

Anna2810 · แฟนตาซี
86 Chs

You kissed me.

"Damn it"

None of them knew the passcode, zayne looked at his watch.


"Should I call rose?" cassian asked, one of his hands supporting azriel, who's barely conscious.

"She'll have our heads" he can't believe he drank five bottles and he would've drunk more if cassian hadn't returned and stopped him. Then they had to search for nearly an hour before they found az in one of the private booths, barely conscious. Zayne could barely think straight. Thank the gods for his drinking capacity, if not he would've been face down on the floor when cass found him.

"We don't really have a choice" cassian replied. zayne sighed and rang the bell. He was surprised when the door unlocked immediately. Helen stood there. Headphones on, her hair tied up in a messy bun. She raised her brows at them.

"Hello gorgeous." cassian said and zayne tried very hard not to roll his eyes.

"You stink" she said, scrunching her nose. Moving aside she said, "Get inside"

They walked in, and cassian, probably sensing that zayne was about to vomit said to helen " Can you help me carry him upstairs? zayne really needs to sit down."

She looked at him for a second and nodded. He helped them balance az and walking straight to the sink, he vomited his guts up.

He exhaled a breath, now he was feeling a little better. He pulled out a chair at the dining table and sat down. His head is aching, he leaned back and closed his eyes. He could still taste the alcohol in his mouth and he really smelled. Gods, he needed a bath immediately. His eyes flew open when he heard footsteps and that was when he noticed a laptop on the table, its screen showing some tabloids about justin herondale, beside the laptop there was a soft drink and few snacks.

"You are working?" he asked " This late?"

Helen just walked over to the refrigerator and pulled out a green color drink. She set it down in front of him.

"Drink" she said, "It helps clear your head" then she walked over to the other side of the table and sat down in front of her laptop, back to her work. She didn't even spare him a glance. How could she be that indifferent? Even in his stupid muddle headed state, he could still feel the burn of her touch on his skin. Her nonchalance pissed him off.


He clutched the bottle, wondering what the hell it is. He took a whiff of its scent and his stomach turned almost immediately. He set it down and ran to the sink. He vomited. Again. Jesus, this is embarrassing. He took a step back and the floor rolled under him.

"Woah" helen said, coming up behind him and holding him by his shoulders. She turned him around slowly.

"That drink you gave me smells like shit." he grunted.

"You're not supposed to smell it you idiot, you're supposed to drink it." she said, supporting him as he walked over to the table. He tried to glare at her and failed because, somehow he is seeing two helens. Oh my god, he really really needed a bath.

"You stink" she said, scrunching her nose. She sat him down on the chair. He stared at her. He was just now noticing that she was in shorts. Cute baby bear shorts. She was still scrunching her nose. It was adorable.

"You need a bath and a bowl of porridge." that he did. He imagined all the stairs he would have to climb to get to his room. It was enough to turn his stomach.

"You could shower here, in my room" he gaped at her.

"There's no nee-"

she cut him off with an icy stare. "Point number one, if you faint here I'm sure as hell not carrying you upstairs. point number two, I'm only asking once, so you could either go shower in my room or you could stay here and be miserable."

He gritted his teeth. He hated being told what to do and he didn't appreciate her tone, but he didn't have a fucking choice so he said

"Fine" he said. She smirked and helped him up. They walked over to her room slowly, silent on their way.

Once inside her room, he stopped and looked around. Clothes, documents, there isn't a single place that's clean in her room.

"Now I know why you were sitting in the dining hall."

she pushed him in to the bathroom with a glare. Following him in, she said

"There's the body wash and the towels" she said, pointing to a corner. He nodded and turned around to look at her when he heard her chuckle.

"What's so funny"

She shrugged." You are really silent when you're drunk. This version of you might be my favourite."

His jaw worked and before he could second guess it, catching her wrist he pulled her close and pressed her against the bathroom wall. She yelped, her eyes wide.

"What the hell are you doing?" she asked. Was it his imagination or did she sound husky?

He leaned in, hands on either side of her face. "Do you know that you're not silent when you are drunk?" he whispered in her ear. She stiffened.

"I don't know what you're talking about" she lied.

"Still lying, are we?" he said, leaning back just a little to look at her eyes. "That's fine, I'll help you remember." he said and pulled her flush against him. She gasped. That sound. That goddamn sound.

One hand on her waist and the other on the wall he said

"Do you remember asking me for a lollipop?" she gulped and shook her head.

"My bad, let me rephrase my question." he said leaning his forehead against her.

"Do you remember how you asked me for a lollipop?" she was silent. He smiled.

"You sat in my lap" he whispered, then took both her hands and put them around his neck "and put your arms around me, just like this"

She was breathing hard. "Zayne, you're drunk."

"You know what else you did?" she shook her head.

"I don't want to know " she said.

He inched his face away from her lips and pressed his cheek to her cheek.

"You kissed me." he whispered, turning his face, his lips hovering above her cheek.

"Right here" he said and pressed his lips against her cheek. "Just like this."

She seemed to have stopped breathing.

"Do you remember now? or you want me to repeat it all over again?"

"No" she said. "I remember it. All of it."

"Good" he said. "So the next time you're drunk, I hope you remember everything" he said, speaking over her lips. He nudged her face to the side with his nose and pressed a gentle kiss to her jaw.

"Because If you don't, I don't mind helping you remember" he said, pressing a kiss to her neck. He meant to let her go then, but he kissed her neck. Once, twice. She was addictive. He bit her, gently.

"Zayne" she whispered. Was it a plea or a warning? He didn't care.

He ran his tongue over the bite, relishing the taste and she moaned.

Oh my god.

The sound stilled him and her, judging by the stiff way she was now standing.

Jesus, what the hell was he doing?

She pushed him away as if she sensed the shift in his mood.

"I'll get your clothes" she said, and to her credit her voice came out steady. Then she walked out and closed the door behind her.

Great. Now he has another sound to mess with his head.