

Anna2810 · แฟนตาซี
86 Chs

They are raising hell

"Why the hell are you smiling?" This is 10th time he found Lu chen smiling to himself.

"You're scared aren't you?" he said and burst out laughing. Yeah. Ji zue's trying very hard not to punch him in the face. When he saw Ji zue's expression turning worse he stopped and took a breathe.

"I thought you were going to apologize to her?" he said quietly. Ji zue's eyes went distant at the question. He said after a heartbeat

"I feel like something's odd with her" lu chen raised his brows "what do you think is odd about her" he asked.

"I don't know..I mean its..only right that she had to shout at me the moment she'll see me right? then why didn't she say anything?" ji zue asked, sounding confused.

"So what..you want her to shout at you now? its good that she didn't right?" lu chen said.

"I don't know " he said calmly. Lu chen smiled and patted him

"leave it for now. come let's eat something " he said as he dragged Ji zue to the cafeteria.

In the cafeteria

Ji zue found himself watching Song lin carefully as he ate. once, not even once did she look at him. she just lowered her head and ate silently as if only she and her plate existed in the world. He could tell that her mind is not here.

"You don't like vegetables?" Lu chen asked Lin shiyu. She shook her head.

"Same pinch" He said smiling, she just gave him a halfsmile and turned to look at Song lin. She opened her mouth to talk when Ji zue spoke

"Why are you quiet?" he said quietly. Song lin looked up. He held his breath waiting for her to shout and tell him that its none of his business. But she just shrugged and went back to eating. He felt the overwhelming urge to grab her face and make her talk.

"I'm asking you something. Does it hurt to answer" he said again trying to sound stern. Lu chen gave him a look that said : that is not the way you make someone talk you bastard!

Song lin put her fork aside and they braced themselves even shiyu as Song lin atlast opened her mouth to speak.

"I don't have a habbit of talking while eating" she said calmly. he didn't know how to counter that nor did he understand why the hell she's being polite. shiyu looked at her like she could see through the pain under that calm mask. she picked up her fork again and started eating. they ate in silence after that. Song lin could still feel the ji zue's gaze on her but didn't seem to care. she didn't give a shit about his feelings.. not when she's a mess herself.

After eating song lin went up to the ground and started exercising. its her way of releasing her stress and also her way of telling everyone to stay the fuck away from her. Most of the soldiers in their troops never disturb song lin while she's in the ground. Because other than the daily training if they found song lin in the ground, it is either because she's pissed or she's having one of her mood swings. That is how soldiers interpret her behavior since they don't know the reason.

As she's firing off the targets she could sense someone behind her, she said without turning her head

"Enjoying the view major ji?"

Ji zue smiled and walked up to her. She didn't so much as glance his way. He was tempted to take the gun from her and point it towards her head. He looked her over silently and cursed under his breath. Even when using the gun without so much as glancing his way she managed to add a tint of arrogance to her posture. gods above, this woman must be arrogance incarnation.

"I've never seen you practicing hand to hand combat with anyone?" he asked casually trying not to sound too desperate to make her talk. She shrugged and said

"They don't dare to" as if that's something she cold shrug about. He glared at her. It's almost impossible to talk to her properly, he thought.

"Oh really? I'd like to see why" he said now full facing her. She paused and turned to him. As she's contemplating whether she should yet break another higher officials leg, he smirked at her. Fucking smirked at her.

"Afraid captain song?" his low voice skittered over her bones. She smiled with a demonic charm and threw the gun aside arrogantly.

"Well let's see who'll be afraid then" she said rolling her sleeves up. Ji zue smiled and took a fighting stance.

This is the exact scene that greeted lin shiyu when she saw from song lin's office window. She went still. What the hell are they planning to do. She took out her phone and sent a message to Lu chen. He called her immediately.

"What's the matter miss lin missed me already?" a lazy voice drawled over the phone. Her toes curled in but she has rather pressing matters right now than to flirt with this guy.

"Get the hell over to the grounds right now. I think song lin and major ji are planning to raise hell tonight" she said as she hung up and sprinted donwstairs.

Almost every soldier in the grounds are present there by the time shiyu went down. She pushed aside everyone and made her way towards them. Lu chen was already standing there wide eyed. he looked at her with an expression that said: what the hell is going on? Just as she was about yo reply Ji zue made his move.

It took a minute for lin shiyu to decipher his speed and moves. He moved like wind lin shiyu thought dazedly