
The Path To Greatness (High School DxD fanfic)

When the old true God died, he did something that no one could have expected, he knew that all worlds would enter an era of chaos, but he did not want his throne to be completely taken, nor give his enemies the chance to destroy everything, so he used his remaining energy to ensure that a human being in an extremely far away realm would receive his "present", and one day this very human would take his place as the true ruler. This human turned out to be a boy called Tendo Ryutaro, and even if he doesn't know, his potential is limitless! -------------------------------------------------------------- Alright, this is an alternate universe, Hyoudou Issei does not exist! Tendo Ryutaro took his place and will have a harem composed of no more than 3! Also, don't like Rias and her Peerage? Then just don't read, don't waste my time with pointless hate comments and reviews. I'm still trying to understand the world of Highschool DxD, so, don't expect too much I might end up creating a few original events instead of simply following canon. Also, this will be a slow-paced story, don't expect mc to be the strongest right at the beginning, in fact... he might even end up being considered the weakest, but this will change given enough time when his talent really blossom.

DaoistUltraGamer · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
4 Chs

CHAPTER 1: Tendo Ryutaro

The sun high in the sky made most people sweat as they walked through the streets of Kuoh town, but one boy wearing the uniform of Kuoh Academy seem to completely ignore the heat as he walked towards the academy.

Many wouldn't notice but his body even without training somehow is at the peak of what a human of his age is capable of attaining, even he didn't know why such a thing would happen with him since he didn't train or did any exercise. Every time he went to the hospital to do a check-up, many doctors would gasp whenever they saw the results of the exams, he is probably the healthiest person they ever saw, and this never changed, not even once he got sick as well, his grandpa usually says that is a god's blessing, but he thought that he was merely lucky.

At some point, many people wearing the uniform of the academy could be seen but in the middle of this crowd Tendo Ryutaro was practically unnoticeable, although he had handsome raven hair and sea-like blue eyes, his average face was enough to stop him from being truly noticed.

"Yo! Tendo-Senpai!"

"Eh!?" Ryutaro stopped and looked around trying to find the owner of the voice, from behind him appeared a boy with the same height as him 180 cm, but with brown hair and eyes.

"Ah, Kouhai? Do you need anything?"

He stopped in front of Ryutaro and panted for a while trying to catch his breath.

"Senpai... Do you still remember what I asked you yesterday?" The boy looked at him with hopeful eyes.

"Oh! Do you mean the tips on how to hook up a girl's heart? Kirishima-Kun, you should stop wasting your time with such things! Haven't I told you before that I would only help you with things related to school!?"

"Eeeeh!? Aren't girls related to school!?" Kirishima looked at him with puppy eyes.

"Tsk, Kirishima, keep bothering me with this matter, and I will stop helping you with math classes!" Ryutaro gave him a threatening glance, which made him shudder and nod more than once.

"Good, now let's go, I don't want to get late..." He shook his head and kept walking.

"Yes, Senpai!"

Kirishima wasn't the only one to ask him for help some times since he is the student with the best grades of Kuoh Academy, there would usually be someone asking his help when they couldn't understand a subject.

After they arrived, he bid his farewells and went to class 1-A, other than him there are no other boys in this class since it's the place where only the best students were allocated to. As he was the first to arrive he took the seat at the back of the class next to the windows, he wasn't like the perverted duo from class 1-C who would drown when they looked at any girl, but as a boy, even he couldn't help but feel a little uncomfortable when being surrounded by a bunch of girls.

Even more so when there were some really pretty girls there like Rias Gremory and Himejima Akeno, even if they were 17 like him, they were beautiful enough to become fashion models. Besides, they looked much more mature than they should, he even wondered if they were actually older than they were supposed to be. He shook his head and took one of his favorite books from his backpack.

He sighed at the thought of Rias, it might look cliche to have a crush on the most beautiful girl of your school, but he couldn't help it... She was just too charming, those blue eyes coupled with her long crimson red hair and figure, was something that could make any men covet her, but he didn't have the guts to ask her out, and there was also some unwillingness as well, this would be his last year in Kuoh Town.

