
The path I choose

“I guess being a hero is cool even if my family is villains, they didn’t want me anyway. Is being a hero what I actually want or should I be more? I don’t know but I will figure it out, for now let’s try and live”

Jigen0 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
13 Chs

Chapter 6: I got it back..

'15 years old, I couldn't stay there I know she won't understand, they probably all won't but I want better...if I do maybe..just maybe I can make a place for us and change there heart' I thought to myself sitting in a shady office.

"What Is it you need" a skinny man with glasses and two giant screw like things in his head said.

"New ID, believable, something that can get me in to most places" I said looking at him spin around in his chair.

"That's easy..but do you have the coin for that?" The man known as Frankenstein said.

"Yeah" I said, throwing a backpack on the table.

"Well aren't you prepared" frank said opening the bag with shinning eyes.

"So will that cover it?" I said, looking at him under my black hoodie covered face.

"Yeah..I can do it for you..LuLu we got a live one!" Frank said looking at me then yelling to someone.

"Woah really! There going to actually pay!" A very short girl said coming from the back, she had on her right arm, there was number glowing around her arm like computer code.

"Yeah look!" Frank said, dropping his mad scientist act and open the bag in her face.

"Woah!!! Hell yeah..uhhh I mean, yeah we got it" Lulu said, trying to hide her excitement.

"Thanks" I said with a chuckle at the two.

"Come in the back, I'll need you to help lulu fill it out" Frank said, getting up and walking in the back.

"Oh your a tall one" lulu said, seeing me stand up looking down at her.

"After you" I said, gesturing I would follow.

"Yeah right this way" she said, walking back.

Going through the door I saw computers and big sorted animals everywhere as it looked like a nerdy girls room.

"I like the style" I said looking around, seeing Frank near the computer drinking coffee.

"Well thank..uhhhh!! Don't look at that!" Lulu said speeding around the room to grab the stuffed animals.

"Here" I said leaning down to grab a small one she missed.

"Uhh..th-thank you" lulu said, blushing because our hand touched.

"We don't have all day...well we do but hurry up!" Frank said, with not really caring eyes.

"Oh right ok come here" lulu said grabbing my hand and dragging me over.

"Place your hand here" lulu said, placing my had on a scanner.

"What Is it" I said, looking at it.

"Checking blood type, abnormalities and running a scan on your body. In case you don't have a medical background it logs you in to the system to atleast give some real information" lulu said typing on a computer.

"Ok next step, you got tested for a quirk?" Frank said, looking at me.

"Yeah but failed it" I said.

"Do you have a quirk?" Frank said.

"Yeah I do" I said, watching him walk around me.

"Well let me see" Frank said, watching me pull my sleeve up, seeing light steam come from my arm as it went to is muscular form and looking at the bone on my hand.

"That's actually awesome" lulu said looking at my arm change back.

"I can say that is fascinating" Frank said with actual interest.

"It got a name what's it do?" Lulu said, typing away.

"It gives me immense strength..as for a name ummm..I guess just call it Titan" I said, watching Frank and lulu nod there heads.

"Why that man?" Frank said thinking.

"You know the old stories of titans, you know gods and all. They were said to be powerful so I guess, it gives me the strength of a Titan" I said not really caring.

"I guess it makes better sense when you put it that way" Frank said drinking his coffee.

"Don't mind him, I think it sounds awesome!" Lulu said, smiling at me.

"Thanks" I said.

"What do you want your name to be?" Lulu said, turning back to the computer.

"Kageyasu Ōta" I said looking her type away.

"Any family?" Frank said.

"No im a orphan" I said seeing lulu stop for a second.

"Now just need a picture" Frank said, trying th get pass the subject.

"Cool" I said talking down my hood, glad that didn't go more into that.

"Woah!" Lulu said looking back at my face.

The scar I had wasn't as large as my brothers but it was still really noticeable, yet it didn't take away from my faces looks, for some reason after my quirk awaken my black dot like eyes changed, a bright pretty Emerald green.

(Image here)

"What's wrong?" I said to lulu.

"Nothing! Frank take the picture! And what's your age" Lulu said turning around as I was placed in a area to help make the picture look right.

"15" I said as Frank looked at me, watching lulu go to town.

"It will be done it a few seconds" Frank said, not really finishing as the girls hand moved fast, pulling something out of computer and handing it to him.

"Wow that was faster then expected" I said taking the ID from Frank.

"Yeah lulu here is able to manipulate computers and systems. Making it look more natural" Frank said, seeing me look at her.

"Your the best lulu" I said, turning to walk away.

"Uhhh..your welcome" lulu said, wanting to ask something but didn't. Hearing the door shut.

"Why didn't you ask him what you were going to lulu" Frank said.

"Maybe he doesn't remember, either way..I'm sure I'll see him again" lulu said, going over to that exact stuffed animal I picked up earlier and hugged it tight.

'Don't cry..here I got it back for you' lulu here in her mind as she saw a memory of a boy with blood on his face, pat her head.

(Not what you think but mc did sage her)