

Anna2810 · แฟนตาซี
86 Chs

You matter to me

Lin shiyu found Song lin staring out from her window when she entered her office. She stood there for a minute looking at Song lin. Song lin was in her dark green military uniform and her long wavy hair is left open. It drifted down her shoulders like water falls. She stood there folding her hands looking quite imposing But no less beautiful.

"For how much time are you planning to stand there?" song lin asked out of the blue. Lin shiyu was startled then she laughed.

"You sure have the potential to be a captain Miss song" she said walking towards the sofa. Song lin smiled but didn't turn back from the window.

"What is it? Why are you here?" she asked still standing at the window.

"Well I bought you something" Shiyu said her expression smug.

"I'm not in the mood for any fun shiyu " Song lin said without looking away from the window.

"You sure you don't want this. I thought it's so important to you" she mumbled. At that Song lin tilted her head back a little and froze. There in shiyu's hands lay the shield that should be in pieces. For a heartbeat she stood still unmoving. Then she bolted towards shiyu and snatched the shield from her. She looked at the shield now in her hands. Her hands are shaking so hard that shiyu felt afraid it would fall and break again. Song lin looked at shiyu her face full of astonishment.

"There's an antique shop where they repai... " but before she could complete the sentence Song lin hugged her so hard. Shiyu felt her breath squeezed out of her. Then she smiled and patted Song lin's shoulder gently.

"Thankyou...thankyou so much shiyu...you..don't know ..how ....much it means to me" Song lin said her voice shaking. Shiyu smiled with tears in her eyes.

"Then can you do something for me?" she asked. Song lin pulled back. "Tell me..what do you want me to do. As long as its within my range I will do it no matter what." Song lin said.

"Are you sure?" shiyu asked her again. Song lin nodded.

"Promise me that you won't ever suffer in silence. I know you have a lot on your mind Song lin. But I just want you to know that I'm here for you. Trust me talking it out makes it better than suffering alone." she said quietly. At that song lin went silent.

"The things I have in mind aren't the things that I will forget once I talk it out shiyu." Song lin said looking down at the shield.

"I know...gods I know that song lin. I'm not telling you to forget anything. I just don't want you to shut me out. When you're down, tell me. when you feel like shit, tell me. when you're angry, tell me. " shiyu said in a breath and paused."I just want you to know that it matters to me...that you matter to me." She said her voice strained like she said these words already a hundred times. Song lin went silent without making a sound.

"I don't even know whether I make any difference in your life Song lin. I feel so helpless when it comes to you" Shiyu said after sometime. she sounded sad. Song lin looked up and smiled. A real smile.

"You are the one of the best things that ever happened to me until now shiyu. Ofcourse you make a difference." Song lin said her voice gentle and soft. One that she would never use with anyone but her.

"If you weren't there I would've collapsed the moment I saw the broken shield..I would've collapsed everytime that woman came to this camp." she said again. Lin shiyu looked up at her and found a tint of sadness in her eyes.

No matter how much difference I make in your life Song lin..you will never be truly happy...shiyu thought to herself bitterly.

She took some deep breaths and calmed herself down and her face returned to that usual sweetness.

"Okay now enough talking..come let's go eat something" she said and dragged her out of the office. Song lin looked at her hand which is now in Lin shiyu's hands and smiled.

Atleast there's someone who cares whether I eat or not.. she thought and followed her to the cafeteria.