

In ancient China, there were mysterious legends about the Five Immortals. They are fox (hu), weasel (yellow), hedgehog (white), snake (willow) and mouse (gray). Each creature has incredible magic power and wisdom. In a small border town, there lived an ordinary boy named Yun. His life changed drastically due to an unexpected encounter. From then on, he embarked on a wonderful road to enlightenment and immortality.

DaoistlKDs6Q · แฟนตาซี
50 Chs

Chapter 2: The Gift of the Fox

Yun's mind buzzed with questions and wonder. He gently caressed the jade pendant around Little Black's neck, its fox motif seemingly whispering ancient secrets. Meanwhile, Xiao Yue inspected the peculiar green stone and its shimmering runes with wide-eyed curiosity.

"Hey, Yun, what's up with this rock? Why's it glowing?" Xiao Yue's eyes sparkled with the innocence of childhood.

Yun shrugged, clueless himself. But he had a hunch it had something to do with the Five Immortal Spirits legend. Resolving to figure it out later, he ushered Little Black and Xiao Yue home as dusk settled over the town.

Walking through the dimming streets, Yun cradled Little Black, the jade pendant on his collar casting a soft glow under the moonlight.

Back home, Yun handed Little Black over to Xiao Yue and promised the blacksmith he'd unravel the mystery behind the glowing stone. After Xiao Yue left, Yun headed back to the bamboo thicket alone.

Standing before the stone, Yun studied the runes. They glowed brighter in the moonlight, weaving into intricate patterns. Tentatively, he touched them, and warmth surged through him.

Then, a soft voice echoed in Yun's ears, "Young Walker, you've arrived."

Startled, Yun scanned the clearing but saw no one. The voice continued, "Don't fret, I'm the Fox Immortal, one of the five spirits."

Yun's heart raced. He was conversing with the legendary Fox Fairy. "Why are you here?" he asked respectfully.

The Fox Fairy chuckled, "I'm waiting for someone with destiny—someone like you. Your pure heart and longing for immortality led you to the Seed of Immortal Fate."

Excited, Yun queried, "What's the Seed of Immortal Fate? Can I really become immortal?"

"The Seed guides you on the path," the Fox Fairy explained, "but it won't be easy. Challenges await. Are you ready?"

Yun nodded eagerly, "I'm in!"

"Good," the Fox Fairy replied. "Your first gift awaits." With a surge of energy, the stone infused Yun, heightening his senses.

As Yun left, the Fox Fairy's voice faded, but the stone's runes lingered in his mind. This was just the beginning.

Back home, Yun tossed and turned, visions of his immortal journey dancing in his head.

Meanwhile, unseen eyes watched from afar, and a grander world unfolded before him.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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