

Anna2810 · แฟนตาซี
86 Chs

Meeting part 6

"What is there to think about sam? You can see that they are talented from the information they gave us right?" Rose answered before Zayne could say something.

"You seemed to like them a lot?" zayne said as he looked at rose suspiciously. She giggled and said

"Well it's kinda fun to see someone get under your nerves that easily" when zayne glared at her, she grinned. "But you said she's so cold. I thought she wouldn't even talk but she's good, I mean she smiles a lot" rose said confused. Both zayne and azriel sighed heavily.

"I swear it is my first time seeing her smile so much" zayne grumbled.

"I support you in that matter. I've never once seen song lin smile in my entire time with them" Lu chen said thoughtfully.

"Well...didn't she just say that it depends on who the other person is?" Celeana said giving them both a meaningful look. Both glowered at her.

In the bedroom

"What is wrong with you shiyu?" song lin burst out as soon as they entered the room.

"I should be asking that. what is wrong with you!" shiyu shouted back at her.

"It is just a house what are you getting so worked up about? should you do this infront of them?" As she listened to her shiyu finally lost her calm.

"Oh just a house?! huh" she paused and snickered. Song lin's face grew cold with each paasing second.

"I never merge my personal life with my professional life. we needed a house and it doesn't matter to me since we are on a mission. I don't care about other shit" song lin said as she clenched her jaw. Shiyu's tone turned even angrier.

"Oh yeah? you don't care? yes now you will not care about anything but as soon as we go there your mood will be off and you'll turn in to a person so cold sometimes even I couldn't tell whether you're a human or not!" she practically screamed on top of her lungs, thank God the walls are sound proof.

"Then what about you ? you think you'll be your cheerful self in this mission. Your mood sets off as soon as we talk about the girls, still you wanted to come. I said no but you didn't listen to me and now you want me to listen to you?" song lin said as she balled her fists.

"That is different song lin" was all shiyu said. Song lin scoffed

"How is it any different? you came beacuse you felt like you had to. even though you know it'll just stir up your old memories, you still came. Its the same for me too shiyu. I can't just keep quite because of some personal shit when I know I can help!" song lin said she kicked the bed hard.

"Then just what on earth do you want me to do? tell me? you want me to stand there and watch as you brood over your personal shit ?! Or do you want me to just pretend that I don't know anything about you, do you want me to pretend that nothing will bother you just like how everyone thinks Or do you want me to just leave you alone when you are literally breaking apart from inside?"shiyu's voice broke, eyes turned watery. Song lin went silent at her questions. Right. why the hell am I fighting with her. After all she wants what best for me song lin thought as she walked towards shiyu and took her hand.

"No I don't want you to do that...I just want you to tell me that its going to be fine that one day everything's going to be fine, when I'm breaking apart I want you to hold me like you always do since I have no choice but to go there and since you have no choice but to save the girls, I want you to stay by my side like you always do" song lin paused and swallowed the lump in her throat as she looked up "Can you do that for me?" she asked her voice a near whisper. Tears ran down shiyu's face as she looked at her brave friend. She smiled just like she always does and nodded slightly. Song lin wiped the tears on shiyu's face and said softly

"I'm glad you are with me" shiyu gave song lin her most beautiful smile as she said

"Me too" which made song lin smile. Cassian looked at them at this very moment. He took his phone out and took a picture of them both. He smiled at the picture, at the two women holding each other hands, frozen in a moment of peace with their most beautiful smiles.

"What are you doing?" rose asked. Only rose noticed him taking their pic as the others are busy talking with each other. Later. he gestured to her when he saw song lin and lin shiyu coming out from the room.

"So there family issues aside what should we do as soon as we get there?" celeana asked as soon as lin shiyu and song lin sat down.

"First tell us your names" shiyu asked her tone back to her sweet cheerful self. Lu chen hid a smile and said

"I told you mine already and you know that he's sam. whose else's names don't you know?" since she heard them call cheng xi and su yi as celeana and rose she turned to yun shen. He gave her a little lazy grin and said

"Cassian" shiyu nodded and turned to Ji zue

"What is yours major ji?" she asked knowing a look wouldn't be enough to make him talk.

"Zayne" he said in his usual indifferent tone. shiyu nodded and kept quiet. He leaned forward as he said

"From the information we've got we can say that she's a good women but we can't be sure that she isn't involved in all these. So I guess there are 2 possibilities here.

one: hye rin and her son are also involved in this thing.

Two: They may not be involved. If we are right about the second one I guess our mission becomes easy." zayne said.

"You want to ask their help if the 2nd possiblity is right?" azriel asked. Zayne nodded.

"It will be easy if someone from the inside are on our side."

"But the thing is how do we find out whether they are involved in this or not? and what if they are involved? what do we do then?" rose pondered.

"So the first thing we do after we reach there is find out more about hye rin and justin" azriel said as he straightened. Zayne turned to song lin

"Can you do that ? I mean it's easy here to do that but there'll be a hell lot of security over there" he said quietly. She tilted her head for a moment and considered it.

"Since they are filthy rich I'm sure they'll have so many maids in their house---" rose interrupted her.

"What will the maids know?" she asker her confused. shiyu smiled at her.

"You'll be surprised by how much a person working in your home can know about your life. They'll have nothing but gossip to pass their time during the work since the people in the house consider themselves above talking to maids" shiyu explained patiently.

"Don't you think they'll take care while appointing maids? and how can you be sure that the maids will tell you what you want?" azriel asked as he looked at song lin and lin shiyu.

"It doesn't matter az" celeana said suddenly"it doesn't matter how much care they'll take beacuse everyone will have something precious they don't want to loose. we just have to find out that precious thing" a devilish smile lit song lin's face

"And what can be more precious to a maid who works 24 hrs other than her family?" song lin paused and smiled to herself. "You just have to prove to them that what's precious to them is now in your hands and all the answers will come running out of their mouths" she said as a distant light flickered in her eyes.

Dangerous zayne thought as he stared at song lin. She's beautiful, wicked but dangerous. She will do anything it takes to get what she want. But he didn't feel any fear from that. He felt a different kind of thrill as he looked at her. He wanted to find out to what ends will she go to do this, and that if she really has it in her to do that though he already knew the answer. He suddenly looked away surprised at himself that his thoughts were about her but they were always about her these days no matter how much he try to forget.

"So hye rin, william and justin aside what about the remaining three kids?" Celeana asked as she observed zayne who seemed to be in his own world.