
The Path I Choose

What would happen if you died and suddenly found yourself in another world you know nothing about but the general gist is that you know how it works. So let's see the story unfold.

ShadowPaladin00 · แฟนตาซี
2 Chs

Learning new things

"My name is...Onyx," new world, new name.

"Nice to meet you Onyx," courtesly replied Albert.

"Anyway let's get you out of here, this forest is dangerous you know,"

"Thanks," it's better to be polite to someone who can burn you to a crisp then not.

As Albert was leding me out of the forest I witnessed quite a few strange sights, a crow-hawk flying in the skies, a flying squid, yeap a flying squid! A few more boar-tiger minding their business though some looked like they would attack immediately, fortunately Albert was there to dissuade those few that dared.

While walking I learned quite a bit about this new world from Albert, like how there were adventurers who would go around doing quests given by others.

At first Albert thought I was an adventurer but I was quick to deny that notion, which led to him asking how I found myself facing off against a Borex, yup you heard it right that boar-tiger thing is called a Borex.

What a strange name these people use.

After that he started asking where I live, what occupation do I have, what was I doing in the forest.

It's easy to answer those questions as long as you have some knowledge about fantasy type world and fortunately I do.

My answer is as follows, I live very far away, I am an explorer, I got lost exploring.

Which also led to him asking where exactly do I live, my answer was "secret" while not entirely satisfied, he did not pry further.

Then came the harder question.

Why was I exploring if I did not know how to fight or use magic.

"Well you see the reason I chose to be an explorer was to see the world, my family did not agree with me which led me to flee from my home and here I am,"

"Oh sorry to bring that up," he apologised soberly.

After that there were no more questions, which suited me perfectly.

Finally we arrived at a village and besides the village there was a sign, which read

'Apolo grement'

The first thing I thought while looking at the village was ehhh..

Second thing was hmmmm....

Third thing was wow!

Because the third thing that I noticed was the giant of a man that suddenly appeared out of nowhere, well not exactly nowhere, there was a shrine of sorts, which following the usual trope should be a teleport point.

Overall this more then proved that I was in some type of fantasy world and following that thought I wondered whould I also be able to cast spells.

"Ehhhh....why are you drooling?" asked Albert a little freaked out by the change of expressions.

"wh.hh.aatt..what....I'm not drooling, it just the sun glaring at my face," I said stupidly, which certainly meant he did not believe me one bit.

"Anyway... wanna go to the inn, it will certainly help you from the sun's glare," he said jokingly or I think he did, you can't see much because of the hood.

And with that, we went to the inn, which by the way was named 'Akora inn'.

The heck kind of name is that!