
The Path of Heroes - A Journey Around the World (English Version)

Because of the selfishness of a god who did not intend to share his throne, a bet was made and a world was created. Scattered across seas, lands, volcanoes, mountains, and ice, were the Pieces of Destiny. However, this world is divided into twelve races, and many of them are still in the midst of war. That's why a woman united three people to do what no one else would. But how could mere humans compete with the destructive power of angels, demons, dragons, elves, and beasts? It was at that moment that Kewy Nawick received his Apostle's Blessing. How could Louise, an eccentric and short-tempered mage; Tauri, a boy with no firepower; and Kewy, a downcast warrior, find specific relics scattered throughout the world and, above all, face races strong enough to split mountains in half?

Wiker · แฟนตาซี
14 Chs

Chapter 1.5: A World Without Memory - Part 1

There was nothing in that empty room... or rather, in that world. Everything was just a simple wooden room where the sunlight, which didn't exist, passed through a window. This small world was simple. Nothing dies. Nothing is born. Beyond the window, one could only see an endless expanse of green and a radiant blue sky. Any descriptions of this place would be vague, because all that's left to add is that there was someone there... Perhaps "someone" was too strong a word. It was just an existence. Just a simple child.

Holding her favorite toy while looking out the window, she said:

— Mr. Rabbit, would you like to hear a story?

— ...

— That's great!

Even her existence became vague. This child only wore a white fabric that covered her delicate skin. As if it were a set, her hair was so gray and fine that it looked transparent. She talked to herself... No. She talked to her favorite toy at the moment. But in that place, unworthy of being called a "location," only the sound of her voice that resembled a bell could be heard.

— Once upon a time, there was a fun world full of people...

With her lovely and gentle smile, she spoke as if someone was listening to her words.

— Where everyone played and played without stopping, never getting tired.

In that cold room, where she had always been, she always felt a jamais vu when she looked at it closely. No matter how long she had been there, no matter how long she existed there, she never remembered this place the same way. It might have been poetic if it weren't for her reality. All the... what could be called "days," passed, but she never recognized the place she was in. Come to think of it, maybe even the sense of time couldn't exist there.

— ...But over the years, some wanted other people's toys... and that caused a huge fight. They started fighting more and more, out of envy. Many people who were happy ended up sad too, you know?

She was sitting on a wooden chair with her friend on her lap, swinging her little legs back and forth. She observed the vastness of the green without coming in through the window, as if something there could change at any moment. Her blue eyes, whose iris was in the shape of a star, shone like never before.

— But then, a very kind goddess heard the plea of her children. And then, she remade that world from scratch. She created a world where everything could be possible. Now there were different types of people, and now their focus couldn't be more on their own selfishness.

The little heroine sighed with the beautiful story she told herself. And with her eyes closed, she thought: what if?

— Hey, Mr. Rabbit, isn't it very lonely here?

— ...

— I think so too... It would be nice to have more friends, wouldn't it?

— ...

— What if... we have one more friend to play with us! Wouldn't it be fun?

— ...

— It's true, a new little wolf friend would be really cool!

And so, she continued to stay there. She had nowhere else to go. There was nothing beyond this. She could only talk to her favorite best friend and tell stories she invented. However, in this small world, many things could still happen. In this small world, the curtains for a great play were raised.