

Anna2810 · แฟนตาซี
86 Chs

The imperiousness of a queen

Song lin said calmly

"Commander Zhuang it is impossible to find their main base without having time. we need to infiltrate their main company or we need to hack in to their company's IP assuming they even use the same one for both their legal amd illegal operations" shiyu went on after that

"Since there'll be a hell lot of security its nearly impossible to go in there without having anything to do with the company. we need to reach their main base in order to know their every crime and if time is not on our side this is practically an impossble thing to do " she summed up.

"I already know where their main base is.." he said quietly. They all looked up and raised their brows.

"America....its America" he said at last. They froze and for a moment no one spoke. Then slowly

"You want us to-----" lu chen said

"Go to America----" Ji zue added

"Destroy their main base----" song lin pondered

"And come back alive possibly---" shiyu summed up. The commamder nodded and stood up,silently just observing their reactions. At last Lu chen smiled and said

"Well....I think this is going to be fun." but the commander didn't smile. His face grew more grave with each passing second.

"I still thinks it is a bad idea..." he mumbled to himself.

"What is?" Song lin asked Sharply. But before the commander could say anything Ji zue spoke with a chilling smile

"Its unauthorized isn't it?" he asked looking at the commander. The commander's head snapped up but Ji zue spoke again

"You are acting against the govt orders aren't you? You want us to do something which they don't want us to do...." the commander pinched the space between his brows and nodded at last.

"Take a seat all of you"

They sat on the sofa without a word while he dragged a chair and sat infornt of them.

"Look children no matter how much i think about it I still dont want to send you guys to this mission. but colonel zhou as well as colonel liang insisted that i send you." his tone sounded helpless. The commander can feel their eyes on him can feel their questions bubbling up. So he said before they could ask.

"Look....first of all it is your choice. you can either go or stay. this mission isn't an order. So there's no problem if you don't want to go. Now listen ...we got to know about the slave trades from my daughter. she works at this comapny as some sort of manager. Then one day she got to know about this and she did some digging on her own. Then she reported it to me which I reported back to the government. We had a meeting....more like a fight actually. More than half of the board members didn't want the govt to invovlve in this mission because if TRIUMVIRATE internationals fall it'll effect our economy in a great level and it isn't an easy opponent to deal with so they wanted to leave it alone and eventually everyone agreed with them. when I was not sure what I should do about this my daughter came across some new information which almost gave me a heart attack. That was when I met in secret with both the colonels and colonel liang manged to get in to the comapny with the help of my daughter and found out about some of their operations and the location of their main base" He then pursued his lips and waited for them to speak.

"What is that information?" Lu chen asked. The commander's face hardened.

"They managed to buy our city's 3 most biggest orphanages for girls and 2 famous hospitals. The girls from the orphanages....they are going to ship them somewhere by the end of the year and the hospitals....they are going to convert them in to their own experimental laboratorys" he said sadly. All four of them went still as death and the commander spoke again.

"That was where everything went wrong. Someone informed the board members that we are getting involved and I was given a last warning to not do something like this ever again and they even made my daughter resign her position so we lost the only connection we have to the comapny. All we know is that more than 6 laks girls are going to be shipped to some other nation as either slaves or prostitutes or they are just going to be their experimental playthings and we have 4 months to stop this and that is only if you wish to do this. No one is forcing you. Because when you leave for America you will not get any assistance from the military and you are to use your own money for everything. Should you wish to do this I'll enter a record of you going to some secret mission and if you were to die and couldn't comeback even then no one will know about the sacrifice you make. Your deaths will be kept a secret. I think now you understand what I'm asking of you..." he finished. A depressive silence fell across them and then lin shiyu spoke with a quite steel in her voice and frost in her eyes.

"You are telling us that our so called government found it important to preserve our economy than to save the lives of 6 lakh girls who are going to become the play things of men" she paused and huffed out a laugh. She then stood up with the imperiousness of a queen and looked down at the commander

"I'm in commander Zhuang. I have no objections for going on this mission but if by some miracle I manage to come back alive from this mission I will not for a moment work for a government which is no different from that freaking company" she then bowed and walked out of the room. The commander went silent for a long time. His gaze then fell on Song lin who's looking very eager to go after lin shiyu. He smiled and said

"I now understand why you choose her as your second even though she's just a Sergeant"