

Anna2810 · แฟนตาซี
86 Chs

I thought you love her

"What are you doing here?" shiyu asked when she saw lu chen coming towards her. He smiled "What better place to be than under the light of stars with a queen of starlight" he said dramatically bowing to her. She rolled her eyes and shook her head.

"What?" he said when he saw her shaking her head.

"Its...just...you are such a..."

"Brilliant guy?" he interrupted her.

"Shameless flirt" she said flatly. He chuckled and his smile grew wide. She said helplessly when she saw him smile again

"I don't know how you became a captain when all you do is flirt around with every women you see." He raised his brows.

"And I don't suppose you are going to tell me why you became song lin's second " he said grinning at her. She raised her brows

"What do you mean why?" she asked instead of answering him. He chuckled and said

"You know there's a thing like rank and sergeants aren't supposed to be the second in commands" he said looking meaningfully at her.

"I thought you didn't care about the ranks?" she asked again.

"I don't but I'm a little curious to how colonal liang let you become her second" he said looking away and staring at stars. It was a beautiful night and in that silence they could hear even the teeny tiny sounds.

"Ofcourse she didn't approve it until I proved myself " she said her eyes going distant with the memory.

"Did song lin fight for you?" he guessed. She nodded smiling

"We almost got our legs broken off in the mission colonel liang gave us but in the end we did what we had to and she has no choice but to agree" he raised his brows at that

"What mission did she give you?" he asked.

"Its classified" she said her face turning serious. he chuckled

"Ofcourse it is" he looked at her "Did she get in trouble for arguing...as far as I know colonel liang doesn't liked to be talked back"

"yeah she did" shiyu said. her tone went sad.she added as if in after thought "A lot of trouble" he went silent for sometime before saying

"You know I thought you love her for all the care you shower on her." he said crossing his hands. she turned to him surprised.

"I mean only lovers take care of each other that way you know...thats why I thought you loved her" he said. she laughed but he still looked at her as if he has to hear it from her. she sighed and opened her mouth to talk and Lu chen found himself holding his breath and for what he didn't know

"I do love her" Lu chen went still but she continued "but not in that way. To me Song lin is like my sister from another mother. That's all"

Lu chen relaxed and nodded. she said again

"I'm surprised you thought of it that way. I never look at song lin with that type of intrest"

"Well but you do care about her a lot..." he said quietly. she shrugged and looked away. As if it is something she could shrug about. The more he looked at her the more he found her similar. The way she holds song lin back so that she don't get in trouble, the way she was always there when ever she thought song lin's not alright. He saw song lin pushing her away many times but still she held on to her as if it didn't matter that song lin pushed her way as long as she's happy. A memory surfaced in his mind. Of a time when he he had a friend who thought of him that way, a friend who would always put him first and then himself. Something in Lu chen's chest tightened. He shook his head as if he could clear away all those memories in his head and when he turned and looked at her he found her silently looking at the stars, a small serene smile playing at her lips like she's recalling a memory and couldn't help but smile. He silently wished her face would always be the same, adorned with a smile. That's when an alarm played in her phone and they both came back to their senses.

"My patrol's done. I'm going back in. you could stay here if you want....under the light of stars but without the queen of starlight" she said winking at him and went inside. He laughed softly and followed her in.