

Anna2810 · แฟนตาซี
86 Chs

She was all he could think about

When they reached the mansion, it was already late. Rose was just coming out of the kitchen, when helen and zayne opened the door.

"You're here." she said.

"Where are the others?" zayne said walking over to her and taking the drink from her hand. Rose blinked, zayne was drinking?

"They are waiting for you in the study" she said slowly, looking at helen. Helen walked upstairs without another word. Rose furrowed her brows.

"Did something happen bro?" she asked carefully.

"Nothing" zayne said, his voice cold. Rose didn't pester him further. and they both walked upstairs to the study room.

The study was silent as zayne opened the door and went inside. He found helen standing behind sam and cristina, who are both immersed in the screens. Cassian and az sat at the round table, both busy in their phones.

"Where's celeana?" he asked.

"She's in the balcony, getting some fresh air." cassian answered, putting his phone down when he saw that zayne arrived. "I'll go call her"

Everyone settled around the table except cristina and sam who still appeared busy with the computers. He turned a questioning gaze at helen. She answered immediately, which was rare.

"They're both working on the companies."

"Are they succeeding?"

"Cristina might. But, sam" helen shook her head. "Triumvirate's security walls are ironclad, it'll take sometime"

Zayne nodded. "Doesn't matter if you're slow, just don't alert the other party." he said. sam and cristina nodded before getting back to their work. Zayne turned to celeana who sat far away from them, her eyes cold and distant.

"What about justin, celeana?"

"Peachwood" she answered. "I followed him there, but that's a secured neighborhood, if we want to get inside, we should be a resident or we should be a guest of one of the residents"

"So he does live there then?"

"We can't be sure, he's rumoured to be living there, and yes I did follow him there but, who knows maybe that's just his temporary residence, maybe he's only putting on a show to keep the media's attention focused there." celeana said.

Helen nodded. "we'll need to get inside"

"We can actually buy a villa there, that's the easiest way to get inside."

Helen looked at him, zayne's loaded. He could easily but it.

"But it's going to take time, We'll need to forge all the fake documents for your identity."

"And we don't have time." cassian said, frowning.

"I'll find a way to get inside, give me a few days." helen said to zayne. He debated asking her how exactly was she going to do that, but even looking at helen is becoming difficult right now. All he could think of is how she gasped when he kissed her earlobe and how her body arched in to him. Like she enjoyed it. His touch.

"Zayne?" cassian called out and he realized he was staring at her without answering. He cleared his throat.

"How many days?"

"A week. Give me a week and I'll take care of justin"

Zayne didn't answer her, instead he turned to azriel " What about steve?"

"Regal riveria hotel"

"A hotel?" zayne asked.

"I thought it was odd too, but I followed him in and I overheard a conversation between him and his uncle."

They all leaned forward, "you saw his uncle?" zayne asked.

Az nodded "Yeah, steve was complaining about how he didn't have his own residence and his uncle said that staying at the hotel is better because justin can't keep an eye on him there, and that he's been staying at the hotel for almost a year, he should've gotten used to it by now."

"If that's where he is staying, then it's a lot more easier for us to monitor him." zayne said.

Zayne fell in thought for some time and they didn't interrupt him.

He turned to them, "Alright, we have a week. Celeana and I will take care of wiliam, cassian, az you guys handle steve, and rose, find out more about steve's uncle" at last he turned to helen "take care of justin"

She just gave a nod. But he leaned forward,

"Helen, I want you to be very very careful when you are dealing with him. If he gets suspicious, there's little we can do to escape."

He expected her to have some retort or at least scowl at him, but she just nodded again and looked away from him, her eyes cold. For some reason, it didn't feel good.

"Let sam and cristina do their work, do not involve them in this.

They all nodded.

"Alright then, we are finished here. We'll discuss again in a week, by then I expect you all to have all the information we need. Then we'll see how we're going to act."

Celeana was the first one to leave. Zayne frowned, looks like he's not the only one in a bad mood.

"There's a bar around the corner. wanna go have some drinks?" az asked, looking at cassian and him. Cass nodded and zayne debated telling no, but he if wanted to clear his head, he definitely needs to drink more than a few shots.

"Let's go" he said, getting up. Both looked at him, surprise evident on their faces. He just shrugged and walked out. When they reached the bar, zayne's mood worsened. God's he hated the crowds here. Maybe it was a mistake coming here. As soon as they are in, he walked straight to the counter, beside him cassian laughed.

"You're in a very good mood today."

Zayne didn't bother answering, he turned around and shook his head, when he saw azriel flirting with one of the blondes.

"Az does have a thing for blondes" cassian said. zayne's lips curved up. Az had a thing for every woman in this entire universe.

"What about you? No plans of getting laid tonight?"

Cass tilted his head, his gaze on the dance floor. "No" he said, but then his eyes locked on a woman in the middle of the dance floor, dancing like there was no one else on the floor except her. Cassian smirked, his eyes glinting as he found his prey. "On second thought, yes." he said, walking away.

Zayne watched as cass walked over to her, and then they were dancing, talking, smiling. He chuckled as he watched them leave the dance floor. They disappeared behind the shaded alcoves near the floor. Zayne could guess what they were actually doing right now. He sighed and downed his drink. In their gang, if az was the flirt, cassian was a predator. Az loved girls who are gentle, easy going, but cass...he likes a challenge. He'd pick the most difficult woman in the room and win, every time. It was really amusing to watch.

Zayne sighed again, wondering what helen would be doing right now. Would she be thinking about him? because he was. She was all he could think about.

He shook his head, hard.