

Anna2810 · แฟนตาซี
86 Chs

What did you loose?

As the car moved in to CityZ..Lu chen kept talking something. But shiyu has no mood to enjoy his blabbering. Her thoughts kept wandering to Song lin. Lin shiyu generally liked to be in silence when her mood isn't good. But this man beside kept talking something all the time. Ah....how frustrating. No matter how much she thought she just couldn't understand why the major made this man his second in command. Is it because his grandfather is a general?? shiyu pondered. But general Lu achieved soo many things in his career. he's famous all over the army just how come this grandson of his became such a flirty dummy. I wonder which woman will get to marry this flirt shiyu thought.

"What? couldn't take your eyes off me?" Lu chen asked her. Shiyu came back to her senses. why does this guy always talk about how he's so handsome. "Captain Lu..you are a narcissistic person" she said before she could stop herself. The car came to a halt abruptly.

I'm done..

He's going to punish me...

Why did I even bother opening my mouth..

I'm finished..

But she suddenly heard him laugh. He turned to her and smiled "Hey even though I'm a narcissist...I look good right? Then why should I act all shy and say no...I'm not that handsome actually" he asked her casually. She was still staring at him in shock. shocked that he didn't get offended that she didn't need to apologize to him. seeing that she's staring at him..her eyes wide he laughed and smacked her head lightly

"Get down..we're here" he said and exited the car. she got down and they walked towards an antique store.

"You don't need to be so courteous while talking to me..always putting on that sweet smile of yours. Yes I'm ranked above you..I don't deny it and ofcourse when we're on a mission or some kind I would like you to obey me. But common Lin shiyu we're of same age you don't have to act respectful with me." he said his tone gentle and soft. Shiyu was shocked but just nodded her head not knowing what to say.

"Even with Ji zue..he's obviously an egoistic person but he also doesn't care about all this ranks and all unless we're in charge of some mission." he said again. Now she was more than shocked. Ji zue not caring about his rank? you might as well tell me that the commander also doesn't care about ranks shiyu thought.

"okay you wait here..I'll go get my stuff" he said as they stood out at the antique store.

"No problem I'll come with you" she said. he shook his head "There are so many men in the shop and I don't want play another act of saving the damsel in distress" he said. "I can save myself" shiyu said annoyed. "But your sweet beauty attracts a little too much attention" he said smiling that charming smile of his and went inside. Shiyu was more than annoyed. Just how much does this guy like to flirt she thought. Finally after what felt like an eternity he came out of the shop. Shiyu's legs are breaking for standing so much time.

"Oh why are you standing..you should've sat somewhere here" he said checking the cover he brought out. This guy!!!!!! Isn't he the one who told me to wait here??

"Its fine. I'll drive now" she said and went towards the car. The car is silent so silent that they could hear even the tiniest of sounds.

"Are your legs in pain?" he asked looking at the sullen woman beside him. No..not at all. she thought. "I'm asking you something is it so hard to answer?" he asked again. she finally lost her patience.

"I don't understand..why did you even bring me along with you? I didn't do any work except for standing there for nearly an hour until my legs were broken and you now ask me are my legs in pain? Just what do you take me for ? Do yo.." as she's blabbering he interrupted her. "I asked you to come along to give you this" he said quietly and passed her the cover he bought from the antique store. she drove with one hand and opened the cover with other. She pressed the breaks when she saw what's in the cover. Her face covered with shock. she whipped her head towards him only to find him looking at her calmly.

"Where did you get this fixed?" she asked as she held the shield that should've been in pieces.

"I collected the broken pieces and gave them at the antique store to fix.." but she interrupted him. "But that costs sooo much and they don't easily agree to fix broken things what more so an antique shop that high class" she exclaimed. He laughed "Ofcourse I didn't spend that much money..the shop owner is my friend so he agreed" he said. she turned towards the steering and went silent.

"why?" she asked after sometime, her fingers gently caressing the shield.

"what do you mean why? Ofcourse it is because I couldn't look at your sullen face." he said grinning widely. she looked up at him calmly.

"I don't know why you did this...out of boredom or whatever but it means so much to me and even more to song lin...Thankyou" she said as she stared at him with her crystal clear eyes now glistening silver from tears and for once Lu chen didnt feel like joking. So he just nodded and tore his eyes away from her who reminded him so much of someone. Someone he would never get to see. As they travelled in silence Lu chen said suddenly..

"I did it because I know how it's like to loose something precious. because I know how it's like to see your bestfriend in pain and do nothing." shiyu looked at him but he's still staring out from the window.

"And what exactly did you loose Lu chen?"shiyu asked him. He stiffened but just for a minute. He smiled his carefree smile again and said cheerfully "Do you think I would be able to smile like this after I lost something precious?" shiyu smiled not believing a word of his but she didn't press. She turned towards the steering and the car returned to silence once again.