

In ancient China, there were mysterious legends about the Five Immortals. They are fox (hu), weasel (yellow), hedgehog (white), snake (willow) and mouse (gray). Each creature has incredible magic power and wisdom. In a small border town, there lived an ordinary boy named Yun. His life changed drastically due to an unexpected encounter. From then on, he embarked on a wonderful road to enlightenment and immortality.

DaoistlKDs6Q · แฟนตาซี
50 Chs

Chapter 43: The Flight of the Gray Mouse

With the Hedgehog Clan's heartfelt gratitude imprinted on their souls, Yun and Lingshan pressed onward, guided by the soft radiance of the amulet. Though tranquility had returned to the valley, the duo understood that as guardians, their duty was ceaseless.

One day, a distress call reached them from the Gray Mouse Clan, renowned for their agility and sharp instincts. The clan faced turmoil, their dwellings threatened by an enigmatic force beyond their comprehension.

Yun and Lingshan wasted no time in heeding the call. They journeyed through the valley, tracking the Gray Mouse Clan's messenger to their intricate network of tunnels and burrows nestled deep within the forest.

Arriving at the clan's enclave, they encountered chaos. Once-thriving families now fled, their archives perilously close to annihilation.

The clan elder, a wise gray mouse with fur akin to shimmering silver, greeted them with reverence. "Our sanctuary is besieged," the elder mourned. "An unprecedented predator preys upon us, and we're powerless against its onslaught."

Yun, resolute, inquired, "What can you divulge about this predator?"

The elder recounted encounters with a colossal, cunning creature foreign to the valley, leaving naught but destruction in its wake.

Lingshan, intuitive, proposed, "We must inspect the aftermath of its assaults to fathom its essence. Might we survey the scene of the latest strike?"

The elder consented, leading them to the site where devastation still lingered. Yun and Lingshan scrutinized the evidence, discerning clues amidst the wreckage. Yun noted the disturbed earth, broken foliage, and a faint unfamiliar scent. "This creature ain't native to the valley," he surmised. "It's drawn here by the scent of the mice."

Lingshan added, "And it learns from each attack, growing more calculated. We must anticipate its next move and lay a trap."

Collaborating with the Gray Mouse Clan, Yun and Lingshan devised a stratagem. Utilizing the mice's knowledge of the tunnels and their insights into the predator's behavior, they prepared a trap to ensnare the beast and safeguard the mice.

As night descended, the clan took refuge while Yun and Lingshan, accompanied by courageous mice, awaited the predator's approach. Tension hung in the air, punctuated only by rustling leaves and distant owl hoots.

Suddenly, a looming shadow darkened the moonlit landscape, the predator's silhouette poised for the hunt. With precision, Yun and Lingshan signaled the mice to enact the trap. A net woven from robust vines and infused with their spiritual essence descended, ensnaring the beast.

The creature roared in defiance, struggling against its restraints, but to no avail. Encouraged by the trap's success, the Gray Mouse Clan emerged from hiding, celebrating their triumph.

Tears of relief filled the elder's eyes as it expressed gratitude to Yun and Lingshan. "You've preserved our home, our existence. We owe you a debt beyond measure."

With the predator subdued and the Gray Mouse Clan secure, Yun and Lingshan basked in the satisfaction of their achievement. They had not only shielded the mice but also safeguarded the valley for generations to come.

Before departing, the elder bestowed upon them a gift—a luminescent stone carved intricately. "This stone embodies our abode," the elder conveyed. "It'll guide you through the darkest depths and remind you of the light amidst shadows."

Gratefully, Yun and Lingshan accepted the token, their connection to the Gray Mouse Clan and the valley's denizens fortified. They pressed forward, custodians of the valley, defenders of the vulnerable, and carriers of the luminance illuminating their path through the trials ahead.