

Sitting in his chambers while sipping from a cup, what appeared to be a sort of tea, the Master stared right at Lumian. "What do you wish to talk about? As far as I am concerned, there is nothing to say until the next meeting with the Regals."

"We all know I should be the one to succeed you after your hundredth birthday." Lumian said. "I'm the most appropriate choice."

"What exactly makes you, in your own words, the most appropriate choice?" The Master asked. "Because you are my son? Lest you forget that I have two sons."

"I knew you always loved Andrea more than you loved me." Lumian said. "It's been clear as daylight from the moment you began favouring him over me. Even after banishing him you..."

"Watch your tone Lumian." The Master said in a very firm and reserved tone. "Not only am I your father, I am your master. You will do well to remember that next time you intend to barge in here and demand I favour you over other regals."

"Father you do not want to do this." Lumian said.

"Leave this place at once." After saying that, a wave with an intense amount of energy was suddenly released from the Master's body and the doors to his chambers swung wide open.

Scoffing and turning around in anger, Lumian walked out of the chamber and out of the large castle.

On getting outside, Lumian took a deep breath and stood motionless for a while to collect his thoughts and change his mood.

Now walking through the forest filled with red trees that had extremely long trunks and tips which almost touched the clouds, Lumian was heading to his house when he saw Kalvrie standing in front of the gates.

"Need something?" Lumian asked.

"Sorry to bother you sir, but I have some news which I think you should hear." Kalvrie replied.

"What is it this time?" Lumian asked with a bit of sarcasm in his tone.

"The Aramante watching Sky, Jake's brother, reported that the Werts have made themselves present on Veda. There is now a battle on Veda and a monarch has appeared."


Hovering in the air with their wings beating powerfully, five werts— two five-tailed werts, two four-tailed werts, and one two-tailed wert, stared at nothing in particular and seemed as dead as they should be. Except they were not.

They had just gotten up from the ground after the grey mist cleared up and apparently, according to the monarch, they were under his control.

In a single motion, all five of the undead werts swooped down to the monarch's side and following instructions the monarch gave them through his thoughts, they all charged forward, including the monarch, and began attacking Maron.

Maron was stupefied for a second due to him seeing dead werts get up and now suddenly start to attack him. They were clearly on the humans' side but why?

"I don't care what tricks you're using." Maron said as he used his six tails to hit the two-tailed wert away which tore its body in half and killed it on the spot. "I'll kill you and the werts fighting with you!"

The lightning in the dark clouds which was encompassing Maron prevented the monarch from getting too close but the undead werts had no problem at all getting through and attacking.

The lightning in the clouds had struck the four-tailed werts a couple of times and they had fallen to the floor, unable to get up.

The five-tailed werts were able to withstand it due to their extremely strong and thick skin. They were hitting Maron from every side they could and making somewhat deep cuts on his body. But they were not enough to cause him any fatal damage.

Maron had slashed the werts everywhere and they weren't bleeding. Instead, there was grey mist visible underneath the skin where blood should have been and the undead werts did not seem to be affected by all the lightning strikes and Maron's claw attacks.

The two-tailed wert Maron had hit away with his tails suddenly came flying back towards him. Its body had been joined back together and it had gone straight into the clouds.

A new pair of four-tailed werts rose up from the ground with their eyes as grey as the other undead werts.

The former four-tailed werts had been burnt almost to ashes by the lightning in the clouds and there was barely any body parts to put back together to form the original wert.

The mist that had been emitted from the monarch's body had gotten into every dead body in the area it covered but only a few werts had risen from the ground. After the four-tailed werts were unable to get back up, another pair from elsewhere on the field had risen and taken their place.

They were all attacking Maron and while that was going on, the monarch did not simply stand idly by and watch the whole thing unfold.

He had been moving across what was now a battlefield and was speedily killing as much werts as he could. With a single swing of his sword, he was able to kill a three-tailed wert whilst a four-tailed wert took him a bit of effort.

With his help and the help of the other soldiers that had arrived, the werts were now fighting a losing battle and now certain that no other soldier would die because the commanders and generals could handle it, the monarch faced the six-tailed wert, Maron.

Maron had been flying around and getting rid of the undead werts that were attacking him but when he gets rid of three of them, they come back over and over again.

He was now feeling slightly overwhelmed and very irritated. Stopping with all his attacks and dispersing the dark clouds around him, Maron let the undead werts hit him without doing anything apart from keeping his head down and his eyes closed with a radical smile on his face.

Seeing this, the monarch yelled out immediately. "Everyone get down!"

Anna quickly shapeshifted into an animal that could alter its shape to have a very wide and thick hide then covered as many people as she could. Luckily, she was close to Sky, Kevin, Smith, Kyle, Nikki, Diane and Sasha so they were able to get protection from under her.

Directly from the clouds in the sky, huge bolts of lightning struck down on the battlefield and rain also fell heavily which created a terrible mix of water and current.

The undead werts had become fifteen one-tailed werts and seven two-tailed werts which had spread their wings out and tried to use their bodies as shields for the soldiers against the rain and lightning.

Some soldiers used their magic to create barriers between themselves and the sky while others were left totally vulnerable.

As the rain and lightning hit some soldiers that were unable to get protection, their bodies were unable to withstand the volts passing through them which led to their deaths and their bodies smoking hot.

One could say they had been burnt inside out due to the hollowness that could be seen within the corpses.

Even some that had a barrier could not withstand the sheer strength of the lightning and added with water, they weren't strong enough.

The monarch was also being struck by the lightning but he was using his sword to somewhat redirect it partially so that he did not feel the full impact of it.

Seeing the soldiers slowly dropping to the ground, he gritted his teeth and eyed Maron for a split second before lunging at him with the sword by his side, nimble and ready to move when necessary.