
The path I choose

“I guess being a hero is cool even if my family is villains, they didn’t want me anyway. Is being a hero what I actually want or should I be more? I don’t know but I will figure it out, for now let’s try and live”

Jigen0 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
13 Chs

Chapter 3: Training

[forest outside Musutafu, Japan]

I've been in his forest for a year now and still nothing but it didn't matter, the being said struggle and pain will be needed but still I felt I was missing something, even for a 'quirkless' my body was strong, able to lift 350lbs at the age of 7, throwing a log to the side I go to sit on a rock and look around.

Trees had indents in them from where I practiced breaking bone and letting it reform to be hard, metal rods and logs used for muscle training, to the left a path in the grass had been made as i took it everyday running to improve my stamina.

To the right was log was hung that when dropped would smack hard into a tree, I used this to drop it on my body over and over to toughen the skin and bone to help with defense. While I try to awaken my quirk through pain.

"It's still a long time until the plot starts I can keep going" I said standing while rotating my shoulder. My body wasn't tall or short but the muscles and scars made me look over my age. I jumped a little getting my legs ready, grabbing a spear by the tree on my running path and heading out, running through the path I made it to a steep downhill slope, at the bottom was a river.

"I love this part, let's go!" I said, jumping as I slide down on the souls of my feet, sliding back and forth around trees, almost at the bottom, there was a big tree with a branch out stretched, jumping while I slide I grabbed and launched myself into the water.

Slashing I came up, on my back floating, I looked up to the bright sun, I let the warmth hit my skin as the wind blew and the forest came to life. The sounds of birds and other animals could be heard as i floated.

"I wish this moment could last forever" I said, my ear twitching, moving my body up, I was quiet.

Looking over at the woods were I saw a rabbit, coming up out of the water slowly I held my spear, my arm flexing as I pulled back and threw with little noise. The spear flew like a javelin, hitting the rabbit in its side pinning it to the ground.

"I'm sorry little one" I said as I walked over pulling my spear out. Only to stop and jump back as a Paw came down on the spot I was as kicking up dirt.

"What the hell is that?" I said seeing the green fur on the bear,it looked to be mutated, while it's eyes glowed or the work of someone's quirk.

"Well if this isn't going to call out my quirk i don't know what will" I said, watching the bear raise on its Hind legs.

"Rwaahhhhhh!" The bear roared as it rushed me.

"Shit" I said rolling out of the way.

Spinning the spear lightly I threw it at its shoulder only for the to get stuck and make it more pissed as it smacked it out of its arm. Getting on all 4s it ran this time almost jump as I moved it smacked me away as I barely flew.

"You don't hit as hard as goto, let's just finish this" I said running at my spear, rushing the bear as it charged, I slammed the spear in the ground and went up into the air as I vaulted and turned doing a flip. I pulled the spear back as it tried to stand and with all my strength I drove it into its skull. It came out through its mouth and into the ground.

"Well so much for pushing me to my limit" I said jump down as it fell over, I walked over pull the spear from its mouth and looked down at it.

"Does bear taste good..wait wait ogre it's mutated, I'll probably have my dick fall off or something, well...holy shit I have a idea" I said to myself as I thought about the bear looking similar to something.

Running back up to the hill I grabbed the knife going back and skinning it.

[few hours later]

"That's what I'm talking about, it's even white on the inside" I said tying the pelt around my waist and smiling.

"Yeah it was worth it" I said while going back to cook the rabbit.