

In ancient China, there were mysterious legends about the Five Immortals. They are fox (hu), weasel (yellow), hedgehog (white), snake (willow) and mouse (gray). Each creature has incredible magic power and wisdom. In a small border town, there lived an ordinary boy named Yun. His life changed drastically due to an unexpected encounter. From then on, he embarked on a wonderful road to enlightenment and immortality.

DaoistlKDs6Q · แฟนตาซี
50 Chs

Chapter 41: The Fox's Strategy

As the echoes of their vows to the White Willow reverberated throughout the valley, Yun and Lingshan felt a fresh surge of determination. The guardian spirits, recognizing their dedication, had granted them ancient wisdom and glimpses into the land's history. Yet, challenges persisted, and the Fox Clan, renowned for their cunning, sought their aid.

Word came to the pair of brewing discord among the Fox Clan. An ambitious fox, fueled by cunning and ambition, aimed to disrupt the balance of power using deceit and manipulation. The clan's elders, wise but weary, couldn't handle the threat alone. They beckoned Yun and Lingshan, whose renown as guardians had spread wide.

Understanding the crucial need to maintain peace within the Fox Clan, Yun and Lingshan set forth to meet with the elders. Their journey wound through the heart of the enchanted forest, the domain of the foxes. The forest teemed with whispers and shifting shadows, suffused with the foxes' subtle magic.

Upon reaching the council of elders, Yun and Lingshan were met with solemn nods and reverent bows. The elders, their fur tinged with silver, spoke of the escalating unrest among their kin.

"A renegade amongst us stirs chaos," the eldest fox confessed, his voice laden with worry. "We beseech your aid to unearth the truth and restore order."

Yun, the strategist, pondered the situation. "What tidings can you share of this renegade's schemes?"

The elders divulged what little they knew, exposing a plot that menaced not solely the Fox Clan but the entire valley. The renegade coveted a potent artifact, capable of magnifying its guile and enslaving others to its will.

Lingshan, her intuition keen, sensed the urgency. "We must act swiftly. Should this renegade grasp hold of the artifact, the repercussions could be dire."

Guided by the elders, Yun and Lingshan embarked on a mission to infiltrate the renegade's stronghold. They moved akin to the foxes themselves, fluid and silent, navigating the forest's secrets while eluding the renegade's lackeys.

As they drew near the lair, they found themselves in a clearing where the renegade held court, encircled by a cohort of loyalists. The renegade, sleek and sinister, wove a crafty spiel, rousing its followers to action.

Yun and Lingshan knew a direct confrontation was folly. Instead, they leaned on the wisdom of the guardian spirits and the Fox Clan's stratagem. They hatched a plan to sow doubt among the ranks, to unveil the renegade's true nature and turn its army against it.

Utilizing their connection to the earth and the spirits, they conjured illusions and whispers that infiltrated the minds of the followers. The once resolute army faltered as seeds of doubt took root. Sensing the tide turning, the renegade, desperate, revealed its true form—a monstrous fox wreathed in dark magic.

The ensuing clash tested wits and resolve. Yun and Lingshan, though outnumbered, utilized their woodland knowledge and spiritual gifts to outmaneuver the renegade. They battled with the finesse of guardians, their movements fluid and precise.

In the end, it was not sheer force but cunning and strategy that prevailed. The renegade, cornered and betrayed by its own adherents, met defeat. The artifact, a radiant gem of immense power, was seized by Yun and Lingshan, who vowed to safeguard it from those who would abuse its might.

With the renegade vanquished and the artifact secured, Yun and Lingshan returned to the council of elders, greeted with gratitude and relief. Peace was restored to the Fox Clan, solidifying the guardians' renown as tacticians and defenders.