

In ancient China, there were mysterious legends about the Five Immortals. They are fox (hu), weasel (yellow), hedgehog (white), snake (willow) and mouse (gray). Each creature has incredible magic power and wisdom. In a small border town, there lived an ordinary boy named Yun. His life changed drastically due to an unexpected encounter. From then on, he embarked on a wonderful road to enlightenment and immortality.

DaoistlKDs6Q · แฟนตาซี
50 Chs

Chapter 27: The Fox's Guidance

With the enigmatic surge of immortal power deciphered, Yun and Ling Shan stood before the entrance of the concealed cave, their eyes piercing through the faint glow of the runic seal, their hearts brimming with curiosity and vigilance toward the unknown. Deep down, Yun understood that every quest brought forth both new opportunities and challenges.

Yun extended his hand, gently brushing against the sealing runes. He sensed the ancient and potent energy contained within them, somehow linked to the aura of the five Immortal Spirits. Closing his eyes, he delved into the mysteries of the runes with his heart.

Meanwhile, Ling Shan stood guard, her senses keenly attuned to any potential disturbances. She understood the importance of allowing Yun to concentrate fully on deciphering the runes without any interruptions.

After a period of deep contemplation, clarity illuminated Yun's eyes as he uncovered the key to unraveling the runes. He began to methodically touch each rune in a specific sequence and manner, each touch accompanied by a subtle fluctuation of spiritual energy.

As the final rune was correctly activated, the entire seal emitted a low rumble before dissipating into the air. The cave entrance swung open, releasing a surge of rich, ancient aura.

Yun and Ling Shan exchanged glances, recognizing that this aura likely had ties to the Fox Fairy. Stepping into the cave, they navigated through winding passages illuminated by walls adorned with glowing gems.

In the depths of the cave, they discovered a vast stone chamber. At its center lay a stone platform, upon which rested an ancient tome adorned with a fox motif and surrounded by intricate runes.

Approaching cautiously, Yun opened the tome, its pages filled with the wisdom and cultivation methods of the Fox Immortal. Immersed in its teachings, both Yun and Ling Shan felt a profound reverence for the Fox Immortal.

Suddenly, a section of the chamber wall shifted, revealing a hidden passage. At its end stood the figure of a fox, its eyes gleaming with wisdom—the Fox Immortal herself.

The Fox Immortal's voice resonated through the chamber. "Yun, Ling Shan, I have long foreseen your arrival. This tome is a treasure left for those destined to find it, guiding you toward higher realms of Immortal Cultivation."

Respectfully bowing, Yun and Ling Shan acknowledged the power and wisdom of the Fox Immortal, recognizing her guidance as crucial on their journey toward Immortal Cultivation.