

In ancient China, there were mysterious legends about the Five Immortals. They are fox (hu), weasel (yellow), hedgehog (white), snake (willow) and mouse (gray). Each creature has incredible magic power and wisdom. In a small border town, there lived an ordinary boy named Yun. His life changed drastically due to an unexpected encounter. From then on, he embarked on a wonderful road to enlightenment and immortality.

DaoistlKDs6Q · แฟนตาซี
50 Chs

Chapter 46: The Oath of the Yellow Sands

The unity of the Fox Clan had been restored, and tales of Yun and Lingshan's cunning spread throughout the valley. Their roles as guardians, however, were not just about resolving conflicts but also about maintaining peace.

In the quiet aftermath, a new challenge arose from an unexpected quarter. The Yellow Sands, a vast desert bordering the valley, had always been a place of solitude and reflection for the guardians. But now, whispers of a dire prophecy reached their ears, foretelling a great storm that would engulf the valley and bring darkness in its wake.

Ever vigilant, Yun and Lingshan knew they had to prepare for this impending calamity. They ventured into the Yellow Sands, their eyes set on the distant horizon where the sun cast long shadows over the dunes.

Upon reaching the desert's heart, they found the sands alive with an eerie energy, as if the earth itself was restless. The air was heavy with the scent of an approaching tempest, and the silence was broken only by the distant howl of the wind.

The guardian spirits of the valley, sensing the duo's presence, spoke to them through the rustling sands. "The storm you seek is not of the natural world," the spirits whispered. "It is born of an ancient power, awakened by the imbalance that has befallen the land."

Yun, his gaze steady on the horizon, asked, "How can we prevent this storm? How can we protect the valley?"

The spirits guided them to the heart of the Yellow Sands, where an ancient temple lay buried beneath the shifting dunes. "Within the temple lies the key to stilling the storm," the spirits revealed. "But the path to the temple is fraught with peril."

Undeterred, Yun and Lingshan embarked on the treacherous journey to uncover the temple. They navigated the ever-shifting sands, their steps marked by the sinking grains that swallowed their tracks as quickly as they moved forward.

As they delved deeper into the desert, the storm began to take shape on the horizon, a dark wall of fury advancing with each passing moment. The wind picked up, carrying with it the first stings of the coming sandstorm.

Yun and Lingshan reached the temple just as the storm broke upon them. The ancient structure, carved from living sandstone, stood defiant against the onslaught. Inside, they found a chamber illuminated by a soft, ethereal glow.

At the heart of the chamber was a large crystal, pulsing with an inner light that resonated with the heartbeat of the earth. The guardian spirits spoke once more, their voices a chorus in the howling wind. "This crystal is the anchor of the storm. It must be awakened to its true purpose."

Yun and Lingshan placed their hands upon the crystal, their spirits connecting with its ancient power. They channeled their own life force into the stone, their energies intertwining with the earth's song.

As they did so, the crystal began to glow more brightly, its light cutting through the darkness of the storm. The wind began to abate, the sands to settle, and the valley was spared from the devastation that had been foretold.

With the storm quelled, Yun and Lingshan emerged from the temple to find the Yellow Sands calm and still. The guardian spirits, their voices now a gentle breeze, thanked the duo. "You have walked the path of the ancients and upheld the balance. Your names are etched in the sands of time."

As they left the Yellow Sands, Yun and Lingshan felt a profound connection to the land and its guardian spirits. They had not only averted disaster but also reaffirmed their commitment to the valley's tranquility.

Upon their return to the valley, the inhabitants celebrated their guardians' triumph over the storm. Yun and Lingshan, their spirits alight with the knowledge of their purpose, continued on their path, ever watchful, ever ready to protect the harmony they cherished.