant when compared when they are together. You may use this item once per day and once you do you can summon a spirit wolf that is loyal to you by spending a large amount of mana. This wolf's strength is depending on your capabilities and it grows even stronger when it is in a group, growing stronger for each person apart of its pack. This wolf exists until killed or unsummoned. You may only summon one wolf at a time.


[Compass of Safe Passage: Rarity: Rare]: This compass will only work once you say your destination out loud three times to it while doing jumping jacks as fast as you possibly can. After doing this the compass will lead you along the safest and least dangerous route toward your destination. This item does not change fate and is merely a calculated divining item, therefore if no paths exist that are relatively 'safe' it will choose the one that is the least dangerous.


Drew stared at the descriptions for a long time before sighing loudly.

'The Compass seems to just be a troll item while the 'Wolf Totem' is more like a 'Familiar' spell from that one famous game back on Earth,'

'The Wolf Totem seems rather useful, even though it is only Uncommon in rarity which is strange since the Compass is Rare despite being worse than the Totem,' Drew thought while being biased towards combat based on his experience thus far in this world.

'I think I know what I can do with the compass that could be much more effective than keeping it...' Drew thought as a devilish smile slowly began to form on his face.

'System, use the Sacrifice Function to Sacrifice The Compass of Safe Passage!' Drew thought while hoping to get a large amount of energy from the Rare magic item.

[Sacrifice Function is being engaged. Target: [The Compass of Safe Passage: Rarity: Rare]! The item has a high power aura and is categorized as a Rare item therefore the number of energy points received will be much greater than if it were Uncommon]



Drew watched in awe as the compass that was so solid in his hands moments before began to dematerialize and become specks of light that got absorbed into the center of his chest due to the strange suction force that seems innate to him for some reason.

[Sacrifice Function Complete!]

[100 energy points have been transferred to the host's energy pool!]

[The host has gained enough Energy Points to level up the system! Automatic Upgrade Engaged!]

Drew felt a massive amount of excitement fill him as if it was Christmas morning and his parents actually loved him. Though the tattoo he had received not too long ago had disappeared as the system absorbed it along with the item.