

Anna2810 · แฟนตาซี
86 Chs

She smelled like pine and cream

Shiyu grabbed her black windbreaker and purse. She found rose waiting for her when she came out.

"Won't you be bored all by yourself?" she heard rose ask sam. There's something in the way he looks at her. Some feeling shiyu couldn't quite pinpoint on.

"Why will he be bored?" cassian asked Confused. Rose smiled at him sweetly as she pulled him up from the chair and said

"Because you will be driving us and zayne will be in the kitchen"

"What?" cassian and zayne barked at her. She ignored cassian and turned to zayne

"Then you want her to cook alone for all of us?!" he sighed. she then said to sam

"Come along with us. You don't know how to cook anyway" sam nodded and got up too. Rose gestured to shiyu and rose, cassian, sam walked towards the door. shiyu looked at both zayne and song lin who looked pissed as hell.

"Just...just try not to kill each other ok?" she said and ran out before they could say anything. The door closed with a click.

Zayne walked in to the kitchen without a glance toward her. She gritted her teeth and followed him in. The kitchen is quite spacious with a table in the middle. Song lin took out the ramyeon packages from the cupboard. She turned when she heard the sound of running water. Zayne was washing the fruits. She watched as he washed them and and took out a plate and knife from the wall.

"What are you looking at ? Never seen a man cooking?" she rolled her eyes and started boiling the water. They worked in silence for some time. Then song lin asked him as she placed boiled noodles on a plate.

"Everyone of you eats ramyeon?" when he didn't answer she turned and found him keenly cutting the fruits. She leaned a little closer and hid a smile as she observed the shapes of those fruits. Stars, hearts, cubes..He finished and put the plate on the table. He arched a brow when he found her staring at him.

"I asked if all of you will eat noodles?" he nodded but quickly stopped her when she took out eggs from the fridge.

"Rose is a vegetarian." he said. she nodded.

"I'll cook something else for her" she said and went back to cooking. He watched as she cooked. Sweat beaded down her forehead. Her little bun had almost come undone. She kept pushing back the hair from her eyes, in the process she smudged her face with cream. He walked towards her as if in a daze and combed back the little strands of hair from her forehead, Song lin went still when she sensed his hands in her hair. He breathed in her scent slightly. She smelled like pine and cream. He touched her hair again absently, it was soft under his touch. Song lin could hear her own thundering heartbeat as she felt zayne touch her hair again. She could feel his breath down her neck.

"What are you doing?" she barely managed to whisper. Zaybe froze, he moved away from her abruptly. He cleared his throat and said

"Can't you tie your hair properly? What if they fall in the food? You want us to eat your hair?" he asked. Her temper rose when she heard him. She glared at him and said

"Oh why don't you cook everything yourself if you're so worried?" she turned and was about to walk out of the kitchen. She stopped when she heard him say

"Lin shiyu's going to get really angry" he smiled when he saw her quietly going back to cooking. They worked side by side and the silence was overwhelming and a little annoying. He gave her a sidelong glance as he asked

"why are all the walls white?" she didn't look at him as she said

"Colonel liang preferred it that way" she suddenly paused doing what she did and asked

"Who are Cassian's parents?" zayne paused just for a second before going back to arranging the dishes

"Haven't you been smiling with him the whole time? I'm sure you've figured it out already" he scoffed. She put the plate in her hand down on the table with a thud as she turned and glowered at him.

"Do you have a problem if i smile? or are you pissed that you can't smile like me?" he finally turned around to face her. He arched a brow and said nonchalantly

"Do you think you look like a heroine or something when you smile?" he scoffed and said again "More like a hideous creature" song lin couldn't believe that she has been called a hideous creature. Fine, she never thought she was a heroine but hideous creature?!!

"Yeah there. That look suits you better than your smile" zayne commented when he saw her glaring at him. She wished she could throw the eggs she's holding at him.

"As if I care what you think" she mumbled but he could clearly hear her. He glared at her which she politely ignored.