
The path I choose

“I guess being a hero is cool even if my family is villains, they didn’t want me anyway. Is being a hero what I actually want or should I be more? I don’t know but I will figure it out, for now let’s try and live”

Jigen0 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
13 Chs

Chapter 2: Alone

"Where is the brat at?" My older brother Goto Imasuji said, busting into the house.

"Goto stop your drunk!" My mother said, only to be pushed away.

"What's wrong I can't see my little brother!" Goto said, smacking her.

"Ahhhh! Enough goto!" My mother said not caring but not wanting to have a body on her hands.

"Hey you in there you brat!" Goto said slamming the door open to see my 6 year old self standing there, my black dot like eyes looking at him.

"There you are! Oh what's this?!" Goto said, smacking me away, while he picks up my books.

"Get off of them Goto!" I said, running at him and punching out.

"Oh so you want to be a hero?!" Goto said looking down at me. I said nothing only looking in his eyes.

"How when you don't even have a quirk?!" He said lifting me up.

"I'll kick your ass" I said struggling.

"I like the fire kid, to bad" he said throwing me against the wall and kicking me in my stomach.

My mother just watched as she sat at the table, smoking at cigarette and seeing me get beat half to death.

"I swear I'll kill you ahhhh" I said, coughing up blood.

"You can try" Goto said leaning down and lifting my head to his.

"Uhhhh!" I said coughing up more blood as he dropped me.

"Waste of fucking space..how worthless can someone get" Goto said to me then looked at our mother, before he walked out of the door.

"Ahh..I swear" I said, my little body trying it's hardest to keep me awake, Only to black out.

Waking up hours later, no hospital, no bed, no warm food, I was in the same place I was left, looking over at my mother I saw her drinking then she looked at me.

"You look just like your father, the one man I thought truly loved me, until he ran off and disappeared and left me with you..worthless son that can't do anything" my mother said, looking at me.

I said nothing moving around my room I picked things up and got the bag I always kept ready. Walking over to her with a box I placed It on the table before going to the front door.

"I know you don't love me, that I'm not what you wanted but I did love you mom, no matter what" I said walking out of the house to be alone.

My mother froze, looking over at the box she placed her hand on it, opening it she found a letter along with money I took over the years and a letter.

'This is for you mom, so we could get out of this place and away from Goto, I know you hate me, I'm sorry you feel this way but I love you so much'

- from ogre

Mom read it and picked up the picture behind it, it was a picture of when I was first born as she held me like I was the most precious thing in the world, life had made my mom bitter and lose of my father made her heart cold but she felt it. The love I had for her no matter how mean or cruel I kept smiling at her. Saying sorry when it wasn't my fault, using mg little body to drag her to bed when she was drunk, trying stop my brother from hurting her I still smiled. Deep in her heart she knew she was wrong, the ice around her heart beat and cracked. She stood and ran to the door looking out to see if I was anywhere.

"Ogre! Ogre!" My mother yelled but got no response. Feeling like I went off to be alone like always she waited and waited but i never came home.

[forest far outside the city]

"Ahhh why! Why can't i use my quirk!" I said, laying on my back with my shirt off.

Even for a 6 year old I had much more muscle and definition then a normal 6 year old should.

"Was it a lie? Was I lied to by that being?" I said thinking for a while.

"No, no..even if I was what can i do..I will do like I always have and find my own path" I said leaning up to look at the moon.

Standing I walked over to the heavy metal rods and logs. Using my arms and legs to lift over and over till they gave out.

"I'm alone again like before but it doesn't matter..I will find my path and live as I want!" I said as I threw the heavy log into the air.