

Anna2810 · แฟนตาซี
86 Chs

The general's grand son!!!

The next morning

As it's a new room Ji zue couldn't sleep so he got up and went out. When he came out of the building he found a figure practicing in the ground. He went a little closer. Song lin's practising in the shooting range. She kept on shooting the target changing her distance with every shoot but never once missed the target. He raised his brows impressed at that. Her face is covered in sweat even so she's still beautiful. Her long hair is braided in to a plate. she wore a dark blue crop top and black skintights. She finally stopped after what felt like an eternity but just for a moment. then she put the gun aside and stared practising hand to hand combat moves. Her moments, fast and swift. Ji zue had to try hard to decipher her moves. she kept on practicing a move for 15 min but couldn't get it straight. she kicked the ground in frustration. Ji zue laughed slightly. Then she suddenly turned back. Ji zue stiffened. She narrowed her eyes at him. "From how long were you standing there major Ji??" he walked towards her "Just came down" he lied. But she still kept looking at him like she could see through his lies ji zue tensed up but held her stare not backing off. she finally turned away and he heaved a sigh of relief. Then..

"Oh so here you are..I was literally searching for an hour" Lu chen said as he jogged up to them. Ji zue cursed under his breath and looked at Song lin only to find her trying so hard to control her smile. Ji zue glared at Lu chen. Now what did I do bro???

"You must've been tired major Ji standing there for an hour...take a rest" song lin said and walked away. Ji zue could sense the smile in her words. This egoistic women who does she think she is?

That afternoon Lin shiyu and song lin sat in the cafeteria to have their lunch. But shiyu kept sneaking glances at song lin so she put her chopsticks down and looked up at shiyu.

"what's wrong?Why do you keep staring at me?" she asked. Shiyu went silent for a moment and asked quietly "Is she coming?" Sing lin stiffened but nodded. "When?" Shiyu asked her again. Song lin shook her head indicating that she doesn't know. "Its alright. you don't have to think so much about it" Shiyu said softly as she squeezed song lin's hand. Song lin closed her eyes for a moment and nodded slightly. They ate in silence after that.

Days passed by quickly and it's already been a week since they are here. Ji zue is more than annoyed now. Looking at the irritation on his face Lu chen asked "Why don't you asked colonel Zhou about it?" Ji zue shook his head.

"If Colonel Zhou knows something about this he would've told me already. I don't think he knows the reason we are sent here" Ji zue said. Lu chen sighed and walked up to him.

"Okay now don't get so worked up about it. Didn't song lin say we have a conference to attend now?"he asked. When song Lin's name was mentioned you can see the annoyance on Ji zue's face as clear as the sky. In this seven days there was never once when Song lin spoke to him without a hint of arrogance in her tone. She's driving him nuts. Looking at his face Lu chen laughed slightly. "shiyu told me that Song Lin gives back what she gets. why don't you try being nice to her?" he asked Ji zue. "Be nice to her ? Hah! in her dreams!" Ji zue said that devilish smile back on his face. Lu chen shook his head helplessly

When they entered the conference hall Lin shiyu and shi jin are checking screen while Song lin is on the phone. when song lin saw Ji zue she Bowed her head slightly.

This egoistic women she won't even greet me?!

they sat around the table and the screen lit up indicating an incoming call. Song lin accepted the call and everyone in the room stood up along with her. The screen showed a room where there are three chairs. 2 old men are sitting in the chairs while one of the chairs is empty. the man sitting in the middle is a general while the man beside him is the chief of military.

"Major Ji zue...sir !" he greeted them and the others followed.

"Captain lu chen..sir!"

"Captain song lin..sir!"

"Sergeant Lin shiyu..sir!"

"2nd liteunant shi jin..sir!" Everyone greeted them, there hands at there back chin held up high. The both men in the screen nodded "At ease" said the chief. They all sat down.

"We will start the meeting once the other person is here...until then I would like to talk to someone out of personal intentions. Is that okay chief zhuang?" the man in the middle chair asked. chief nodded "Go ahead general Lu" said the chief. The man turned his head towards the conference room.

"You brat! will you only get married when I die ? how dare you insult the women I set you up with the last time ? Do you know who she is? She's the president's niece you moron!!!" the old man burst out while he looked at Lu chen. Ji zue tried hard to control his laughter while song lin and shiyu are shell shocked at the scene.

"I'm not interested in marrying anyone right now grand father" At lu chen's answer the old man got even more frustrated.

"You..you are born to anger me aren't you. your brother did the same and now you are doing the same. we don't know when w.." but Lu chen interrupted him. His face more than a little serious. "I don't want to talk about this now. Let's focus on the issue at hand general Lu" Ji zue stiffened when the old man mentioned Lu chen's brother. The old man seemed to have realized he said something he shouldn't have said. His face softened.

"Its been so long yet..".."okay that's enough grand father" Lu chen interrupted him again his face stiff as stone. shiyu and song lin seemed to have sensed something's wrong but they kept quiet. The old man was about to say something when the door to the room in which they sat opened. A women in mid 40's entered. Even though she's old she still looked good. Song Lin's face stiffened and she clenched her fists. Lin shiyu put her hand on song lin's indicating her to calm down. The women in the screen didn't even glance at her she went straight to the officers said something to them in a low voice her face anxious. when they heard her their expressions changed . chief turned to towards the screen and said "We have something to attend to... we will discuss this meetings agenda later" and the screen went blank.