
The path I choose

“I guess being a hero is cool even if my family is villains, they didn’t want me anyway. Is being a hero what I actually want or should I be more? I don’t know but I will figure it out, for now let’s try and live”

Jigen0 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
13 Chs

Chapter 1: Talks with god/Life of pain..

"You came to my realm for the wrongs you have done, for the times you turned your back, for those you could have saved but let die, for the weight of your broken heart but in that last act to push past your pain and sadness you became something more. For that you are worthy to try again" the being so large I couldn't see his face said.

"To think..I die doing something I knew was right..after a life of running..the world was not kind to me..so I gave nothing back..but in the small moment, where is was her life or mine, I could no longer stand idol and something pushed me to go beon what I could handle" I said still on the floor off this world.

"In that moment you choose to be more then just a bystander.." the being said.

"Like I always had been.." I said, looking at the ground.

"Do not let your heart be weighed down..I will give you another chance.." the being said.

"Where will I go..is it right for me to be allowed to live again" I said.

"That question is for you to answer..now look" the being said as worlds flashed around us and I watched with little light in my eyes.

When the worlds stopped flashing, the being waved his hand and it disappeared.

"I know in your past life to fill that void you loved to Immerse yourself in other worlds so it's a gift I guess..the world you will be born in is my hero..state 4 wishes" the being said.

"So they are real, in that world of hero's..4 wishes? Is what family I'm born in a wish?" I said looking up to the being.

"No, it is up to you" the being said.

"Ok...I want to be born into muscular family..I want to have that ability of his without it going over bored, I want to have the ability to harden of some kind and through pain be able to use full counter..and for my last wish that girl I saved..please let her live a long and wonderful life.." I said thinking for a while.

"It will be done...but the ability you want you will have to work for..there is no slacking..the road you chose is one full of struggle..the girl will have not come to harm or struggle..let me ask you why do you want to be born in this way ? Why put yourself in these situations?" The being said as a door opened behind me, standing I walked my broken body to the door.

"Because..I am no hero" I said walking towards the light, the door closed slowly as a beautiful girl came out from behind the being.

"Even after saving me, he still thinks he is unworthy..because of all the people who left him behind..he never saw the smiles he put on people's faces..or the struggles to make others life better at the cost of his own" the girl said as the world lighted up.

Standing around were people with said faces, many were legends from the boys world and other world's people who risked there life and saved people. The large being shook his head as he looked up to the bright light far above.

"The throne of hero's.." the being said, closing his eyes.

"He does not know his heart but in there I know it, I feel it, lives the heart of a hero" the girl said as she held up the blessing he had wished for her with tears in her eyes.

"You are more hero then you could ever know" the girl said as the world went dark again.

(If the mc going to be op yes, well through work and pain, as for why I did it this way, the boy could have simply asked for nothing and pass on and be invited Into this world, instead he wants to see what he is, is he a hero or will he be a villain, Is he worth to call himself a hero or will the weight in his heart bring him down?)

"Ahhh!" I yelled being smacked away.

Barely 3 and already being hit like a man and by non other then his own mother, living in this world having only being 3 years he did not mind it.

I stood up, wiping the blood of my mouth, my spiky black hair and the large scar over my left eye as it bled.

"I'm sorry mother" I said looking at the blonde haired women.

"Shut up ogre! Go to your room!" The women said, not even bothering to look at him.

(Mc has the scar like muscular on his left side though and had his hair but black cause they have different fathers)

Walking into my pitiful room I didn't complain, taking bread and jerker out of my pants, going to grab a note book and sitting down. I ate the hard bread and jerk like it was heaven as I opened the book and looked at the heros in it, turning it to find a few drawing of basic hero outfits.

"Like I could ever use these..I don't even know where I'm at but I know next year I should awaken my quirks I wonder..ahhh I don't know my kid mind are all mixed up" I said to myself as I looked at my hero book.

"I will find my path..I don't know what to do now but I will find my way..somehow" I said looked up to the sky, putting my band aid and light scar covered hand up to the moon. Before going back to drawing.

(Mc will not be as tall or bulky as his brother but he will be tall for his age and have a body like a little bulkier swimmer body)