If everything went according to his plans, he would be able to study at Tokyo Daigaku, or simply "Toudai", the most prestigious school in all of Japan. If they happened to fall in love, even if the chance was slim, he didn't know how he would continue this relationship... 'What am I thinking... She would never fall in love with me.'

Trying to forget the depreciating thoughts on his mind, he turned his attention to his book.

It was something he has been reading again and again... The ultimate hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy! Ever since he was a kid he couldn't stop reading it, it was one of his favorite books when it comes to "fantasy", it was one of his ways to escape reality and travel to the amazing worlds and alien civilizations that the incredible author managed to think about.

But those weren't the only ones, he was also fond of Doctor Who, Lord of the Rings, and Harry Potter. He was always amazed whenever he finished reading those books, he couldn't comprehend how someone could think of something so big and complex, telling a story through a book was such a difficult thing, he tried to do it a few time but was always unsuccessful...

Even his works on platforms like webnovel weren't that popular, people seemed to prefer his fanfics instead of his original novels...

He sighed as he thought about his misery, while he spent his time reading his book, a few students entered the class and sat down at their places. Rias Gremory and Himejima Akeno were one of them. Because he was too distracted, he didn't notice when Rias and Akeno threw a few looks at him.

"Akeno..." Rias whispered.

"President?" She asked a little bit curious about her actions.

"Who is him?"

"Oh... He is Tendo Ryutaro... what an amusing name isn't it? Way of heaven, son of the big dragon... Quite flashy... Also, he is the best student at our Academy." Akeno looked at him with some interest.

"Eh? You mean that he surpassed her?"


Both looked at him one more time before retracting their gazes. But Rias started frowning for some reason that only she knew.


Ding! Dong!

"Alright everyone, remember the homework for the next class, if you have any doubts you can ask me now, I'll stay here in the classroom for no more than thirty minutes, so make sure to use this time to clear your doubts." Said the teacher as he looked at the students who started packing their belongings.

Ryutaro was one of the first to leave, he didn't need to ask anything and the longer he stayed the higher the chances of someone appearing and asking him to do the homework for them.

As he walked through the city, he couldn't help but notice the beautiful orange sky and the sun setting. The singing birds and the gentle breeze made his heart feel at peace, the lack of cars and people around completely changed the atmosphere. Had he not lived in this town for all his life, he could end up mistaken it by those cities in the countryside.

He took out a piece of paper from his pocket and sighed, someone gave it to him when he was leaving the school, it was a piece of paper with a weird symbol and a phrase that said, "We will make true your wishes!"

"Um... Mr..."

Hearing this sudden voice he turned to see who it was and was startled by the vision of a little girl with raven hair and purple eyes.

"Eh? Ah, what are you doing on the streets alone? Where are your parents?" Seeing this child he was really surprised, why would a kid be wandering around at this time of the day?

"Mr... could you help me with something?"

"Uh, what is it?"

"My cat doesn't want to get out of a tree, I think he's scared of jumping! Please help me!" She bowed a little, trying her best to make him help her.

Sigh... He looked at her and said. "Alright... where is your cat?"

"He is on top of one of the trees, close to the water fountain at the park."

"Alright, lead the way, I'll see if I can help you."

"Thank you, mister! By the way, my name is Yuuma, what's yours?" She asked with a curious glint in her eyes.

"Ah, you can call me Ryutaro, Yuuma-Chan." He smiled at her.

As Ryutaro followed the little girl into the park, at some distance from them, a girl with white hair followed their every move, but somehow her figure seemed to be perfectly blended in the shadows. She took out a phone and dialed a number.

"President you're right."

"... Alright, thanks for telling me."


She nodded and ended the call but didn't follow him.

The green trees of the park swayed with the breeze, it wasn't a big park but it was a beautiful one nonetheless. He used to come here when he was a kid to play with his childhood friend, Mamoru Endo, he was a big fan of football at that time and played for his school at one tournament that was really interesting, Endo used to be the captain and goalkeeper of Raimon, their first interaction was when he managed to score a goal when Endo was using his grandpa technique to defend the goal.

At that time he was studying in a junior high school at Akihabara.

'Good old times...'